590 | Religion. Theology |
590A | | Theory and philosophy of religion. Nature of religion. Phenomenon of religion |
590A1 | | | Schools of theology characterised by various attributes |
590A2 | | | Concepts in religion. Religious ideas. Theology |
590A3 | | | The Holy. The sacred. The supernatural. Object(s) of religion/worship |
590A32 | | | | Definition |
590A33 | | | | Origin |
590A34 | | | | Nature. Taboo, herem, sacredness |
590A35 | | | | Representation. Symbols. Symbolism |
590A352 | | | | | Individual symbols |
590A353 | | | | | Letters and numbers. Numerology |
590A36 | | | | Manifestation of the supernatural |
590A362 | | | | | Form of the supernatural. Morphology |
590A363 | | | | | Dynamism. Pre-animism |
590A364 | | | | | Fetishism. Worship of animate and inanimate objects |
590A366 | | | | | Manism. Mana. Gaia. Pantheism. Supernatural inherent in material world |
590A367 | | | | | Animism |
590A368 | | | | | Totemism |
590A37 | | | | Objects of worship specifically |
590A38 | | | | Humans and parts of humans |
590A4 | | | God. Gods (Personalised god(s) as distinct from immanent spirits) |
590A41 | | | | Existence of God |
590A42 | | | | Origin of god(s). Theogony |
590A43 | | | | Activities of God(s). Works of God(s) |
590A44 | | | | Attributes of god(s) |
590A442 | | | | | Name of god(s) |
590A443 | | | | | Physical form, appearance |
590A444 | | | | | Anthropomorphism |
590A445 | | | | | Representation of the god(s). Images of the god(s) |
590A447 | | | | | Spirit of God(s). Essence of God |
590A448 | | | | | Personal characteristics, traits. Nature of the god(s) |
590A4481 | | | | | | Lordship. Kingship |
590A4482 | | | | | | Benevolence |
590A4484 | | | | | | Knowledge. Omniscience |
590A4486 | | | | | | Power. Omnipotence |
590A4487 | | | | | | Presence. Omnipresence |
590A45 | | | | Role, function of god(s) |
590A452 | | | | | Creator god. Demi-urge. Designer God. Deism |
590A453 | | | | | Preserver god. Theism. Providence. Safekeeping and governance of the world |
590A454 | | | | | Destroyer |
590A455 | | | | | Controller god. Deus ex machina |
590A4555 | | | | | | Divine intervention. Miracles |
590A456 | | | | | Responsibilities. Areas of influence |
590A46 | | | | Typology of god(s) |
590A462 | | | | | Sky father |
590A463 | | | | | Earth mother |
590A465 | | | | | Warrior gods |
590A466 | | | | | Tricksters |
590A5 | | | Nature of god(s) and supernatural beings |
590A54 | | | | Single god. Supreme being. Monotheism |
590A56 | | | | Opposing gods. Paired gods. Dualism |
590A57 | | | | Multiplicity of gods. Pantheon. Polytheism |
590A58 | | | | Named gods/goddesses A/Z. (Gender of god(s)) |
590A591 | | | | | Gender of god(s) |
590A5911 | | | | | | Genderless (usually assumed) |
590A5912 | | | | | | Gods |
590A5913 | | | | | | Goddesses |
590A5914 | | | | | | Hermaphrodite gods. Androgynes |
590A592 | | | | | Hierarchy of the gods, organization of the pantheon |
590A593 | | | | | Demi-gods |
590A594 | | | | | Divine personifications. Hypostatizations |
590A595 | | | | | Divine incarnations. Avatars |
590A596 | | | | | Supernatural beings. Spirits. Genii. Genies. Djinns |
590A5961 | | | | | | Angels. Angelology. Angel hierarchy |
590A59611 | | | | | | | Archangels (by function) |
590A5962 | | | | | | Messengers |
590A5963 | | | | | | Guardians (by characteristics) |
590A5964 | | | | | | Benevolent |
590A5965 | | | | | | Malevolent |
590A59651 | | | | | | | Demons. Devils |
590A59652 | | | | | | | Satan. The devil. The evil one |
590A5966 | | | | | | Changeable. Unpredictable |
590A5967 | | | | | | Semi-divine beings. Half mortals |
590A597 | | | | | Deified beings |
590A598 | | | | | Mythical creatures |
590A5981 | | | | | | Therianthropic beings (Part human part animal) |
590A7 | | | The universe. Nature of the universe. Cosmology |
590A72 | | | | The material world. The physical environment |
590A722 | | | | | Origins. Cosmogony. Creation of the world |
590A7224 | | | | | | State before creation. Chaos. Primordial chaos |
590A7225 | | | | | | Primal, primeval battle |
590A7227 | | | | | | Axis mundi |
590A724 | | | | | Theological aspects of elements in the material world (as distinct from their role as objects of worship) |
590A73 | | | | Underworld. Netherworld |
590A74 | | | | Spiritual realms. Heaven. Abode of the gods. Spirit world |
590A75 | | | | Eschatology. End of the world. Last things |
590A752 | | | | | Apocalypse. Apocalyptic |
590A7525 | | | | | | Signs of the end times |
590A7527 | | | | | | Events of the end times |
590A753 | | | | | Last judgement |
590A754 | | | | | Annihilation. Conflagration. Destruction of the world |
590A755 | | | | | Twilight of the gods |
590A756 | | | | | Cosmic restoration. Cosmic apokatastasis. Transformation |
590A757 | | | | | Kingdom, rule of the god(s) |
590A7575 | | | | | | Millennialism. Chiliasm |
590A8 | | | Man. Mankind. Humanity. Doctrinal anthropology |
590A81 | | | | Origins of man |
590A815 | | | | | Creation of man |
590A817 | | | | | Primeval paradise. Earthly paradise |
590A82 | | | | Purpose, destiny of man |
590A83 | | | | Nature of man |
590A835 | | | | | The soul. The spirit. Human spirit |
590A837 | | | | | Freedom. Free will. Predestination |
590A84 | | | | Man''s relation to god(s) |
590A842 | | | | | Religious feelings. Religious experience |
590A8425 | | | | | | Abnormal feelings. Fanaticism |
590A8427 | | | | | | Illusory feelings, experience. Delusions |
590A843 | | | | | Faith. Belief in god(s) |
590A8435 | | | | | | Formal acknowledgement of faith. Religious conversion |
590A844 | | | | | Doubt. Unbelief |
590A845 | | | | | Denial. Apostasy |
590A846 | | | | | Grace |
590A847 | | | | | Covenantal relations |
590A848 | | | | | God''s response to man |
590A8485 | | | | | | God''s gifts to man. Gifts of the Holy Spirit |
590A85 | | | | Human experience. Life |
590A852 | | | | | Suffering |
590A853 | | | | | Evil. The problem of evil. Sin |
590A8532 | | | | | | Origin and nature of sin. Nature of evil |
590A85325 | | | | | | | Original sin. Inherent sinfulness of mankind. Fall of man |
590A8533 | | | | | | Repentance. Contrition |
590A8535 | | | | | | Atonement for sin |
590A8536 | | | | | | Forgiveness. Remission. Absolution |
590A855 | | | | | Salvation. Soteriology |
590A8552 | | | | | | Justification |
590A8553 | | | | | | Redemption |
590A8557 | | | | | | Reconciliation |
590A86 | | | | Death. The dead |
590A87 | | | | Life after death. Afterlife. Hereafter |
590A872 | | | | | States of being. Forms of continued existence |
590A873 | | | | | Immortality. Persistence of life |
590A874 | | | | | Restoration (apokatastasis) of souls |
590A875 | | | | | Reincarnation. Metempsychosis. Metamorphosis |
590A8755 | | | | | | Birth and re-birth |
590A876 | | | | | Resurrection. Rejuvenation. Restoration of the physical body |
590A877 | | | | | Spiritual, immaterial body. Heavenly body |
590A878 | | | | | Liberation of the soul from the body |
590A8785 | | | | | | Annihilation. Cessation of existence. Non-being. Assimilation. Nirvana |
590A88 | | | | Spiritual realms. Non-material world. Spirit world |
590A882 | | | | | Access to the spirit world |
590A8825 | | | | | | Preparation |
590A8826 | | | | | | Judgement |
590A883 | | | | | Journey to the spirit world. Ascension. Descent |
590A885 | | | | | Heaven. The heavens. Paradise. Abode of the gods. Astral plane |
590A8855 | | | | | | Abode of ancestors |
590A886 | | | | | Intermediate state. Limbo. Purgatory |
590A887 | | | | | Hell. Underworld. Hades. Sheol |
590A8875 | | | | | | Abode of ghosts |
590C | | History of the faith, religion, denomination or church |
590E | | Agents in religion (persons and objects) |
590E2 | | | Natural theology. Evidence of the natural world. Rational arguments for belief |
590E22 | | | | Revealed theology. Revelation of god(s) |
590E225 | | | | | Theophany. Hierophany. Kratophany |
590E23 | | | | Sacred books. Scriptures. Religious texts |
590E232 | | | | | Original texts. Canonical works of scripture |
590E233 | | | | | Variants |
590E234 | | | | | Translations (i.e. from the original text) |
590E235 | | | | | Versions |
590E236 | | | | | Rewritings. Paraphrases |
590E2365 | | | | | | Narrative summaries. ''''Bible stories'''' |
590E2367 | | | | | | Parodies |
590E24 | | | | Specific texts. Named texts and books |
590E25 | | | | Secondary literature. Pseudo-canonical works |
590E252 | | | | | Apocrypha. Pseudepigrapha (other than as named) |
590E254 | | | | | Commentary on sacred works |
590E256 | | | | | Interpretative works. Works of guidance on practice |
590E262 | | | | | Oral forms. Oral tradition |
590E264 | | | | | Myths and legends |
590E265 | | | | | Other literary forms |
590E2652 | | | | | | Poetic works |
590E2653 | | | | | | Epics and sagas |
590E2654 | | | | | | Dramatic works |
590E2656 | | | | | | Ritual drama. Ritual re-enactments |
590E266 | | | | | Law. Legal codes. Legal texts |
590E268 | | | | | Texts on ''secular'' subjects (K.g. medicine, science) |
590E27 | | | | Critical works |
590E271 | | | | | Aids to study |
590E2714 | | | | | | Parallel forms. Interlinear texts. Harmonies |
590E2715 | | | | | | Annotated versions |
590E272 | | | | | Concordances |
590E2724 | | | | | | Verbal concordances |
590E2725 | | | | | | Subject concordances |
590E273 | | | | | Commentaries |
590E274 | | | | | General criticism |
590E2742 | | | | | | Authorship, origin of texts |
590E2744 | | | | | | Canon. Canonicity |
590E2746 | | | | | | Authority, inerrancy of scripture |
590E275 | | | | | Textual criticism |
590E2752 | | | | | | Textual apparatus |
590E276 | | | | | Literary criticism |
590E2762 | | | | | | Origin and formation of scriptures |
590E2763 | | | | | | Documentary hypotheses |
590E2764 | | | | | | Form criticism. Formegeschichte |
590E2765 | | | | | | Redaction criticism |
590E2766 | | | | | | Literary content |
590E27663 | | | | | | | Symbolism |
590E27664 | | | | | | | Typology |
590E27666 | | | | | | | Allegory |
