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These papers were originally submitted as a dissertation in completion of the requirements for the degree Masters in Global Migration. The views expressed in these papers are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of UCL’s Migration Research Unit.
- Issue 1: Returning to Romania: How Does Integration and Transnationalism Affect Intentions of Return Migration? (.pdf) by Rose Hammond
- Issue 2: Redefining best interests: Understanding the needs of unaccompanied teenage migrants through the lens of non-governmental shelters in Northeastern Mexico (.pdf) by Ricardo Muniz Trejo
- Issue 3: Performing Strategic and Emotional Citizenship and Transnational Political Participation by UK-US Dual Citizens (.pdf) by David Beadle
- Issue 4: Disease, Discrimination and Diasporicity and The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Diasporic Engagement of the Italo-Chinese Second-Generation (.pdf) by Katie Graves
- Issue 5: Beyond the invisible, silent models of ‘success’: An exploration of ‘British-Chinese self-representations on podcasts and Instagram (.pdf) by Anabel Lee
- Issue 6: Locating myth, membership, and illegality in the media construction of Windrush – a discursive analysis (.pdf) by Emma Ring
- Issue 7: Migration, Development, and Diaspora Governance and A comparative analysis of the diaspora engagement policies of India and Ghana (.pdf) by Morgan Muat
- Issue 1: Discourse and power relations in the asylum legal system: exploring the construction of refugee narratives by legal advocates in Lebanon (.pdf) by Malak Benslama-Dabdoub
- Issue 2: An explorative ethnography in the super-diverse Wilmslow Road and Urban sociality and the recontextualization of shisha and food (.pdf) by Elena Damiano
- Issue 3: Queerness, Diasporic Engagement and Notions of Acceptance among First Generation Queer Migrants in London (.pdf) by Josephine Mizen
- Issue 4: A Language on the Move and Austrian Migrants in the United Kingdom and their German Mother Tongue by Stefanie Buzmaniuk
- Issue 1: A Language on the Move and Austrian Migrants in the United Kingdom and their German Mother Tongue (.pdf) by Stefanie Buzmaniuk
- Issue 2: “Welcome to Canada”: Hospitality, Inclusion and Diversity in Private Refugee Sponsorship (.pdf) by Anna Hutchinson
- Issue 3: Unbounding ‘Chineseness’: Placing ‘Huaren’ Transmigrants in London (.pdf) by Janard Liew Jian An
- Issue 4: Exploring the Social Networks of Somali Refugees Settled in Lieksa, Finland (.pdf) by Katri M. Nevalainen
- Issue 5: Understanding Migrants in Limbo through Statelessness and Exploring the inability and unwillingness to return among undocumented Moroccan migrants in Sweden (.pdf) by Isabelle Rothstein
- Issue 6: ‘That is a Beijing problem’: the making of rural-urban migrants as translocal environmental subjects in Shenzhen (.pdf) by Luise Yang
- Issue 7: Branding Remembrance: The Symbolic and Material Imaginaries of the Poppy (.pdf) by Silvia Binenti
- Issue 8: Third sector organisations and the de-politicisation of asylum governance (.pdf) by Nicolas Sharma
- Issue 9: Hidden Borders and How and why policies contributing to the destitution of asylum seekers in the UK are justified (.pdf) by Olivia Field
- Issue 10: ‘Berlin’deyim Aşkım!’ On Performativity, Advocacy and Transnational Solidarity amongst Queer, Turkish-Speaking Migrants in Berlin (.pdf) by Erkan Gursel
- Issue 11: Identity Construction, Belonging, and Community: A case study of queer Muslims in the United Kingdom (.pdf) by Elizabeth Johnstone
- Issue 12: Learning in Displacement and Refugee Youth’s Access to Education in Budapest (.pdf) by Linda Nagy
- Issue 13: Men at work: the role gender in refugee men’s solidarity enactments in Athens (.pdf) by Oska Paul
- Issue 14: The Reasonableness of Assessing “Genuineness” in Canadian Spousal Sponsorship Permanent Residence Applications (.pdf) by Sharmin Rahman
