UCL GBSH Feature: This Is The World’s First B-School Dedicated To Healthcare Management
3 October 2021
Kristy Bleizeffer at Poets&Quants reports on the world's first-ever business school for health, (the UCL Global Business School for Health) and interviews programme director Professor Nora Colton.
“It’s such a pleasure to get an opportunity in your career to be handed a concept, and to really turn it into something that’s actualized and can energize, but also to make such a difference to the world." - Nora Colton in Poets&Quants .
Reporter Kristy Bleizeffer explores the large gap in the market for business schools such as the UCL Global Business School for Health (UCL GBSH), especially upon reflection of the vital role of healthcare in the last two years with the global pandemic.
When interviewed about the creation of UCL GBSH, Professor Graham Hart, Co-Director of UCL Health of the Public and creator of the school said:
"We all must start and end with people. For patients to get the best service, we need talent, ambition and leadership throughout the entire system. That’s why UCL is the right place for the Global Business School for Health. We’re London’s global university, so our remit is health throughout the world, not just for the rich countries of the North.”