590E2767 | | | | | | Historical criticism. Salvation history. Heilsgeschichte |
590E277 | | | | | Interpretation. Understanding. ''''Bible study'''' |
590E2772 | | | | | | Exegesis. Hermeneutics |
590E2773 | | | | | | Eisegesis |
590E2774 | | | | | | Literalist, fundamentalist interpretation |
590E2776 | | | | | | Allegorical interpretation |
590E2777 | | | | | | Demythologizing |
590E278 | | | | | Theology of sacred texts. Theological content |
590E279 | | | | | Religion as demonstrated in sacred texts. Religious practice |
590E28 | | | | Other religious texts |
590E282 | | | | | Liturgical works. Liturgical texts |
590E2822 | | | | | | Comprehensive liturgical works |
590E2823 | | | | | | Creeds and confessions of faith |
590E2824 | | | | | | Catechisms |
590E2825 | | | | | | Prayer books. Books of prayers |
590E2827 | | | | | | Service books. Missals. Breviaries |
590E283 | | | | | Historical documents. Evidential documents. Historical records. Contemporaneous accounts. Letters |
590E284 | | | | | Works of doctrine, dogma. Articles of faith. Systematic theology. Dogmatics |
590E285 | | | | | Defence and exposition of doctrine |
590E2852 | | | | | | Apologetics |
590E2854 | | | | | | Polemics |
590E286 | | | | | Other forms of religious texts |
590E287 | | | | | Sermons as a form |
590E29 | | | | Religious literature |
590E291 | | | | | Religious poetry |
590E292 | | | | | Religious drama |
590E2931 | | | | | | Religious novels |
590E3 | | | Persons in religion |
590E31 | | | | Originator, founder, central figure of the faith |
590E311 | | | | | Founder''s life |
590E3111 | | | | | | Birth, nativity |
590E3112 | | | | | | Family of the founder |
590E31121 | | | | | | | Father |
590E31122 | | | | | | | Mother |
590E3113 | | | | | | Other significant individuals |
590E31131 | | | | | | | Original followers, supporters |
590E32 | | | | Messiah(s) |
590E33 | | | | Inspired persons. Major figures |
590E335 | | | | | Scholars. Thinkers. Philosophers |
590E336 | | | | | Reformers |
590E3361 | | | | | | Martyrs |
590E3362 | | | | | | Ascetics. Hermits. Fakirs |
590E3363 | | | | | | Saints. Boddhisatvas. Enlightened ones |
590E3364 | | | | | | Mahatmas. Gurus. Wise men |
590E3365 | | | | | | Charismatics. Persons with supernatural powers |
590E33651 | | | | | | | Shamans. Witch doctors. Medicine men. Sorcerers |
590E33652 | | | | | | | Cultic priests. High priests |
590E33653 | | | | | | | Thaumaturgers. Wonder workers. Miracle workers |
590E3366 | | | | | | Theocratic sovereigns. Divinely appointed kings. Sacral kingship |
590E4 | | | Agents of worship |
590E42 | | | | Religious sites, locations. Holy places |
590E422 | | | | | Situation, position, location, orientation |
590E424 | | | | | Places of particular spirituality, holiness |
590E425 | | | | | Places with spiritual associations |
590E4252 | | | | | | Sites of visions |
590E4254 | | | | | | Places of martyrdom |
590E4258 | | | | | | Birthplace of holy persons |
590E5 | | | Buildings for religious use |
590E52 | | | | Parts of buildings. Rooms. Areas |
590E53 | | | | Monuments. Shrines |
590E54 | | | | Buildings for worship. Temples. Mosques. Churches |
590E544 | | | | | Sanctuary. Holy area |
590E545 | | | | | Appellation. Dedication |
590E546 | | | | | Side rooms. Chapels |
590E547 | | | | | Screens |
590E5471 | | | | | | Doors |
590E548 | | | | | Functional rooms. Robing rooms. Vestries |
590E55 | | | | Subsidiary buildings. Attached buildings |
590E56 | | | | Monasteries. Community buildings |
590E57 | | | | Buildings for secular purposes |
590E6 | | | Vehicles of cultic acts |
590E62 | | | | Incense |
590E64 | | | | Vestments. Clothing. Robes. Head coverings |
590E65 | | | | Masks |
590E66 | | | | Headgear. Head-dresses |
590E67 | | | | Religion draperies. Hangings. Textiles |
590E7 | | | Objects in worship. Furnishings and decorations |
590E71 | | | | Furniture. Platforms. Lecterns |
590E72 | | | | Altars. Tables |
590E73 | | | | Containers. Sacred vessels. Chalices. Cups |
590E74 | | | | Aids to prayer. Prayer wheels. Rosaries |
590E75 | | | | Lights |
590E76 | | | | Symbols. Images |
590E762 | | | | | Pictorial symbols. Icons |
590E763 | | | | | Decorative devices and objects |
590E764 | | | | | Statuary. Statues. Idols |
590E765 | | | | | Funerary monuments. Tombs and tombstones. Memorials |
590E77 | | | | Relics. Reliquaries. Containers for religious objects |
590E78 | | | | Objects worn on the body. Charms. Talismans |
590E79 | | | | Musical instruments in worship |
590H | | Recipients of pastoral care. Social types and groups |
590H2 | | | Children |
590H3 | | | Elderly. Aged |
590H4 | | | Victims |
590H43 | | | | Victims of crime |
590H45 | | | | Victims of war |
590H47 | | | | Oppressed groups. Liberation theology |
590H475 | | | | | Religious and politically oppressed |
590H5 | | | Minority groups |
590H55 | | | | Ethnic minority |
590H6 | | | Sick |
590H63 | | | | Mentally ill |
590H65 | | | | Physically ill |
590H67 | | | | Disabled |
590H7 | | | Dying |
590H8 | | | Other disadvantaged groups |
590H82 | | | | Needy. Poor |
590H83 | | | | Homeless |
590H84 | | | | Jobless. Unemployed |
590H85 | | | | Destitute |
590H86 | | | | Prisoners |
590H865 | | | | | Prisoners'' families |
590H87 | | | | Widows and orphans |
590H88 | | | | Foreigners. Aliens. Strangers |
590H885 | | | | | Refugees |
590J | | Religious activities. Religious practice |
590J11 | | | Social behaviour and activities. Non-formal religious practice and observance |
590J12 | | | | Moral behaviour. Moral theology |
590J123 | | | | | Right and wrong. Good and evil |
590J1233 | | | | | | Knowledge of right and wrong |
590J12335 | | | | | | | Conscience. Guilt |
590J1234 | | | | | | Freedom to act. Free will. Human ethical actions |
590J12342 | | | | | | | Influences on the exercise of free will |
590J12344 | | | | | | | Determinism |
590J12345 | | | | | | | Predestination |
590J12347 | | | | | | | Temptation |
590J1235 | | | | | | Wrongdoing. Sin |
590J12353 | | | | | | | Origin, source of wrongdoing |
590J12355 | | | | | | | Nature of wrongdoing. Nature of sin |
590J12357 | | | | | | | Specific sins |
590J12358 | | | | | | | Seven deadly sins. Mortal sins |
590J12359 | | | | | | | Venial sins |
590J1237 | | | | | | Good. Virtue. The good |
590J12373 | | | | | | | Origin of good |
590J12375 | | | | | | | Nature of virtue |
590J12377 | | | | | | | Specific virtues |
590J12378 | | | | | | | Cardinal virtues, etc. |
590J12379 | | | | | | | Theological virtues |
590J125 | | | | | Ethical systems. Ethical theory |
590J126 | | | | | Religious ethics. Ethics directly derived from religious systems |
590J127 | | | | | Informal promotion of the faith. Acting as exemplar or ambassador for the faith |
590J128 | | | | | Religious laws, obligations, moral precepts, moral laws. Regulations. Religious duties |
590J1282 | | | | | | Nature of religious law |
590J1283 | | | | | | Requirements of law |
590J1284 | | | | | | Prohibitions |
590J1285 | | | | | | Obedience to the law |
590J1286 | | | | | | Interpretation of law |
590J1287 | | | | | | Exemption from law |
590J1288 | | | | | | Transgression of law |
590J12885 | | | | | | | Mitigation |
590J12887 | | | | | | | Indulgences |
590J1289 | | | | | | Amendment, cancellation of law |
590J13 | | | | Social customs and practice. Social theology |
590J14 | | | | Social behaviour |
590J141 | | | | | Self-emptying. Kenosis |
590J142 | | | | | Food and diet |
590J1424 | | | | | | Food laws |
590J14245 | | | | | | | Dietary requirements. Dietary limitations |
590J14247 | | | | | | | Abstinence. Fasting. Prohibition |
590J1425 | | | | | | Rules concerning specific foods and drinks |
590J143 | | | | | Personal hygiene and appearance. Personal conduct |
590J1433 | | | | | | Cleanliness. Washing |
590J1435 | | | | | | Clothing. Headgear |
590J1437 | | | | | | Cutting, wearing, arrangement of the hair |
590J144 | | | | | Social relationships |
590J1442 | | | | | | Friendships |
590J1444 | | | | | | Conversation |
590J1446 | | | | | | Silence |
590J145 | | | | | Domestic customs and routines |
590J146 | | | | | Medical care and treatment |
590J147 | | | | | Sexual relations, activity |
590J1472 | | | | | | Segregation of sexes |
590J1474 | | | | | | Chastity. Purity |
590J1476 | | | | | | Sexual faithfulness. Promiscuity |
590J1477 | | | | | | Abstinence. Celibacy |
590J1478 | | | | | | Prostitution |
590J15 | | | | Marriage and the family |
590J152 | | | | | Courtship. Selection of marriage partners. Betrothal |
590J153 | | | | | Marital partners |
590J1532 | | | | | | Monogamy |
590J1535 | | | | | | Polygamy. Polyandry |
590J154 | | | | | Divorce |
590J155 | | | | | Children |
590J156 | | | | | Pregnancy |
590J1562 | | | | | | Abortion |
590J1565 | | | | | | Childbirth |
590J157 | | | | | Parenthood |
590J1575 | | | | | | Adoption |
590J158 | | | | | Surrogacy |
590J16 | | | | Charity. Support for others. Pastoral activities. Pastoral theology in the broad sense |
590J162 | | | | | Agencies, institutions for pastoral care and support |
590J163 | | | | | Charitable giving |
590J1632 | | | | | | Tithes. Stewardship |
590J1634 | | | | | | Almsgiving |
590J1636 | | | | | | Surrender of wealth, possessions. Voluntary poverty |
590J164 | | | | | Practical support. Voluntary work |
590J165 | | | | | Counselling. Advising |
590J166 | | | | | Visiting |
590J167 | | | | | Hospitality |
590J168 | | | | | Care. Physical care and attendance |
590J1682 | | | | | | Temporary, respite care |
590J1684 | | | | | | Residential care |
590J16845 | | | | | | | Shelter. Housing |
590J16847 | | | | | | | Hostels. Hospices |
590J1685 | | | | | | Nursing care. Medical care |
590J1686 | | | | | | Healing |
590J16865 | | | | | | | Laying on of hands |
590J17 | | | | Education |
590J172 | | | | | Religious education |
590J1723 | | | | | | Preparation for initiation. Religious instruction |
590J1725 | | | | | | Continuing religious education |
590J174 | | | | | Scriptural study and interpretation (for education) |
