The Financial Times reports on the need for health-focused business programmes
30 November 2021
Seb Murray at the Financial Times reports on why business schools are beginning to focus on health as Covid-19 highlights challenges.

"As the pandemic amplifies the problems faced by health systems around the world — from ageing populations and rising costs to inefficiencies and increases in chronic conditions — business schools are responding with new programmes and institutions focused on healthcare." - Seb Murray reports for the Financial Times.
This article reflects on the growing need for health-care focused business programmes as a result of the global pandemic, and features UCL's Global Business School for Health as an example of offering such programmes.
Our Global Business School for Health Director Nora Colton is interviewed by Seb Murray on why there is such a pressing need for health-focused business degrees. Nora explained to Seb, “There is a growing recognition that healthcare is not just a public service, it’s a business."
The article also notes the UCL GBSH aim to increase the number of people working in healthcare as "The World Health Organization projects a global shortage of 18m by 2030", as well as the goal to address challenges and weaknesses within the health sector.