
UCL Centre for the Forensic Sciences



The UCL Centre for the Forensic Sciences is an interdisciplinary initiative with members across the university and industry. We aim to create real world impact in the forensic sciences through our research and teaching, by collaborating with practitioners, policy makers and others, and by communicating our work through our publications and events. The CFS Director is Professor Ruth Morgan.

Help us crowd fund

March 2017

'Our ability to analyse may outstrip our ability to interpret forensic evidence', and despite what we see in shows like CSI and Silent Witness, the evidence is not enough. It's not enough to know what a piece of trace evidence is made of, we need to know what it means in a forensic case. Currently there are many questions that we need the answers to in order to interpret evidence accurately. But forensic science research is critically underfunded and these questions are still unanswered. UCL Centre for the Forensic Sciences is committed to addressing this significant issue so we are seeking to crowd fund £1,000,000 to create a dedicated forensic evidence research lab. We need your help. For more information and to join our community of backers visit: ucl.crowd.science

No witnesses


Our academics and PhD students carry out research in two key areas in trace evidence dynamics and the interpretation of evidence.


The MSc in Crime and Forensic Science focuses on forensic science within a holistic crime science framework.


Our academics can offer consultancy in the areas of evidence interpretation, DNA evidence, and forensic geoscience.


The staff and PhD researchers of the UCL Centre for Forensic Sciences engage with many different audiences.

Contact us:

UCL Centre for the Forensic Sciences
35 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9EZ

+44 (0)20 3108 3062, email us at cfs@ucl.ac.uk or find us on Twitter