Joint UCL-IIT webinar on the monsoon climate
21 February 2023
Professor Jonathan Holmes says the work of the cross-institutional team is vital for predicting a complex system that impacts over 1.3 billion people.

Last week, Professor Jonathan Holmes and colleague Dr Yama Dixit (Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi) held a webinar on water isotopes and monsoon climate, with attendees including students and staff from UCL, the IIT and participants from the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa.
It was the first deliverable in a joint UCL-IIT project, 'Exploring the spatiotemporal patterns of water stable-isotope across Indo-Gangetic plains to understand the regional hydroclimate'.
During the workshop, Dr Dixit provided an overview of the Indian monsoon system and the controls on its variability.
Professor Holmes outlined the value of water isotope measurements for tracking meteorological processes, including the Indian monsoon.
Such measurements are routinely undertaken in UCL’s Bloomsbury Environmental Isotope Facility (BEIF), as demonstrated during the workshop by lab manager Dr Anne-Lise Jourdan.
The workshop drew on the complementary expertise of staff from the two institutions.
Professor Holmes said, “Around one-sixth of the global population lives under the influence of the Indian monsoon and that population is projected to rise significantly.
"The Indian monsoon is a complex system with marked interannual variations.
"Such variations can have detrimental impacts on society, through droughts and flooding and an understanding the modern system is vital for predicting what may happen in future”.
Keep an eye out for more on this project.