
UCL Department of Geography


PhD Research

We get many enquiries from propsective PhD students who are interested in studying in the Coastal and Estuarine Research Unit

If you would like to learn more about the opportunities available and the procedures for making an application then please read the information on this page.

Research Interests

Our main areas of interest lie within the areas indicated below. We are particularly keen to attract PhD students with good mathematical and/or computing skills who are interested in the modelling of environmental systems. PhDs will be jointly supervised by Professor Jon French and Dr Helene Burningham in CERU.

  • Hydrodynamic and morphodynamic modelling of coastal and estuarine systems
  • Tidal inlet and tidal-delta morphodynamics
  • Tidal wetland processes and restoration
  • Beach and dune processes
  • Coastal sedimentology and sediment budgets
  • Impacts of climate change and sea-level rise on coastal and estuarine systems
  • Coastal applications of remote sensing and GIS
  • Coastal geomorphology in nature conservation

Current PhD Students

We currently have PhD students working in the following areas:

  • M Fernandez: Historical morphodynamics of Andalucian saltmarshes.
  • E Gardner: Coastal lake hydrogeomorphology and ecology.
  • M Schembri: Maltese beaches: a source to sink approach.
  • D Price: Physical processes of sediment accumulation in tidal saltmarshes: A comparative analysis of degraded and restored systems.
  • K Pylarinou: Modelling the impacts of climate change on large-scale coastal and estuarine habitats.
  • T Oyedotun: Estuary-coast interaction and morphodynamic evolution.
  • C Barrett-Mold: Coastal and estuarine habitat dynamics: a morphostratigraphic study.
  • L Morales-Marin: Numerical modelling of lake hydrodynamics and sedimentation.
  • I Woolway: High-resolution coherence in lake dynamics.


Before completing an application form, please consider how you will fund your studies. Our UK PhD students are generally either self-funded or are funded through a scholarship from a UK Research Council (such as NERC or EPSRC): citizens of other EU countries may also be eligible for these sources of funding; non-EU citizens are not normally eligible.

Competition for the very small number of Research Council or other funded places in our Department is very strong and most successful applicants possess a Masters degree in a relevant discipline. The application deadline for these studentships is normally in March, for awards to commence the following October.

Information on some of these sources of funding (UK and EU applicants only) is available via these links:

PhD Research in the Department of Geography

Overseas students from non-EU countries are primarily self-financed or in receipt of a scholarship from their own country. A few funding schemes are available within UCL and information on these and other aspects of PhD study at UCL can be accessed via the links below:


For more information about Graduate Study in the Department of Geography, visit our Postgraduate Research pages.

Studying for your PhD

All applications should be sent to:

Department of Geography
University College London
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT
Tel: 020 7679 0518
E-mail: geog.office@ucl.ac.uk