590J175 | | | | | Preaching (as education and instruction) |
590J1752 | | | | | | Homiletics. Theory of preaching |
590J1755 | | | | | | Sermons |
590J2 | | | Liturgy |
590J21 | | | | Form of rite. Office |
590J3 | | | Worship broadly. Cult. Rites and ceremonies |
590J32 | | | | Acts of worship (by participants) |
590J322 | | | | | Public worship. Communal worship. Services. (Usually assumed) |
590J3224 | | | | | | Ceremonial. Ceremonies on the grand scale |
590J3226 | | | | | | State ceremonies |
590J3228 | | | | | | Partially public |
590J323 | | | | | Domestic observances. Family worship. Worship in the home |
590J324 | | | | | Personal worship. Private devotions |
590J325 | | | | | Secret worship (by degree of compulsion) |
590J326 | | | | | Compulsory. Obligatory |
590J327 | | | | | Recommended |
590J328 | | | | | Voluntary. Optional |
590J33 | | | | Object of worship |
590J34 | | | | Form of rites, worship (oral) |
590J342 | | | | | Calling to worship, prayer |
590J343 | | | | | Prayer |
590J3435 | | | | | | Specific prayers |
590J344 | | | | | Reading of texts |
590J345 | | | | | Chants. Incantations |
590J346 | | | | | Prophecy |
590J347 | | | | | Glossolalia. Ecstatic utterance. Speaking in tongues |
590J35 | | | | Music in worship |
590J352 | | | | | Solo singing |
590J353 | | | | | Choral music |
590J3535 | | | | | | Musical chants. Plainsong |
590J3536 | | | | | | Antiphonal singing |
590J354 | | | | | Congregational music. Public singing. Community singing |
590J355 | | | | | Instrumental music |
590J356 | | | | | Liturgical settings |
590J3565 | | | | | | Of texts |
590J3567 | | | | | | Of services |
590J357 | | | | | Hymns |
590J3575 | | | | | | Anthems |
590J358 | | | | | Psalms |
590J3585 | | | | | | Metrical psalms |
590J359 | | | | | Religious musical works. Oratorios. Cantatas |
590J36 | | | | Physical rites and ceremonies |
590J361 | | | | | Washing. Ablution. Immersion in water. Sprinkling of water |
590J362 | | | | | Use of other materials, substances |
590J3625 | | | | | | Oil. Anointing. Unction |
590J3627 | | | | | | Incense. Censing |
590J363 | | | | | Postures |
590J3632 | | | | | | Orientation |
590J3634 | | | | | | Bowing. Bending |
590J3635 | | | | | | Kneeling. Genuflection |
590J3636 | | | | | | Prostration |
590J3637 | | | | | | Laying on of hands |
590J364 | | | | | Symbolic gestures |
590J365 | | | | | Procession. Circumambulation |
590J366 | | | | | Dance |
590J3665 | | | | | | Drama. Symbolic enactment |
590J367 | | | | | Eating. Food rites and ceremonies |
590J3672 | | | | | | Shared food. Ritual meal. Breaking of bread |
590J3674 | | | | | | Ritual fasting. Abstinence from food |
590J3676 | | | | | | Drinking |
590J36765 | | | | | | | Potions |
590J368 | | | | | Marking of the body |
590J3682 | | | | | | Ritual marking and scarring |
590J3684 | | | | | | Body piercing |
590J3686 | | | | | | Circumcision |
590J369 | | | | | Control of the body |
590J3692 | | | | | | Endurance of pain |
590J3694 | | | | | | Fire-walking |
590J3696 | | | | | | Levitation |
590J37 | | | | Offerings |
590J38 | | | | Sacrifices |
590J382 | | | | | Burnt offerings |
590J384 | | | | | Whole burnt offerings |
590J386 | | | | | (By subject of sacrifice) |
590J4 | | | Ceremonies by purpose |
590J423 | | | | Personal |
590J425 | | | | | Altruistic |
590J427 | | | | | Vicarious |
590J432 | | | | | Homage. Adoration. Veneration. Worship narrowly |
590J433 | | | | | Profession of belief. Credo. Confession of faith |
590J434 | | | | | Intercession. Influence |
590J435 | | | | | Propitiation |
590J436 | | | | | Petition (By subject of request) |
590J437 | | | | | Confession of sins |
590J438 | | | | | Penitence |
590J442 | | | | | Expiation. Atonement |
590J4425 | | | | | | Scapegoat |
590J443 | | | | | Absolution. Forgiveness |
590J444 | | | | | Purification. Catharsis |
590J445 | | | | | Thanksgiving |
590J4455 | | | | | | Commemoration |
590J446 | | | | | Dedication. Vow. Pledge |
590J447 | | | | | Knowledge. Enlightenment. Insight |
590J448 | | | | | Knowledge of events. Divination. Augury. Soothsaying. Oracles |
590J45 | | | | Control of events. Magic |
590J452 | | | | | Sympathetic magic |
590J453 | | | | | Contagious magic |
590J455 | | | | | Homeopathic. Imitative rites |
590J456 | | | | | Binding and losing |
590J457 | | | | | Generating rites |
590J462 | | | | | Blessing. Sanctification. Consecration |
590J464 | | | | | Curse. Anathema. Desecration |
590J466 | | | | | Deconsecration |
590J47 | | | | Evocation, ''calling-up'' of spirits |
590J475 | | | | | Evocation of the dead. Necromancy |
590J48 | | | | Elimination. ''De-desecration''. Casting out |
590J485 | | | | | Exorcism |
590J49 | | | | Communication with the deity. Communion with the deity |
590J492 | | | | | Evocation of the deity |
590J493 | | | | | Coming of the deity. Presence of the deity |
590J494 | | | | | Assimilation of the deity |
590J496 | | | | | Departure of the deity |
590J5 | | | Sacraments. Sacramentals |
590J52 | | | | Rites of passage. Stages in life |
590J53 | | | | Birth |
590J532 | | | | | Pre-natal. Antenatal |
590J533 | | | | | Peri-natal |
590J534 | | | | | Post-natal |
590J54 | | | | Adolescence. Puberty. Transition to adulthood |
590J55 | | | | Betrothal. Marriage. Wedding ceremonies |
590J555 | | | | | Procreation. Fertility. Childbirth |
590J56 | | | | Old age |
590J57 | | | | Death. Funeral ceremonies |
590J575 | | | | | Disposal ceremonies. Burial. Cremation |
590J58 | | | | Stages in spiritual life |
590J582 | | | | | Initiation |
590J583 | | | | | Baptism. Naming ceremonies |
590J584 | | | | | Confirmation. Adult re-initiation |
590J585 | | | | | Ordination. Entry to priesthood |
590J586 | | | | | Beatification |
590J587 | | | | | Canonization |
590J588 | | | | | Expulsion. Excommunication |
590J59 | | | | Coronation. Enthronement |
590J6 | | | Celebration |
590J62 | | | | Feasts and festivals. Holy days |
590J63 | | | | Special weekday. Day of rest. Sabbath |
590J635 | | | | | Special times of day. Hours for prayer. Hours for worship |
590J64 | | | | Religious calendar. Religious year |
590J65 | | | | Named festivals A/Z |
590J67 | | | | Special years. Holy years. Sabbatical years. Jubilees |
590J7 | | | Pilgrimage |
590J8 | | | Contemplation and reflective religion |
590J82 | | | | Religious experience |
590J83 | | | | Meditation. Contemplation. Prayer in the personal sense |
590J84 | | | | Spiritual life |
590J845 | | | | | Spiritual growth and development |
590J847 | | | | | Spiritual exercises |
590J85 | | | | Asceticism |
590J855 | | | | | Self-denial |
590J857 | | | | | Mortification of the flesh |
590J86 | | | | Withdrawal. Retreat |
590J865 | | | | | Hermitage. Isolation |
590J87 | | | | Mysticism. Altered states of consciousness. Mystic experiences |
590J873 | | | | | Trances |
590J875 | | | | | Visions |
590J876 | | | | | Mystic phenomena |
590J8765 | | | | | | Stigmata |
590J877 | | | | | Direct experience of the divine |
590K | | Processes in religion |
590K3 | | | Developmental processes. Internal processes |
590K32 | | | | Origin of the faith. Genesis |
590K33 | | | | Evolution. Development |
590K34 | | | | Growth. Expansion |
590K35 | | | | Decline. Contraction |
590K36 | | | | Revival. Rejuvenation. Renaissance |
590K37 | | | | Death. Extinction |
590K4 | | | Relative processes. External processes. Interactions between faiths |
590K5 | | | Comparison |
590K6 | | | Influence |
590K62 | | | | Influence on. Effect on |
590K63 | | | | Dependence |
590K64 | | | | Influenced by |
590K643 | | | | | Syncretism. Borrowing |
590K645 | | | | | Assimilation |
590K7 | | | Relations between faiths or with society in general. Religion and society |
590K72 | | | | Isolation. Separation |
590K73 | | | | Co-existence |
590K735 | | | | | Tolerance. Irenics |
590K74 | | | | Conflict. Antagonism. Hostility |
590K745 | | | | | Persecution |
590K75 | | | | Dialogue. Ecumenism |
590K76 | | | | Co-operation |
590K77 | | | | Inter-communion |
590K78 | | | | Integration. Merger. Amalgamation |
590K79 | | | | Re-union |
590M | | Religions characterised by various properties |
590M1 | | | Classification of religions |
590M2 | | | Properties related to ministry |
590M23 | | | | Religions with hierarchical structure, levels of ministry. ''Episcopalian'' |
590M24 | | | | Religions with ministers, priests ''Presbyterian'' |
590M25 | | | | Religions without ministers, priests ''Congregational'' |
590M3 | | | Properties relating to orthodoxy |
590M32 | | | | Ultraorthodox |
590M33 | | | | Orthodox |
590M34 | | | | Heterodox |
590M35 | | | | Moderate |
590M36 | | | | Reformed |
590M37 | | | | Liberal |
590M38 | | | | Reconstructed |
590M4 | | | Properties relating to the state |
590M42 | | | | National religions |
590M44 | | | | Established churches. State religions |
590M46 | | | | Religions of specific regions or countries |
590M5 | | | Properties relating to degree of officialdom |
590M52 | | | | Official. Mainstream |
590M525 | | | | | Philosophies. Schools of thought |
590M53 | | | | Popular. Folk religion. Popular religiosity |
590M535 | | | | | Superstition |
590M54 | | | | Dissident |
590M55 | | | | Separatist |
590M56 | | | | Unofficial. Breakaway |
590M6 | | | Factional groups. Factions |
590M7 | | | Schismatic groups. Heresies |
590N | | Religious organization and administration |
590N2 | | | Nature and structure of the organized religion, church. Ecclesiology |
590N22 | | | | Persons in religion |
590N25 | | | | Officers of the religion. Priests. Ministers. Leaders |
590N26 | | | | Levels of leadership |
590N261 | | | | | Archbishops. Metropolitans |
590N262 | | | | | Senior. Bishops. Abbots |
590N263 | | | | | Priests. Ministers |
590N264 | | | | | Deacons. Assistant ministers |
590N265 | | | | | Lay assistants |
590N266 | | | | | Laity in general. Lay persons. Adherents |
590N267 | | | | | Elders. Senior members (Kither lay or ministers) |
590N27 | | | | Non-adherents of the religion. Non-believers |
590N3 | | | Government of the religion |