- Issue 1: Queer (Im)mobilities and the ‘Refugee Crisis’: Examining Stakeholder Responses to Sexual Minority Refugees in Turkey (.pdf) by Aydan Greatrick
- Issue 2: The WHO response to ebola: a discursive analysis (.pdf) by Catriona Gold
- Issue 3: The Construction of Refugee Housing and “Home” in the Dispersed City – A Case Study of the City of Cologne (.pdf) by Sarah Magali Mohr
- Issue 4: Escalator Regions in the 21st Century: Examining the relationship between social mobility and internal migration within England and Wales during recent decades (.pdf) by Adam Stiles
- Issue 5: Safe and Legal Passages to Europe: A Case Study of Faith-Based Humanitarian Corridors to Italy (.pdf) by Susanna Trotta
- Issue 1: Reflections of Madina in Post-Secular Britain and The Case of the Ihsan Community in Norwich (.pdf) by Bernhardt Caselin
- Issue 2: Actors and Networks: Unravelling Foreign Domestic Labour and Migration (.pdf) by Alex K.S. Ma
- Issue 3: Controlling Time? and The Influence of UK Tier 2 Status on Migrants’ Relationship with Time (.pdf) by Linn Helene Skovly Aakvik
- Issue 1: Growing up between languages: Multilingualism among young Bosnian immigrants in Carinthia, Austria (.pdf) by Lauren R. Shaw
- Issue 2: The Edible Nation: Exploring Culinary Nation-Building in Gibraltar (.pdf) by Amy Nuñez
Reflections on the Carceral Geographies of Detention Centres: A Visitor’s Perspective (.pdf) by Lauren Shaw
- Issue 1: The impact of male out-migration on left-behind women’s marital and reproductive strategies: a case-study in Kebemer, Senegal (.pdf) by Melissa Alice Paintoux
- Issue 2: From the Front Page to the Town Hall Representations of Irish Travellers and local resistance to sites (.pdf) by Joanna Moore
- Issue 3: Queer, Beyond a Reasonable Doubt: Refugee Experiences of ‘Passing’ into ‘Membership of a Particular Social Group' (.pdf) by Elizabeth Connely
- Issue 4: Family Reunification Rules in the UK: Protecting or Redefining Citizenship through Immigration Control? (.pdf) by Ana Macouzet
- Issue 5: Citizenship and Geographies of Belonging: The Experience of Portuguese-Angolan and Indo-Mozambican Communities “Returning Home" (.pdf) by Jessica Vilela Hansraj
- Issue 6: No ‘Place’ For Home: Stories of Discomfort and Depoliticisation in the Privatisation of Dispersal Accommodation in Yorkshire and Humberside (.pdf). by Lorna Kate Gledhill
- Issue 1: How does the movement of migration journey through the European border regime? Exploring the 'becomings' of irregularity, transit space and political subjectivity in Patras, Greece (.pdf) by Sally Jane Hole
- Issue 2: Effects of migration on Jaffna Tamil families (.pdf). by Aishwarya Bowatte
- Issue 3: Spiritual remittances from Muslim communities in London: Religiosity across borders (.pdf) by Rahima Begum
- Issue 4: The Case of Maria Amelie. and Post-political biopolitics, geopolitical imaginations and the Norwegian Asylum System (.pdf) by Sigurd Tvete
- Issue 5: Feminised Labour Migration and the International Division of Reproductive Labour: The case of Filipina Domestic Workers in London (.pdf) by Mariko Hayashi
- Issue 6: Language, Identity and Serbian Diaspora Engagement and The importance of language maintenance to Serbia and the UK Serb Diaspora (.pdf) by Charlotte Whelan
- Issue 7: Zimbabwean migrants considering return and This paper investigates how Zimbabwean migrants in the UK consider return to Zimbabwe (.pdf) by Elin Berstad Mortensen
- Issue 8: Challenging the politics of invisibility andAsylum seekers’ political activism in the north-east of Italy (.pdf). by Valentina Port
- Issue 9: Identity, cultural production and diaspora politics and An exploration of the work of second-generation Palestinian artists in the UK (.pdf) by Agata Patyna
- Issue 10: E.U. Border Securitization, Migration and Free Movement and The case of Galati (Romania): a ‘frontier within a frontier' (.pdf) by Cristina Pecheanu
- Issue 11: New Europeans and Dual Citizenship and Mobility among Latin Americans (.pdf) by Helen McCarthy