Pro-forma invoices | Orders are required and invoice must quote order number. You will need to receipt the PO in order to pay as the system is set up to only pay when goods/services receipted. |
Quotations | We expect orders to be raised following the acceptance of a quotation, where quotations have many lines it may be convenient to raise one order line and request that the supplier invoices with a single invoice line referencing the quotation number. |
Rent and Rates | A process using payment schedules and invoices has been developed for this. |
Utilities | Orders will be raised for the estimated yearly amount as a service type order (price = 1, quantity = expected cost), current invoice checking systems will be used and a receipt processed when the charge has been authorised for payment. |
Internal Catering | Use the current methods. |
Urgent payments | Where an invoice is received by AP and needs to be paid, raising a retrospective order and receiving it is as quick overall as any other method. Please ensure very urgent invoices are sent to the Invoice Team Supervisor to fast track. |
Substitute items | The order/order line(s) should be cancelled [together with the requisition/requisition line(s) which can be done by a tick-box] and a new order raised. The supplier should be advised that a new order will be raised for substitute items and that they should ensure that the invoice for the substitutes quotes the NEW order number. |
Equipment Maintenance, rentals and usage | Raise an order for maintenance and rental, an estimated order for usage. Raise one line for each expected invoice, i.e. if billed monthly then have 12 lines, one for each month, or 24 lines if for rental and usage. |
Building Works | Features of building works invoices are: stage billing, increases in scope. The general rules still apply, set up the lines on the order to match the expected invoice breakdown. However, if the number of lines expected is excessive consider setting up a 'service' type order so that the amount can be received rather than the individual lines. Extra lines can be covered by retrospective invoices. Price changes on an order line require an authorised signatory to approve the extra spend. |
Plant Hire | Where plant is hired and it is not certain who the supplier will be then raise a retrospective order. It is good practice to identify the supplier and raise an order before supply for the maximum expected value. For weekly billing raise a line for each week. |
Temporary Staff | Raise the requisition/order with one line for each line on the expected invoices. Use the agreed price for the price on the order line (e.g. cost per hour) and a maximum expected quantity (hours worked). When the supplier completes the work enter the quantity of work done e.g. hours worked. Keep repeating until the contract finishes. |