590N32 | | | | Authority of the church (Agents of authority) |
590N321 | | | | | Source of authority |
590N322 | | | | | Head of religion |
590N323 | | | | | Ruling bodies. Synods. Convocations |
590N324 | | | | | Councils. Bodies convened for the purpose of establishing doctrine and practice |
590N325 | | | | | Authority of officers, priests |
590N326 | | | | | Lay persons. Adherents |
590N33 | | | | Religious office. Vocation |
590N35 | | | | Management and administration |
590N36 | | | | Other institutions, agencies, organizations within the religion or church |
590N37 | | | | Congregations. Worshippers |
590N4 | | | Legal administration. Religious law. Canon law |
590N41 | | | | Theory of canon law. Religious jurisprudence |
590N42 | | | | Sources of law |
590N44 | | | | Legal practice and procedure |
590N45 | | | | Religious courts |
590N46 | | | | Religious judgements |
590N47 | | | | Subjects of law |
590N47A/N | | | | | Topics in religious law |
590N5 | | | Education |
590N52 | | | | Secular education. Religious schools, foundations |
590N54 | | | | Tertiary education. Colleges with religious association |
590N56 | | | | Higher education. Religiously based universities |
590N6 | | | Recruitment. Missionary activity. Missions broadly. Missiology |
590N62 | | | | Missionary work. Forms of missionary activity |
590N63 | | | | Campaigns. Crusades |
590N64 | | | | Overseas missions. Missions in the narrow sense |
590N65 | | | | Propaganda. Religious propaganda. Publicity |
590N66 | | | | Evangelical activity. Evangelism |
590N67 | | | | Proselytizing. Conversion |
590N68 | | | | Forced conversion. Conversion by the sword. Imposition of faith. Holy war |
590N69 | | | | Religious conquest |
590N7 | | | Organizational structure of the faith, religion |
590N71 | | | | Administrative levels |
590N72 | | | | Top level. See |
590N73 | | | | Intermediate. Regional organization. Diocese. Circuit |
590N74 | | | | Local. Parishes. Local community, group |
590N75 | | | | Neighbourhood. House groups. Informal groups |
590N8 | | | Religious organizations. Religious societies and associations |
590N84 | | | | Religious groups and lay orders not defined by purpose or membership |
590N845 | | | | | Secret societies |
590N88 | | | | Religious orders proper. Monastic orders. Monasticism |
590N88A/N | | | | | Monastic religion and practice |
590N882 | | | | | Enclosed orders. Separated from the world |
590N883 | | | | | Mendicant orders |
590N884 | | | | | Working orders |
590N88435 | | | | | | Militant, military |
590N88437 | | | | | | | Teaching |
590N88461 | | | | | | | Medical, nursing, caring. Hospitallers |
590N885 | | | | | Celibate orders |
590N886 | | | | | Silent orders |
590N89 | | | | Named monastic orders |
590N9 | | | Sects. Sectarian movements |
5901/5909 | | Religious systems. Religions and faiths |
5901 | | | Prehistoric and primitive religions |
59012 | | | | Prehistoric religions |
59013 | | | | Primitive religions |
5902 | | | Religions originating in the Far East |
59021 | | | | Religions of China |
590213 | | | | | Taoism |
590215 | | | | | The old State religion |
590217 | | | | | Confucianism |
59023 | | | | Religions of Korea |
59025 | | | | Religions of Japan |
590252 | | | | | Shinto |
5902522 | | | | | | Seicho-No-Je |
5902524 | | | | | | Sekai Kyuseikyo |
5902526 | | | | | | Zenrinkai |
5902527 | | | | | | Tensho Kotai Jingukyo |
5902528 | | | | | | Ennokyo |
5903 | | | Religions originating in Indian sub-continent. Hindu religion in the broad sense |
59031 | | | | Vedism |
59032 | | | | Brahmanism |
59033 | | | | Hinduism narrowly |
59033A | | | | | Theory and philosophy of Hinduism |
59033A3 | | | | | | The Holy. Brahma. Absolute being |
59033A4 | | | | | | God(s) and goddess(es)in Hinduism |
59033A453 | | | | | | | Preserver god. Safekeeping and governance of the world |
59033A5 | | | | | | Nature of gods in Hinduism |
59033A58 | | | | | | | Named gods in Hinduism |
59033A595 | | | | | | | | Incarnations. Avatars |
59033A596 | | | | | | | | Spiritual beings |
59033A59651 | | | | | | | | | Asuras. Demons |
59033A5967 | | | | | | | | | Semi-divine beings. Apsaras. Nymphs |
59033A7 | | | | | | The Universe |
59033A724 | | | | | | | Asat. The state before creation |
59033A75 | | | | | | | End of the world |
59033A754 | | | | | | | | Pralaya. Annihilation. Universal dissolution |
59033A8 | | | | | | Man. Mankind |
59033A83 | | | | | | | Atman. The individual soul |
59033A84 | | | | | | | Anugraha. Grace |
59033A85 | | | | | | | Human life |
59033A852 | | | | | | | | Suffering |
59033A853 | | | | | | | | Adharma. Unrighteousness. Sin |
59033A86 | | | | | | | Death |
59033A87 | | | | | | | Life after death |
59033A875 | | | | | | | | Reincarnation |
59033A8755 | | | | | | | | | Samsara. The cycle of birth and re-birth |
59033A876 | | | | | | | | Mukti. Moksa. The liberation of the soul |
59033A8779 | | | | | | | | | Aprakrta sarira. The immaterial body |
59033A878 | | | | | | | | Ananda. Cessation of being |
59033A88 | | | | | | | Spiritual realms |
59033A885 | | | | | | | | Pitra loka. World of ancestors |
59033A887 | | | | | | | | Narakas. Hells |
59033A8875 | | | | | | | | | Preta loka. World of ghosts |
59033E | | | | | Persons and objects in Hinduism |
59033E2 | | | | | | Natural theology in Hinduism. Evidence of the natural world. Rational arguments for belief |
59033E23 | | | | | | | Sacred texts of Hinduism |
59033E24 | | | | | | | Sruti. Revealed writings. Vedas in the widest sense |
59033E242 | | | | | | | | Vedas in the narrower sense. Samhitas |
59033E2422 | | | | | | | | | Trayi Vidya ''Triple doctrine'' |
59033E2423 | | | | | | | | | Rig Veda |
59033E2424 | | | | | | | | | Yajur Veda |
59033E24245 | | | | | | | | | | Krsna. ''Black tradition'' |
59033E242452 | | | | | | | | | | | Taittiriya |
59033E242454 | | | | | | | | | | | Maitrayani |
59033E242455 | | | | | | | | | | | Kathaka samhitas |
59033E24246 | | | | | | | | | | Sukla. ''White tradition'' |
59033E2426 | | | | | | | | | Samsa Veda |
59033E2427 | | | | | | | | | Atharva Veda |
59033E243 | | | | | | | | Brahmanas |
59033E245 | | | | | | | | Aranyakas |
59033E247 | | | | | | | | Upanishads. Vedanta |
59033E2472 | | | | | | | | | Brhadaranyaka |
59033E2473 | | | | | | | | | Chandogya |
59033E2474 | | | | | | | | | Taittiriya |
59033E2475 | | | | | | | | | Isa |
59033E2476 | | | | | | | | | Svetasvatara |
59033E2477 | | | | | | | | | Mahanarayana |
59033E2478 | | | | | | | | | Mandukya |
59033E25 | | | | | | | Smrti. Tradition |
59033E256 | | | | | | | | Sutras |
59033E2562 | | | | | | | | | Svanta-sutras |
59033E2564 | | | | | | | | | Gryha-sutras |
59033E2566 | | | | | | | | | Dharma-sutras |
59033E2653 | | | | | | | | | Itihasa. Epics and sagas |
59033E26532 | | | | | | | | | | Ramayana |
59033E26533 | | | | | | | | | | Mahabharata |
59033E26534 | | | | | | | | | | Bhagavadgita |
59033E26535 | | | | | | | | | | Puranas |
59033E266 | | | | | | | | Smrtis. Codes of Law |
59033E268 | | | | | | | | Upavedas |
59033E271 | | | | | | | | Vedangas |
59033E282 | | | | | | | | Tantras and Agamas. Ritual texts |
59033E286 | | | | | | | | Non-Sanskrit texts. Vernacular traditions |
59033E2865 | | | | | | | | | Tiravaimoli. ''Tamil-veda'' |
59033E2867 | | | | | | | | | Other |
59033E3 | | | | | | Persons in Hinduism |
59033E33 | | | | | | | Inspired persons. Major figures |
59033E335 | | | | | | | | Reformers |
59033E34 | | | | | | | Martyrs |
59033E35 | | | | | | | Ascetics. Hermits. Fakirs. Sadhus. Sannyasi |
59033E36 | | | | | | | Sants. Saints |
59033E355 | | | | | | | | Scholars |
59033E37 | | | | | | | Mahatmas. Gurus |
59033E42 | | | | | | | Religious sites, locations |
59033E5 | | | | | | Religious buildings |
59033E56 | | | | | | | Ashrams. Monasteries. Community buildings |
59033E6 | | | | | | Vehicles of cultic acts |
59033E62 | | | | | | | Gandha. Perfumes. Incense |
59033E7 | | | | | | Religious objects |
59033E74 | | | | | | | Mala. Rosaries |
59033E75 | | | | | | | Dipa. Lamps, lights |
59033E76 | | | | | | | Murti. Images of the deity. Astamurti |
59033E78 | | | | | | | Janeu. Personal adornments |
59033J | | | | | Hindu religious practice |
59033J12 | | | | | | Moral behaviour. Moral theology |
59033J123 | | | | | | | Right and wrong |
59033J1235 | | | | | | | | Adharma. Unrighteousness. Evil |
59033J12357 | | | | | | | | | Aparadha. Specific sins A/Z |
59033J12358 | | | | | | | | | | Mahapatakas. Great sins. Brahmanahatya. Surapana. Steya. Guruvanganagana. Mahapatahasamsarga |
59033J1237 | | | | | | | | | Dharma. Good. Virtue. Right living |
59033J12377 | | | | | | | | | | Specific virtues. Ahimsa. Aparigrapha. Asteya. Vidya |
59033J125 | | | | | | | | Ethical systems. Acara. Rules for living |
59033J128 | | | | | | | | Religious ethics |
59033J1285 | | | | | | | | | Obligations, moral precepts. Religious duties |
59033J13 | | | | | | | Social customs and practice |
59033J14 | | | | | | | Social behaviour |
59033J142 | | | | | | | | Food and diet |
59033J14245 | | | | | | | | | Dietary requirements |
59033J14247 | | | | | | | | | | Upavasa. Fasting |
59033J15 | | | | | | | Vivaha. Marriage |
59033J16 | | | | | | | Charity |
59033J163 | | | | | | | | Dana. Charitable giving |
59033J3 | | | | | | Worship in Hinduism |
59033J32 | | | | | | | Acts of worship |
59033J326 | | | | | | | | Nitya. Compulsory |
59033J328 | | | | | | | | Naimittika. Voluntary devotions |
59033J33 | | | | | | | Objects of worship |
59033J34 | | | | | | | Rites and rituals |
59033J343 | | | | | | | | Prayer |
59033J3435 | | | | | | | | | Specific prayers. Gayatri |
59033J344 | | | | | | | | Reading of texts |
59033J3445 | | | | | | | | | Specific readings |
59033J345 | | | | | | | | Chants |
59033J3455 | | | | | | | | | Mantras. Japa (Aepetition of mantra) |
59033J35 | | | | | | | Music |
59033J354 | | | | | | | | Kirtana. Public singing |
59033J357 | | | | | | | | Stotra. Hymna. Stotramalas. Collections of hymns |
59033J36 | | | | | | | Ritual acts |
