This is Nicholas Maxwell's website, and contains a lot of information about his life, work and publications devoted to developing Knowledge to Wisdom ideas and arguments.
This contains information about Nicholas Maxwell's latest book.
This site includes a number of articles by Nicholas Maxwell, along with articles by a number of other philosophers of science.
Pentire Press website with information about this second edition, to be published in November 2007.
This has a great deal of fascinating information about books, on-line texts, organizations and groups concerned with aspects of wisdom.
This has essays and reviews by Rafe Champion, inspired by Karl Popper and others. Four articles by Nicholas Maxwell are to be found here: Click "Guest Room" and there are three papers; "Do We Need an Academic Revolution" (summary of my argument), and two papers arguing that aim-oriented empiricism is an improvement over the views of Popper, Kuhn and Lakatos: "A Mug's Game", and "Popper, Kuhn, Lakatos and Aim-Oriented Empiricism".
Click "Forum" and a number of papers come up that were given at a Popper conference in Vienna in 2002. One is by me. It is called "The Enlightenment Programme and Karl Popper". It sets out the basic argument for wisdom-inquiry in a way which makes clear that it improves on Karl Popper, in turn an improvement of the 18th century Enlightenment Programme.
This web site, edited by Dr. Ray Scott Percival, contains a great deal of information about Karl Popper, his life and books, conferences, journals and discussion groups devoted to his work, and philosophers interested in his work.
This site contains a wealth of information about philosophy of science.
This promotes ethical science and technology - based on the principles of openness, accountability, peace, social justice, and environmental sustainability. Their work involves research, education, lobbying and providing a support network for ethically-concerned scientists. SGR is an independent UK-based membership organisation with around 600 scientist members.
Seeks to promote peace by means of education.
This is the site of the campaigning organization, on which "Friends of Wisdom" is modelled.
This includes over 15,000 categorized links to philosophy resources on the internet.
This is categorized by history, subject and author. Integrating text resources with the best online resources, this study guide attempts to aid both academic and general interest in all philosophical genres and their related fields.
Information about second editions of From Knowledge to Wisdom and What's Wrong With Science?, both published by Pentire Press.
This contains essays that seek to promote critical philosophy in the tradition of Kant, Fries, Schopenhauer, Nelson and Popper.
This "supports the development of wisdom in people, organizations, and communities through education, research and consultation". The director is Dr. Carrie Bassett.
Thinking philosophy for personal and business development.
History & Policy works for better public policy through an understanding of history
A site devoted to the logical analysis of the lies, prevarications, and nonsense being fed to the American people by government, business, and the mainstream press.