
International Centre for Genomic Medicine in Neuromuscular Diseases


Contact Us

ICGNMD (UK UCL Centre address)

C/O Lindsay Wilson

Box 102,National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery

Queen Square




Twitter: @ICGNMD

Email: icgnmd@ucl.ac.uk

ICGNMD Data Access: May 2024 update

The ICGNMD is in the process of archiving data in the EMBL-EBI Genome-Phenome Archive (EGA). 

We expect to launch this in 2024/2025 to enable authorised access to ICGNMD data.

Please note that some ICGNMD partner sites will require formal collaborations and data may be subject to extended moratoria to enable our researchers based in low-middle income settings sufficient time to evaluate, publish and protect their own data.

We welcome contact to discuss collaborations at any time, via the details above.

When live, the ICGNMD Data archived in the EMBL-EBI EGA will require the Data Access Agreement available here to be completed and submitted for evaluation as a first step.