59033J3625 | | | | | | | | Abhisekha. Anointing |
59033J363 | | | | | | | | Postures |
59033J3636 | | | | | | | | | Namaskara. Pranama. Prostration |
59033J37 | | | | | | | Offerings |
59033J38 | | | | | | | Medha. Sacrifices |
59033J382 | | | | | | | | Burnt offerings. Agnihotra, fire sacrifice |
59033J3825 | | | | | | | | | Agnicayana, the fire offering |
59033J386 | | | | | | | | Sacrifices according to subject |
59033J4 | | | | | | Purpose of ceremony |
59033J446 | | | | | | | Vrata. Vow, pledge |
59033J462 | | | | | | | | Asirveda. Blessing. Benediction |
59033J492 | | | | | | | | Avahana. Invocation of the deity |
59033J495 | | | | | | | | Visarjana. Departure of the deity |
59033J5 | | | | | | Sacraments and sacramentals in Hinduism |
59033J52 | | | | | | | Samskara. Rites of passage |
59033J53 | | | | | | | Jata-karma. Birth ritual |
59033J55 | | | | | | | Vivaha. Marriage ceremonies |
59033J57 | | | | | | | Sraddha. Antyesti. Mrtyu-samskara. Last rites. Funeral ceremonies |
59033J575 | | | | | | | | Sati. Disposal of the body |
59033J582 | | | | | | | | Upanayana. Initiation |
59033J585 | | | | | | | | Diksa. Entry to religious community |
59033J62 | | | | | | | Feasts and festivals. Holy days |
59033J64 | | | | | | | Named feasts and festivals |
59033M | | | | | Hinduism characterised by various properties |
59033M5 | | | | | | Properties in Hinduism relating to degree of officialdom |
59033M52 | | | | | | | Official. Mainstream Hinduism |
59033M525 | | | | | | | | Philosophies. Schools of thought. Darsanas. ''Theories'' |
590332 | | | | | Vishnuism |
590333 | | | | | Shivaism |
590334 | | | | | Shaktism. Shaktas |
590335 | | | | | Neo-Hinduism. Reform Hinduism |
590337 | | | | | Virashaivas. Lingayats |
59034 | | | | Jainism |
590343 | | | | | Svetambara |
590345 | | | | | Sthanakavasis |
590347 | | | | | Digambaras |
59035 | | | | Sikhism |
59039 | | | | Other religions of Eastern origin |
590394 | | | | | Theosophy |
590396 | | | | | Sri Chinmoy |
5904 | | | Buddhism |
5904A | | | | Theory and philosophy of Buddhism. Nature of Buddhism |
5904A7 | | | | | The Buddhist view of the universe. Cosmology |
5904A72 | | | | | | The material world. The physical environment |
5904A722 | | | | | | | Origins. Cosmogony. Creation of the world |
5904A8 | | | | | Man. Mankind. Humanity |
5904A83 | | | | | | The nature of man |
5904A832 | | | | | | | Material body. Rupa |
5904A833 | | | | | | | The non-material. Nama |
5904A834 | | | | | | | Consciousness |
5904A835 | | | | | | | Atma. The soul. The spirit. Human spirit |
5904A8355 | | | | | | | | Anatta. Anatma. No-self. Denial of personality |
5904A837 | | | | | | | Freedom. Free will. Predestination |
5904A85 | | | | | | Human experience. Life |
5904A852 | | | | | | | Suffering. Dukkha |
5904A85325 | | | | | | | | Karma. Desire. Craving |
5904A86 | | | | | | Death. The dead |
5904A865 | | | | | | | End of life. Parinirvana (for the enlightened) |
5904A87 | | | | | | Life after death. Afterlife. Hereafter |
5904A872 | | | | | | | States of being. Forms of continued existence. Transmigration |
5904A875 | | | | | | | Rebirth. Reincarnation. Metempsychosis. Metamorphosis |
5904A8755 | | | | | | | | Samsara. Cycle of birth and re-birth |
5904A8756 | | | | | | | | Ananda. Dependent origination |
5904A876 | | | | | | | Liberation of the soul |
5904A8785 | | | | | | | | Annihilation. Cessation of existence. Non-being. Assimilation. Nirvana. Nibbana |
5904A88 | | | | | | Non-material world. Spiritual realms. Planes of life. Destinies |
5904A885 | | | | | | | Deva-loka. Deva-worlds |
5904A8875 | | | | | | | | Abode of ghosts. Preta-loka |
5904C | | | | History of Buddhism |
5904CM525 | | | | | Historical schools of thought. The eighteen schools |
5904CN324 | | | | | | Buddhist councils |
5904E | | | | Persons and objects in Buddhism |
5904E2 | | | | | Evidences of religion |
5904E23 | | | | | | Buddhist Sacred books. Scriptures. Religious texts |
5904E232 | | | | | | | Original texts. Canonical works of scripture |
5904E233 | | | | | | | Variants |
5904E234 | | | | | | | Translations (i.e. from the original text) |
5904E235 | | | | | | | Versions |
5904E24 | | | | | | The Pali Canon (canon of the Theravada school). Tipitaka. The Three Baskets |
5904E244 | | | | | | | Vinaya pitaka. Basket of discipline |
5904E2442 | | | | | | | | Mahavagga |
5904E2443 | | | | | | | | Cullavagga |
5904E2444 | | | | | | | | Parajika |
5904E2445 | | | | | | | | Pacittiya |
5904E2447 | | | | | | | | Parivara |
5904E246 | | | | | | | Sutta pitaka. Basket of instructions |
5904E2462 | | | | | | | | Digha Nikaya |
5904E2463 | | | | | | | | Majjhima Nikaya |
5904E2464 | | | | | | | | Samyutta Nikaya |
5904E2465 | | | | | | | | Anguttara Nikaya |
5904E2466 | | | | | | | | Khuddaka Nikaya |
5904E246622 | | | | | | | | | Khuddakapatha |
5904E246624 | | | | | | | | | | Dhammapada |
5904E246625 | | | | | | | | | | Udana |
5904E246626 | | | | | | | | | | Itivuttaka |
5904E246627 | | | | | | | | | | Sutta Nipata |
5904E246632 | | | | | | | | | | Vimanavatthu |
5904E246634 | | | | | | | | | | Petavatthu |
5904E246635 | | | | | | | | | | Theragatha |
5904E246637 | | | | | | | | | | Therigatha |
5904E246642 | | | | | | | | | | Jataka |
5904E246643 | | | | | | | | | | Nidessa |
5904E246644 | | | | | | | | | | Patisambhidamagga |
5904E246652 | | | | | | | | | | Apadana |
5904E246653 | | | | | | | | | | Buddhavamsa |
5904E246654 | | | | | | | | | | Carriyapitaka |
5904E248 | | | | | | | Abhidhamma Pitaka. Basket of the higher dhamma |
5904E2482 | | | | | | | | Dhammasangani |
5904E2483 | | | | | | | | Vibhanga |
5904E2484 | | | | | | | | Dhatukatha |
5904E2485 | | | | | | | | Puggalapannatti |
5904E2486 | | | | | | | | Kathavatthu |
5904E2487 | | | | | | | | Yamaka |
5904E2488 | | | | | | | | Patthana |
5904E252 | | | | | | | Post-canonical Pali literature |
5904E2522 | | | | | | | | Dipavamsa |
5904E2523 | | | | | | | | Mahavamsa |
5904E2524 | | | | | | | | Callavamsa |
5904E2525 | | | | | | | | Dhammapada attakatha |
5904E2526 | | | | | | | | Milindipanha |
5904E2527 | | | | | | | | Nettipakarana |
5904E2528 | | | | | | | | Visuddhimagga |
5904E2529 | | | | | | | | Vimuttimagga |
5904E253 | | | | | | | Sanskrit Buddhist literature |
5904E254 | | | | | | | Commentary on sacred works |
5904E256 | | | | | | | Interpretative works. Works of guidance on practice |
5904E262 | | | | | | | Oral forms. Oral tradition |
5904E264 | | | | | | | Myths and legends |
5904E265 | | | | | | | Other literary forms |
5904E2652 | | | | | | | | Poetic works |
5904E2653 | | | | | | | | Epics and sagas |
5904E266 | | | | | | | Law. Legal codes. Legal texts |
5904E278 | | | | | | | Theology of sacred texts. Theological content |
5904E279 | | | | | | | Religion as demonstrated in sacred texts. Religious practice |
5904E28 | | | | | | Other religious texts |
5904E282 | | | | | | | Liturgical works. Liturgical texts |
5904E283 | | | | | | | Historical documents. Evidential documents. Historical records. Contemporaneous accounts. Letters |
5904E284 | | | | | | | Works of doctrine, dogma. Articles of faith. Systematic theology. Dogmatics |
5904E285 | | | | | | | Four noble truths. Ariya sacca. Arya satya |
5904E2852 | | | | | | | | On the existence of suffering |
5904E2853 | | | | | | | | On the origin of suffering |
5904E2854 | | | | | | | | On the knowledge of the cessation of suffering |
5904E2855 | | | | | | | | Eightfold path. Magga |
5904E28552 | | | | | | | | | Wisdom. Panna |
5904E285523 | | | | | | | | | | Sammaditthi. Right views, right understanding. Knowledge. Nana |
5904E285524 | | | | | | | | | | Sammasamkappa. Right aspirations, right thought |
5904E28553 | | | | | | | | | Morality. Sila |
5904E285533 | | | | | | | | | | Sammavaca. Right speech |
5904E285534 | | | | | | | | | | Sammakamanta. Right conduct, right action |
5904E285535 | | | | | | | | | | Sammaajiva. Right livelihood |
5904E28554 | | | | | | | | | Meditation. Samadhi |
5904E285543 | | | | | | | | | | Sammavayama. Right effort |
5904E285544 | | | | | | | | | | Sammasati. Right mindfulness |
5904E285545 | | | | | | | | | | Sammasamadhi. Right contemplation |
5904E286 | | | | | | | Other forms of religious texts |
5904E287 | | | | | | | Sermons as a form |
5904E3 | | | | | Persons in Buddhism |
5904E31 | | | | | | Buddha. Gautama Buddha. Adi Buddha |
5904E31A | | | | | | | Theology of the Buddha |
5904E312 | | | | | | | Life of Buddha |
5904E31247 | | | | | | | | Mother of Buddha. Foster mother. Mahaprajapati |
5904E31255 | | | | | | | | | Original followers. Arhants |
5904E3126 | | | | | | | | Enlightenment |
5904E3129 | | | | | | | | Return of the Buddha [as Maitreya] |
5904E315 | | | | | | | Accounts, anecdotal material |
5904E317 | | | | | | | Memoirs. Sayings. Deeds |
5904E318 | | | | | | | Buddha as model, example |
5904E35 | | | | | | Ascetics. Hermits |
5904E36 | | | | | | Saints. Boddhisatvas. Enlightened ones |
5904E365 | | | | | | | Arahant (discipline at the final stage of enlightenment) |
5904E37 | | | | | | Acariya. Wise men |
5904J | | | | Religious activities. Religious practice |
5904J12 | | | | | Moral behaviour. Moral theology |
5904J1235 | | | | | | Adhamma. Wrong-doing |
5904J12358 | | | | | | | Five hindrances. Nivaranani |
5904J123582 | | | | | | | | Sense desires. Covetousness |
5904J123583 | | | | | | | | | Malevolence |
5904J123584 | | | | | | | | | | Sloth |
5904J123585 | | | | | | | | | | Restlessness |
5904J123586 | | | | | | | | | | Doubts |
5904J1237 | | | | | | | | Dhamma. Good. Virtue. The good. Right living |
5904J12377 | | | | | | | | | Specific virtues |
5904J12378 | | | | | | | | | Ten transcendental virtues. Paramis |
5904J123780 | | | | | | | | | | Dana. Generosity |
5904J123781 | | | | | | | | | | Sila. Morality |
5904J123782 | | | | | | | | | | Nekkhamma. Renunciation |
5904J123783 | | | | | | | | | | Panna. Wisdom |
5904J123784 | | | | | | | | | | Viriya. Energy |
5904J123785 | | | | | | | | | | Khanti. Patience |
5904J123786 | | | | | | | | | | Sacca. Truthfulness |
