Ordering, Constructing, Empowering: Fragments of the Roman Republican Antiquarians

It will do so by establishing the texts and contexts of the Roman Republican antiquarians, writers whose construction of the past shaped Roman cultural identity and the religious and institutional system of the Republic. Their works constituted a revolutionary new genre that re-shaped the Roman intellectual horizon and was understood in the 19th century as a distinctive ‘antiquarian’ moment. By making available for the first time a synoptic view of Roman Republican antiquarians, FRRAnt will transform our understanding of Roman Republican culture. This, in turn, will have an enormous impact on the study of those later periods, which look back at Rome as a focal point of cultural reference.
This project will produce the first-ever complete critical edition of the fragments of the Roman Republican antiquarians, which will be philologically rigorous and historically transformative. Supplying this edition with English translation, commentary, and introductions to each author, as well as with a series of accompanying volumes, FRRAnt’s ambition is to launch the study of these texts as a major new departure for the study of the ancient world and of the classical tradition from the Renaissance onwards.
The European Research Council

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