The ICGNMD has links to two teams aross two centres of research excellence in Turkey. UCL has subcontracted ICGNMD activities with the Izmir Biomedicine and Genome Center and Institute (IBG), with additional links to the Faculty of Medicine and Department of Paediatrics Division of Child Neurology at Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir. In partnership with IBG, ICGNMD collaborates with clinical and genetic experts in Ankara City Hospital and Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University. Ankara will provide genetic sequencing of Turkish ICGNMD study participants and partner with UK-based Study informaticians on genomic data analysis.

Back Row - left to right Professor Yavuz Oktay, Dr Ipek Polat, Dr Özlem Yayıcı Köken, Dr Didem Ardıçlı, Dr Büşranur Çavdarlı
Front Row - left to right, Professor Uluç Yis , Professor Ayşe Semra Hız, Professor C Nur Semerci Gündüz , Professor Haluk A Topoloğlu, Assoc. Prof. Ahmet Cevdet Ceylan, Assoc. Prof. Gülay Güleç Ceylan
Ankara and Izmir teams also have strong clinical and academic research links with Professor Haluk Topoloğlu, a distinguished paediatric neurologist currently based at Yeditepe University in Istanbul. Professor Topoloğlu also acts as PhD supervisor to one of Turkey’s two ICGNMD Fellows.