5904J123787 | | | | | | | | | | Adhitthana. Resolution |
5904J123788 | | | | | | | | | | Metta. Loving-kindness |
5904J123789 | | | | | | | | | | Upekkha. Equanimity |
5904J126 | | | | | | | Buddhist ethics |
5904J128 | | | | | | | Religious laws, obligations, moral precepts, moral laws. Regulations. Religious duties |
5904J13 | | | | | | Social customs and practice. Social theology |
5904J14245 | | | | | | | Dietary requirements. Dietary limitations |
5904J14247 | | | | | | | | Abstinence. Fasting. Prohibition |
5904J1425 | | | | | | | | Rules concerning specific foods and drinks |
5904J143 | | | | | | | Personal hygiene and appearance. Personal conduct |
5904J1435 | | | | | | | | Clothing. Apparel |
5904J147 | | | | | | | Sexual relations, activity |
5904J1477 | | | | | | | | Abstinence. Celibacy |
5904J16 | | | | | | Obligation to others. Support of the monastic community |
5904J3 | | | | | Rites, ceremonies etc. |
5904J57 | | | | | | Funerary customs and rituals |
5904J8 | | | | | Contemplation and reflection |
5904J83 | | | | | | Meditation. Contemplation |
5904J84 | | | | | | Spiritual life |
5904J845 | | | | | | | Spiritual growth and development. Anna. Knowledge. Gnosis |
5904J8452/8455 | | | | | | | | Stages of development |
5904J8452 | | | | | | | | Sotapanna (Kntering) |
5904J8453 | | | | | | | | Sahadagamin |
5904J8454 | | | | | | | | Anagamin (never-returner) |
5904J8455 | | | | | | | | Arantship |
5904J847 | | | | | | | Spiritual exercises |
5904K | | | | Processes in religion |
5904K4 | | | | | Relative processes. External processes. Interactions between Buddhism and other faiths |
5904K643 | | | | | | Syncretism. Borrowing |
5904K645 | | | | | | | Assimilation |
5904K7 | | | | | Relations between Buddhism and society in general |
5904K735 | | | | | | Tolerance. Irenics |
5904K74 | | | | | | Conflict. Antagonism. Hostility |
5904K745 | | | | | | | Persecution |
5904N | | | | Buddhist organization and administration |
5904N22 | | | | | Persons in Buddhism |
5904N25 | | | | | | Samgha. Community of disciples. ''Priesthood'' |
5904N322 | | | | | | | Head of religion |
5904N324 | | | | | | | Buddhist councils |
5904N326 | | | | | | | Lay persons. Adherents |
5904N8 | | | | | Buddhist organizations. Buddhist societies and associations |
5904N88 | | | | | | Buddhist orders proper. Monastic orders. Monasticism |
5904N9 | | | | | Sects. Sectarian movements |
59041 | | | | Hinayana Buddhism. The lesser vehicle. Theravada Buddhism. Pali school |
59042 | | | | Mahayana. The great vehicle |
59042A5913 | | | | | Prajnaparamita. Mother of all the Buddhas |
59042A592 | | | | | | Pantheistic hierarchy |
59042C | | | | | History of Mahayana Buddhism |
59042CM525 | | | | | | Schools of thought |
59042E24 | | | | | | | Mahayana texts. Sanskrit Buddhist literature |
59042E253 | | | | | | | | Sutras |
59042E254 | | | | | | | | Sastras |
59042E257 | | | | | | | | Tantras |
59042E31A | | | | | | | | Buddhology |
59042E31A69 | | | | | | | | | Mythical Buddhas |
59042E36 | | | | | | | Boddhisattvas. Boddhisattva ideal |
59042E42 | | | | | | | Buddhist holy places |
59042E424 | | | | | | | | Places of particular spirituality, holiness |
59042E5 | | | | | | Buildings for religious use |
59042E53 | | | | | | | Buddhist shrines |
59042E54 | | | | | | | Temples |
59042E56 | | | | | | | Monasteries. Community buildings |
59042E6 | | | | | | Vehicles of cultic acts |
59042E7 | | | | | | Objects in worship. Furnishings and decorations |
59042E74 | | | | | | | Aids to prayer. Prayer wheels |
59042E764 | | | | | | | | Statuary. Statues. Idols |
59042J2 | | | | | | Liturgy |
59042J3 | | | | | | Puja. Buddhist worship broadly |
59042J33 | | | | | | | Objects of worship, devotion |
59042J344 | | | | | | | | Reading of texts |
59042J345 | | | | | | | | Mantras. Chants. Incantations |
59042J36 | | | | | | | Physical rites and ceremonies |
59042J361 | | | | | | | | Washing. Ablution. Immersion in water. Sprinkling of water |
59042J3627 | | | | | | | | | Incense. Censing |
59042J363 | | | | | | | | Postures |
59042J364 | | | | | | | | Symbolic gestures |
59042J365 | | | | | | | | Procession. Circumambulation |
59042J37 | | | | | | | Offerings |
59042J52 | | | | | | | Rites of passage. Stages in life |
59042J53 | | | | | | | Birth |
59042J54 | | | | | | | Adolescence. Puberty. Transition to adulthood |
59042J55 | | | | | | | Betrothal. Marriage. Wedding ceremonies |
59042J56 | | | | | | | Old age |
59042J57 | | | | | | | Death. Funeral ceremonies |
59042J575 | | | | | | | | Disposal ceremonies. Burial. Cremation |
59042J58 | | | | | | | Stages in spiritual life |
59042J582 | | | | | | | | Initiation |
59042J584 | | | | | | | | Confirmation. Adult re-initiation |
59042J585 | | | | | | | | Ordination |
59042J62 | | | | | | | Feasts and festivals. Holy days |
59042J635 | | | | | | | | Special times of day. Hours for prayer. Hours for worship |
59042J64 | | | | | | | Religious calendar. Religious year |
59042J65 | | | | | | | Named festivals |
590425 | | | | | Chinese Buddhism |
590425E24 | | | | | | Chinese Tipitaka |
590425E31A | | | | | | | Chinese Buddhology |
590425E36 | | | | | | | | Boddhisattvas in Chinese Buddhism |
590425N9 | | | | | | | Sects |
590425N92 | | | | | | | | Classical schools including: Kosa, Fa-hsiang |
590425N93 | | | | | | | | Catholic sects including: T''ien t''ai, Chen-yen |
590425N95 | | | | | | | | Exclusive sects |
590425N952 | | | | | | | | | Pure Land |
590425N954 | | | | | | | | | Ch''an |
59043 | | | | Lamaism |
590432 | | | | | Tantrayana. Tantric Buddhism |
590434 | | | | | Tibetan Buddhism |
590436 | | | | | Vajrayana (= Tantric aspect of Mahayana) |
59044 | | | | Japanese Buddhism |
590442 | | | | | Nara sects |
590444 | | | | | Tendai |
590446 | | | | | Shingon |
590448 | | | | | Kamakara |
5904482 | | | | | | Zen Buddhism |
5905 | | | Religions of antiquity. Minor cults and religions |
59051 | | | | Ancient Egyptian religion |
59052 | | | | Religions of Mesopotamia |
590521 | | | | | Sumerian |
590523 | | | | | Babylonian and Assyrian |
590525 | | | | | Elamite |
59053 | | | | Other West Asian religions |
590531 | | | | | Hittites |
590534 | | | | | Cana''anites and Phoenicians. Ugaritic religion |
590536 | | | | | Aramean. Syrian religion |
590538 | | | | | Pre-Islamic Arabian |
5905389 | | | | | | Sabaean religion |
59054 | | | | Religions of Iran |
590542 | | | | | Zoroastrianism |
590542E24 | | | | | | Avesta. Zend avesta |
5905425 | | | | | | Parsis. Parsees (Indian community) |
5905427 | | | | | | Gabars (Iraqi community) |
590544 | | | | | Manicheism |
590546 | | | | | Mandeism |
590548 | | | | | Parseeism |
59055 | | | | Classical antiquity |
590552 | | | | | Greek religion |
590554 | | | | | Etruscan religion |
590556 | | | | | Roman religion |
590558 | | | | | Hellenistic religions |
5905583 | | | | | | Mystery religions |
5905585 | | | | | | Gnosticism |
59056 | | | | Central Asian religion. Shamanism |
59057 | | | | Religions of Europe |
590572 | | | | | Paganism |
5905722 | | | | | | Wicca. Witchcraft |
590574 | | | | | Germanic religion |
590576 | | | | | Celtic religion |
5905762 | | | | | | Druidism |
590577 | | | | | Slavic and Baltic religions |
590578 | | | | | Nordic, Scandinavian religions |
59058 | | | | Religions of South and Central America. Pre-Columbian Indian religions |
590581 | | | | | Religion of the Mayas |
590583 | | | | | Religion of the Aztecs |
590585 | | | | | Religion of the Incas |
59059 | | | | Religions of other areas |
590592 | | | | | North American Indian religion |
590594 | | | | | Religions of African origin |
5905942 | | | | | | Yoruba religion |
5905943 | | | | | | Voudon. Voodoo religion |
5905944 | | | | | | Rastafarianism |
590596 | | | | | Australasian religions |
5905962 | | | | | | Aboriginal religion |
590597 | | | | | Religions of Oceania |
5906 | | | Judaism |
5906A | | | | Jewish theology |
5906A3 | | | | | Kedushah. The Holy. The Sacred |
5906A4 | | | | | God. Jewish understanding of God |
5906A442 | | | | | | The names of God. Adonai, Elohim, haShem, haKodesh baruch hu, Ribbono shel olam, Avinu she''ba shamayim |
5906A443 | | | | | | | The appearance of God. Kavod. The glory of God |
5906A447 | | | | | | | Ruah haKodesh. The Holy Spirit. Spirit of God |
5906A5 | | | | | Nature of God and supernatural beings |
5906A596 | | | | | | Supernatural beings |
5906A5961 | | | | | | | Angels |
5906A5963 | | | | | | | | Guardians. Cherubim |
5906A5965 | | | | | | | | Malevolent beings |
5906A59651 | | | | | | | | | Evil spirit Dibbuk |
5906A83 | | | | | | Nature of man |
5906A835 | | | | | | | Nephesh. The soul |
5906A84 | | | | | | Man''s relation with God |
5906A845 | | | | | | | Unbelief. Denial. Apostasy |
5906A845(K) | | | | | | | | Meshummad. Apostate |
5906A847 | | | | | | | The Covenant |
5906A853 | | | | | | | Sin. Wrong-doing |
5906A8533 | | | | | | | | Teshuvah. Repentance |
5906A8533(K01) | | | | | | | | | Ba''al teshuvah. Repenter |
5906A87 | | | | | | Olam haba. The world to come. Life after death |
5906A876 | | | | | | | Tehiyat haMetim. Resurrection of the dead |
5906A887 | | | | | | | Gehenna. Hell |
5906E22 | | | | | | Nirah. Divine revelation |
5906E23 | | | | | | Sacred texts |
5906E24 | | | | | | Tanakh. The Hebrew Bible |
5906E242 | | | | | | | Torah. The Law. The Pentateuch |
5906E2422 | | | | | | | | Genesis |
5906E2423 | | | | | | | | Exodus |
5906E2424 | | | | | | | | Leviticus |
5906E2425 | | | | | | | | Numbers |
5906E2426 | | | | | | | | Deuteronomy |
5906E243 | | | | | | | Nebiim. The Prophets |
5906E2432 | | | | | | | | The Former Prophets. Hanebiim harishonim |
5906E2433 | | | | | | | | Joshua |
5906E2434 | | | | | | | | Judges |
5906E2435 | | | | | | | | Samuel a |
5906E2436 | | | | | | | | Samuel b |
5906E2437 | | | | | | | | Kings a |
5906E2438 | | | | | | | | Kings b |
5906E244/245 | | | | | | | The latter prophets. Hanebiim haacharonim |
5906E2442 | | | | | | | | Isaiah |
5906E2443 | | | | | | | | Jeremiah |
