Join our distinctive forensic science masters degree programme with a focus on the interpretation of forensic evidence and the interaction of forensic science with the law, policing and the sciences.
Thinking critically
Our masters programme has been carefully designed to provide a firm foundation and philosophical underpinning to forensic science. And as forensic science is by its very nature interdisciplinary, joining our masters programme will mean you’re part of a truly diverse and multifaceted learning experience. If you want to do analytical chemistry for a year, this probably isn’t the masters for you. But if you want to be stretched to think critically and broadly, before focusing on your own research project, probably drawing from a number of disciplines, find out more here.
Get ready for the future
Our thriving alumni community are our track record. Several of our students go on to work directly for the police, the National Crime Agency and other organisations directly related to crime investigation and prevention and the majority are in full-time employment. Others have gone on to continue pioneering forensic science research or continue their studies in associated disciplines like law.
Learning from the best
You’ll learning from the most prolific researches and leading academics in the forensic sciences in the world today. But because this is applied science, we’ve designed the masters programme with input from the police, security agencies, and leading practitioners. You’ll undertake your own original research with support from world leading academics in the field.
Enter the world of forensic science
When joining our masters programme you don’t just learn through lectures and your own research project. We run a well-respected seminar series especially for our student community to encourage interaction with the best from industry, the security services, and academia. They give their perspectives on current issues in forensic science from their real world experience. There are opportunities for our students to build a considerable network in the forensic science community, and to see how our research is being applied in real life.
What you’ll need
To be part of this thriving forensic science community, you’ll need an upper second-class degree and it helps if it’s in a related discipline. That may be a traditional science degree, archaeology, geology, law or psychology. And you’ll need to be ready to think, collaborate and have your ideas challenged.