
UCL Centre for the Forensic Sciences


Geoforensic science

Geoforensic science

Our research within the field of geoforensic science aims to identify and develop the application of environmental materials to forensic investigations. 

Soil/sediments are highly complex and have physical, biological and chemical attributes that can be indicators of specific locations. Our research addresses a range of different geoforensic materials and we are developing approaches that can be used to compare soil/sediment samples from known locations and relevant forensic exhibits such as vehicles and footwear. 

Current research

  • Physical approaches such as mineralogy and quartz grain surface texture analysis.
  • Elemental chemical approaches. 
  • Biological approaches that address the organic profiles of samples using HPLC.
  • Developing the use of diatoms and pollen as environmental indicators.

Research projects

  • Developing suites of independent analytical approaches for forensic quartz grain surface texture analysis.
  • Organic signatures for soil/sediment differentiation.
  • Inorganic approaches for the analysis of soils/sediments and discerning mixed provenance samples.
  • Forensic limnology: assessing the value of diatoms for forensic investigations.
  • The role of geoforensic analysis for establishing the journey histories of illicit materials and IEDs.


Dr Ruth Morgan
Kelly Cheshire
Georgia McCulloch
Kirstie Scott
Beth Wilks
Dr Nigel Cameron
Dr Simon Gibbons
Dr Lewis Griffin
Dr Jonathan Holmes
Dr Vivienne Jones
Dr Andrew Newell
Professor Neil Rose