5906E2444 | | | | | | | | Ezekiel |
5906E2445 | | | | | | | | Hosea |
5906E2446 | | | | | | | | Joel |
5906E2447 | | | | | | | | Amos |
5906E2448 | | | | | | | | Obadiah |
5906E2452 | | | | | | | | Jonah |
5906E2453 | | | | | | | | Micah |
5906E2454 | | | | | | | | Nahum |
5906E2455 | | | | | | | | Habakkuk |
5906E2456 | | | | | | | | Zephaniah |
5906E2457 | | | | | | | | Haggai |
5906E2458 | | | | | | | | Zachariah |
5906E2459 | | | | | | | | Malachi |
5906E246/247 | | | | | | | Ketubim. The writings. Hagiographa |
5906E2462 | | | | | | | | Psalms |
5906E2463 | | | | | | | | Proverbs |
5906E2464 | | | | | | | | Job |
5906E2465 | | | | | | | | Song of Songs |
5906E2466 | | | | | | | | Ruth |
5906E2467 | | | | | | | | Lamentations |
5906E2468 | | | | | | | | Ecclesiastes |
5906E2472 | | | | | | | | Esther |
5906E2473 | | | | | | | | Daniel |
5906E2474 | | | | | | | | Ezra |
5906E2475 | | | | | | | | Nehemiah |
5906E2476 | | | | | | | | Chronicles I |
5906E2477 | | | | | | | | Chronicles II |
5906E248/249 | | | | | | | The Apocrypha |
5906E2482 | | | | | | | | Esdras I |
5906E2483 | | | | | | | | Esdras II |
5906E2484 | | | | | | | | Tobit |
5906E2485 | | | | | | | | Judith |
5906E2486 | | | | | | | | Esther |
5906E2487 | | | | | | | | Wisdom of Solomon |
5906E2488 | | | | | | | | Ecclesiasticus |
5906E2492 | | | | | | | | Baruch |
5906E2493 | | | | | | | | Letter of Jeremiah |
5906E2494 | | | | | | | | Song of the Three Holy Children |
5906E2495 | | | | | | | | Susannah |
5906E2496 | | | | | | | | Bel and the Dragon |
5906E2497 | | | | | | | | Prayer of Manasseh |
5906E2498 | | | | | | | | Maccabees I |
5906E2499 | | | | | | | | Maccabees II |
5906E252 | | | | | | | Pseudepigrapha |
5906E2522 | | | | | | | | Book of Jubilees |
5906E2523 | | | | | | | | I Esdras |
5906E2524 | | | | | | | | III Maccabees |
5906E2525 | | | | | | | | IV Maccabees |
5906E2526 | | | | | | | | Life of Adam and Eve |
5906E2527 | | | | | | | | Epistle of Aristeas |
5906E2528 | | | | | | | | Martyrdom of Isaiah |
5906E2529 | | | | | | | | Psalms of Solomon |
5906E2532 | | | | | | | | Book of Enoch |
5906E2533 | | | | | | | | Assumption of Moses |
5906E2534 | | | | | | | | Apocalypses of Baruch |
5906E2535 | | | | | | | | IV Esdras |
5906E2536 | | | | | | | | Sibylline oracles |
5906E2537 | | | | | | | | Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs |
5906E2538 | | | | | | | | Other pseudepigrapha of the Hebrew Bible |
5906E254 | | | | | | | Rabbinic literature |
5906E2542 | | | | | | | | Midrash. Midrashim. Interpretation of text |
5906E25422 | | | | | | | | | Halakhah. Halakhic midrashim. Instructions |
5906E25423 | | | | | | | | | Haggadah. Haggadic midrashim. Stories. Anecdotes |
5906E25424 | | | | | | | | | Targums. Biblical texts and commentary in Aramaic |
5906E25425 | | | | | | | | | Targum Onkelos |
5906E25426 | | | | | | | | | Targum Jonathan |
5906E25427 | | | | | | | | | Targum Yerushalmi |
5906E25428 | | | | | | | | | Midrash Rabbah |
5906E2544 | | | | | | | | Mishnah. The oral tradition. The oral law |
5906E25442 | | | | | | | | | Six orders of Mishnah. Sedarim |
5906E25443 | | | | | | | | | Zeraim. Seeds |
5906E25444 | | | | | | | | | Mo''ed. Festivals |
5906E25445 | | | | | | | | | Nashim. Women |
5906E25446 | | | | | | | | | Nezikin. Damages |
5906E25447 | | | | | | | | | Kodashim. Holy things |
5906E25448 | | | | | | | | | Tohoroth. Purities |
5906E2546 | | | | | | | | Tosefta. Alternative collections of oral law |
5906E256 | | | | | | | Talmud |
5906E2562 | | | | | | | | Gemara. Commentary on Mishnah |
5906E2564 | | | | | | | | Jerusalem Talmud. Talmud yerushalmi. Palestinian Talmud |
5906E2566 | | | | | | | | Bablylonian Talmud. Talmud babli |
5906E2772 | | | | | | | | Biblical hermeneutics in Judaism |
5906E2825 | | | | | | | | Siddur. The prayer book |
5906E284 | | | | | | | Jewish dogmatics. Ikkarim. Articles of faith. Principles of faith |
5906E2852 | | | | | | | | Jewish apologetics |
5906E2854 | | | | | | | | Jewish polemics |
5906E3 | | | | | Persons in Judaism |
5906E32 | | | | | | The Messiah |
5906E335 | | | | | | | Scholars |
5906E42 | | | | | | Places of special significance |
5906E5 | | | | | Religious buildings |
5906E54 | | | | | | Synagogue. Beth knesset |
5906E64 | | | | | | Kittel. Gown. Religious vestment |
5906E645 | | | | | | | Tzitzit. Fringes |
5906E67 | | | | | | Parokhet. Curtain covering the ark |
5906E71 | | | | | | Bimah, almemar. Platform. Shulhan. Table. Amud. Lectern |
5906E73 | | | | | | Aron kodesh. The Holy Ark |
5906E75 | | | | | | Lights |
5906E76 | | | | | | Magen David. The star of David. (Aeligious symbols) |
5906E77 | | | | | | Mezuzah. Mezuzoth |
5906E78 | | | | | | Tefillin. Phylacteries |
5906J | | | | Jewish religious practice, observance. Jewish customs. Minhagim |
5906J12 | | | | | Moral theology |
5906J1235 | | | | | | Yetzer hara''. Evil intention |
5906J12357 | | | | | | | Specific sins |
5906J1237 | | | | | | | | Yetzer hatov. Good intention. Hesed. Good. Virtue. Zedakah |
5906J128 | | | | | | | Derekh eretz. Correct social and moral behaviour |
5906J1285 | | | | | | | | Mizvah. Mizvoth. Commandments. Religious duties. Minhag. Duties derived from custom rather than Law |
5906J14 | | | | | | Social practice, behaviour |
5906J142 | | | | | | | Dietary laws |
5906J14245 | | | | | | | | Kasruth. Kosher regulations |
5906J1433 | | | | | | | | Cleanliness. Washing |
5906J14335 | | | | | | | | | Mikvah. Ritual bath |
5906J1435 | | | | | | | | Clothing. Headgear. Kippah. Skullcap |
5906J1437 | | | | | | | | Cutting, wearing of the hair |
5906J14375 | | | | | | | | | Payoth. Sideburns. Dreadlocks |
5906J147 | | | | | | | Sexual practice |
5906J1477 | | | | | | | | Abstinence. Celibacy |
5906J15 | | | | | | Marriage and the family |
5906J15J1477 | | | | | | | Niddah. Abstinence in marriage |
5906J152 | | | | | | | Courtship. Matchmaking |
5906J154 | | | | | | | Get. Divorce |
5906J16 | | | | | | Charity. Support for others. Pastoral activities. |
5906J163 | | | | | | | Zedakah. Charitable giving |
5906J167 | | | | | | | Hakhnasat orehim. Hospitality to strangers |
5906J17 | | | | | | Education |
5906J172 | | | | | | | Hinukh. Religious instruction. Training in the faith |
5906J175 | | | | | | | Preaching |
5906J3 | | | | | Ritual practice. Worship |
5906J32 | | | | | | Acts of worship |
5906J322 | | | | | | | Tefilat tzibbur. Public worship. Services |
5906J324 | | | | | | | Tefilat yahid. Private worship |
5906J343 | | | | | | | Prayer |
5906J3435 | | | | | | | | Specific prayers |
5906J344 | | | | | | | Aliyah. Reading of text |
5906J3442 | | | | | | | | Torah |
5906J3444 | | | | | | | | Haftarah |
5906J345 | | | | | | | Chanting. Incantation. Cantillation |
5906J357 | | | | | | | Zmiroth. Hymns. Songs |
5906J358 | | | | | | | Psalms |
5906J361 | | | | | | | Rahtzah. Ritual washing of hands |
5906J366 | | | | | | | Dance in worship |
5906J433 | | | | | | | Shema. Confession of faith |
5906J438 | | | | | | | Penitence. Pentitential prayers. Selihoth |
5906J442 | | | | | | | Kapparah. Atonement ceremony |
5906J462 | | | | | | | Kiddush. Sanctification. Berakhah. Blessing |
5906J464 | | | | | | | Herem. Ban. Curse |
5906J5 | | | | | Sacraments. Sacramentals. Rites of passage |
5906J53 | | | | | | Birth ceremonies. Naming ceremonies |
5906J53J3686 | | | | | | | Circumcision. Covenant of the circumcision. Brit milah |
5906J54 | | | | | | Adolescence. Coming of age |
5906J55 | | | | | | Nisuin. Wedding. Marriage. Wedding ceremonies |
5906J55E7 | | | | | | | Objects in the ceremony |
5906J55J34 | | | | | | | | Form of rite. Ketuba. Marriage contract. Kiddushim. Bethrothal. Sanctification Sheva berakhoth. Seven blessings. Divorce. Halitzah. Ceremony of release. Get. Document of divorce. Ptur. Letters of release |
5906J57 | | | | | | Death. Mourning |
5906J57J433 | | | | | | | Prayers for the dead |
5906J585 | | | | | | | Semikhah. Ordination to the Rabbinate |
5906J588 | | | | | | | Excommunication. Expulsion |
5906J62 | | | | | | Feasts and festivals |
5906J63 | | | | | | Sabbath |
5906J65 | | | | | | Major festivals |
5906J652 | | | | | | | Rosh haShanah. New Year |
5906J6522 | | | | | | | | Yom haZikaron. Day of remembrance |
5906J6524 | | | | | | | | Yom teruah. Day of sounding the shophar |
5906J6526 | | | | | | | | Y''mai teshuvah. Ten days of repentance |
5906J653 | | | | | | | Yom Kippur. Day of atonement |
5906J654 | | | | | | | Succoth. Feast of Tabernacles |
5906J655 | | | | | | | Shmini Atzeret & Simhat Torah. Feast of solemn assembly |
5906J656 | | | | | | | Pesach. Unleavened bread. Passover |
5906J657 | | | | | | | Sefirat haOmer. Counting the omer |
5906J658 | | | | | | | Shavuoth. Feast of weeks |
5906J659 | | | | | | | Minor festivals |
5906J6592 | | | | | | | | Hanukah |
5906J6593 | | | | | | | | Purim |
5906J6594 | | | | | | | | Tisha B''av. Destruction of the Temple |
5906J6595 | | | | | | | | Hamisha Asar. Tu b''Shevat. New year for trees |
5906J6596 | | | | | | | | Lag b''Omer. Scholar''s festival |
5906J6597 | | | | | | | | Yom atzmaut. Day of independence |
5906J6598 | | | | | | | | Yom Yerushalayim. Reunification of Jerusalem |
5906J6599 | | | | | | | | Other festivals and holy days |
5906J87 | | | | | | Kabbalah (Cabbalah, Qabbalah). Mysticism |
5906J875 | | | | | | | Visions. Merkavah mysticism. Chariot mysticism |
5906K | | | | Processes in Judaism |
5906K7 | | | | | Relations with society, other faiths |
5906K74 | | | | | | Anti-Semitism |
5906K745 | | | | | | | Religious persecution of the Jews |
5906M | | | | Jewish schools of thought and movements |
5906M32 | | | | | Ultraorthodox. Hasidic movement |
5906M46 | | | | | | Judaism in particular countries |
5906M7 | | | | | Heresies |
5906M72 | | | | | | Karaites |
5906M77 | | | | | | Shabbetaeanism |
5906N | | | | Organizational structure of Judaism |
5906N25 | | | | | Leaders. Rabbis |
5906N263 | | | | | | Kohanim. Priests |
5906N266 | | | | | | | Lay persons |
5906N27 | | | | | | Goyim. Non-Jews. Non-adherents |
5906N4 | | | | | Law. Religious law |
5906N475 | | | | | | Family law |
5906N475272 | | | | | | | Divorce proceedings |
5906N4799 | | | | | | | | Beth din. Religious court |
5906N5 | | | | | Education |
5906N56 | | | | | | Secular education. Religious schools. Yeshiva. Hebrew day school |
5906N6 | | | | | Jewish missions |
5906N68 | | | | | | Forced conversion |
5906N75 | | | | | | Havuroth. Informal worship groups. House groups |
5906N8 | | | | | Religious groups |
5906N84 | | | | | | Religious societies and associations |
59061 | | | | Religion of the Biblical period. Ancient Judaism. Old Testament religion |
59061A | | | | | Religious concepts. Theology of the Biblical period |
59061A443 | | | | | | Presence of God. Shekinah |
59061E3366 | | | | | | | Kingship. Sacral kingship |
59061E42 | | | | | | | Religious sites |
59061E424 | | | | | | | | High places |
59061E54 | | | | | | | The Temple |
59061E73 | | | | | | | The Ark of the Covenant |
59061J | | | | | Religious practice |
59061J38 | | | | | | Sacrifice |
59061J447 | | | | | | | Cultic prophecy |
59061J65 | | | | | | | Festivals in the Biblical period |
59061M6 | | | | | | Schools. Factions |
59061M6E2 | | | | | | | Dead Sea Scrolls |
59061M6E24 | | | | | | | | Biblical texts |
59062 | | | | Ashkenazi Judaism |
59064 | | | | Sephardi Judaism |
59065 | | | | Orthodox Judaism |
590655 | | | | | Neo-Orthodoxy |
59066 | | | | Progressive Judaism |
590662 | | | | | Reform Judaism |
590664 | | | | | Conservative Judaism |
590666 | | | | | Reconstructionist Judaism |
590668 | | | | | Humanistic Judaism |
59067 | | | | Modern movements arising from Judaism |
590675 | | | | | Black Jews |
5907 | | | Christianity. Christian churches and denominations |
5907A | | | | Christian theology |
5907A4 | | | | | God. Christian understanding of God |
5907A41 | | | | | | The existence of God. Proofs of the existence of God |
5907A43 | | | | | | Works of God |
5907A44 | | | | | | Attributes of God |
5907A447 | | | | | | | Essence of God |
5907A448 | | | | | | | Nature of God |
5907A4489 | | | | | | | | The Trinity |
5907A44892 | | | | | | | | | God the Father |
5907A44894 | | | | | | | | | God the Son |
5907A44896 | | | | | | | | | God the Holy Ghost. The Paraclete |
5907A45 | | | | | | Role, functions of God |
5907A452 | | | | | | | Deism. Creation. Creator God. Designer God |
5907A453 | | | | | | | Theism. Providence. Divine governance and safekeeping |
5907A4555 | | | | | | | | Divine intervention. Miracles |
5907A596 | | | | | | | Supernatural beings |
5907A5961 | | | | | | | | Angels. The angelic hierarchy. Thrones. Dominions. Principalities. Powers |
5907A59611 | | | | | | | | | Archangels. Michael. Raphael. Gabriel |
5907A5963 | | | | | | | | Guardian angels |
5907A5965 | | | | | | | | Bad angels. Malevolent beings |
5907A59652 | | | | | | | | | The Devil. Satan. Lucifer |
5907A75 | | | | | | Last things. Eschatology. End of the world |
5907A752 | | | | | | | The Apocalypse |
5907A7527 | | | | | | | | Events. Coming of the AntiChrist |
5907A753 | | | | | | | Last judgement |
5907A754 | | | | | | | Destruction of the world |
5907A757 | | | | | | | Eternal reign of Christ |
5907A7575 | | | | | | | | Chiliasm. Reign of thousand years |
5907A8 | | | | | Man |
5907A81 | | | | | | Origins of man |
5907A815 | | | | | | | Creation of man |
5907A817 | | | | | | | Garden of Eden |
5907A835 | | | | | | | The soul |
5907A84 | | | | | | Man''s relation to God |
5907A842 | | | | | | | Religious feelings. Christian feelings |
5907A843 | | | | | | | Faith. Belief in God |
5907A8435 | | | | | | | | Religious conversion. Formal acknowledgement of faith |
5907A844 | | | | | | | Doubt. Unbelief |
5907A845 | | | | | | | Denial. Apostasy |
5907A846 | | | | | | | Grace |
5907A848 | | | | | | | God''s response to man |
5907A8485 | | | | | | | | Gifts of the spirit |
5907A853 | | | | | | | Sin |
5907A8532 | | | | | | | | Original sin. The fall of man |
5907A8533 | | | | | | | | Repentance. Penitence. Contrition |
5907A8536 | | | | | | | | Remission of sins |
5907A855 | | | | | | | Salvation. Soteriology |
5907A8552 | | | | | | | | Justification |
5907A8553 | | | | | | | | Redemption |
5907A86 | | | | | | Death |
5907A87 | | | | | | Life after death. Life to come |
5907A873 | | | | | | | Immortality of the soul |
5907A876 | | | | | | | Resurrection of the body |
5907A8785 | | | | | | | | Annihilation of being |
5907A88 | | | | | | Spiritual realms |
5907A8826 | | | | | | | Judgement of the individual |
5907A885 | | | | | | | Heaven. Celestial paradise |
5907A886 | | | | | | | Purgatory. Limbo |
5907A887 | | | | | | | Hell |
5907C | | | | Church history. General history of the Christian Church |
5907C(F:.../1054) | | | | | Church history to the Great Schism |
5907C(F:00) | | | | | | Primitive apostolic church. Church during the first century |
5907C(F:01/07) | | | | | | History of the second to eighth centuries AD. Period of the Church fathers. Patristic period |
5907C(F:01/07)E284 | | | | | | Patristics narrowly. Writings of the patristic period |
5907C(F:0100/0325) | | | | | | Church in the ante-Nicene period |
5907C(F:0325/1054) | | | | | | Church in the post-Nicene period |
5907C(F:0858/1204) | | | | | | Period of estrangement |
5907E22 | | | | | | Revelation of God. Revealed theology |
5907E225 | | | | | | | Theophany. Manifestations of God |
5907E23 | | | | | | The Bible |
5907E232 | | | | | | | Original texts |
5907E235 | | | | | | | Versions of the Bible |
5907E236 | | | | | | | Bible paraphrases |
5907E2365 | | | | | | | | Bible stories |
5907E242 | | | | | | | The Old Testament |
5907E2422 | | | | | | | | The Heptateuch |
5907E2423 | | | | | | | | The Hexateuch |
5907E2424 | | | | | | | | The Pentateuch |
5907E2425 | | | | | | | | Genesis |
5907E2426 | | | | | | | | Exodus |
5907E2427 | | | | | | | | Leviticus |
5907E2428 | | | | | | | | Numbers |
5907E2429 | | | | | | | | Deuteronomy |
5907E2432 | | | | | | | | The Historical Books |
5907E24322 | | | | | | | | | Joshua |
5907E24325 | | | | | | | | | Judges |
5907E24327 | | | | | | | | | Ruth |
5907E24332 | | | | | | | | | I Samuel (I Kings) |
5907E24335 | | | | | | | | | II Samuel (II Kings) |
5907E24342 | | | | | | | | | I Kings (III Kings) |
5907E24345 | | | | | | | | | II Kings (IV Kings) |
5907E24346 | | | | | | | | | I Chronicles |
5907E24347 | | | | | | | | | II Chronicles |
5907E24355 | | | | | | | | | Ezra |
5907E24356 | | | | | | | | | Nehemiah |
5907E24357 | | | | | | | | | Esther |
5907E2436 | | | | | | | | Wisdom literature. The poetical books |
5907E24362 | | | | | | | | | Job |
5907E24363 | | | | | | | | | Psalms |
5907E24365 | | | | | | | | | Proverbs |
5907E24366 | | | | | | | | | Ecclesiastes |
5907E24367 | | | | | | | | | Song of Songs |
5907E244 | | | | | | | The Prophets |
5907E2442 | | | | | | | | The major prophets |
5907E24422 | | | | | | | | | Isaiah |
5907E24423 | | | | | | | | | Jeremiah |
5907E24424 | | | | | | | | | Lamentations |
5907E24425 | | | | | | | | | Ezekiel |
5907E24427 | | | | | | | | | Daniel |
5907E24432 | | | | | | | | | The minor prophets |
5907E24433 | | | | | | | | | Hosea |
5907E24434 | | | | | | | | | Joel |
5907E24435 | | | | | | | | | Amos |
5907E24437 | | | | | | | | | Obadiah |
5907E24442 | | | | | | | | | Jonah |
5907E24445 | | | | | | | | | Micah |
5907E24447 | | | | | | | | | Nahum |
5907E24448 | | | | | | | | | Habakkuk |
5907E24452 | | | | | | | | | Zephaniah |
5907E24453 | | | | | | | | | Haggai |
5907E24455 | | | | | | | | | Zechariah |
5907E24457 | | | | | | | | | Malachi |
5907E245 | | | | | | | The Apocrypha. Old Testament Apocrypha |
5907E24524 | | | | | | | | Esdras I |
5907E24526 | | | | | | | | | Esdras II |
5907E24528 | | | | | | | | | Tobit |
5907E24532 | | | | | | | | | Judith |
5907E24534 | | | | | | | | | Esther |
5907E24536 | | | | | | | | | Wisdom of Solomon |
5907E24538 | | | | | | | | | Ecclesiasticus |
5907E24542 | | | | | | | | | Baruch |
5907E24544 | | | | | | | | | Letter of Jeremiah |
5907E24546 | | | | | | | | | Song of the Three Holy Children |
5907E24548 | | | | | | | | | Susannah |
5907E24552 | | | | | | | | | Bel and the dragon |
5907E24554 | | | | | | | | | Prayer of Manasseh |
5907E24556 | | | | | | | | | Maccabees I |
5907E24558 | | | | | | | | | Maccabees II |
5907E2456/2457 | | | | | | | | Old Testament pseudepigrapha |
5907E24562 | | | | | | | | | Book of Jubilees |
5907E24563 | | | | | | | | | I Esdras |
5907E24564 | | | | | | | | | III Maccabees |
5907E24565 | | | | | | | | | IV Maccabees |
5907E24566 | | | | | | | | | Life of Adam and Eve |
5907E24567 | | | | | | | | | Epistle of Aristeas |
5907E24568 | | | | | | | | | Martyrdom of Isaiah |
5907E24569 | | | | | | | | | Psalms of Solomon |
5907E24572 | | | | | | | | | Book of Enoch |
5907E24573 | | | | | | | | | Assumption of Moses |
5907E24574 | | | | | | | | | Apocalypses of Baruch |
5907E24575 | | | | | | | | | IV Esdras |
5907E24576 | | | | | | | | | Sibylline oracles |
5907E24577 | | | | | | | | | Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs |
5907E2458 | | | | | | | | Other Old Testament pseudepigrapha |
5907E246 | | | | | | | The New Testament |
5907E247 | | | | | | | The Gospels |
5907E2472 | | | | | | | | The Synoptic Gospels |
5907E2474 | | | | | | | | Matthew |
5907E2476 | | | | | | | | Mark |
5907E2477 | | | | | | | | Luke |
5907E2478 | | | | | | | | John |
5907E2482 | | | | | | | | Acts of the Apostles |
5907E2483 | | | | | | | | Epistles |
5907E2484 | | | | | | | | Pauline epistles |
5907E24842 | | | | | | | | | Romans |
5907E24844 | | | | | | | | | Corinthians I |
5907E24846 | | | | | | | | | Corinthians II |
5907E24848 | | | | | | | | | Galatians |
5907E24852 | | | | | | | | | Ephesians |
5907E24854 | | | | | | | | | Philippians |
5907E24856 | | | | | | | | | Colossians |
5907E24858 | | | | | | | | | Thessalonians I |
5907E24862 | | | | | | | | | Thessalonians II |
5907E24864 | | | | | | | | | Timothy I |
5907E24866 | | | | | | | | | Timothy II |
5907E24868 | | | | | | | | | Titus |
5907E24872 | | | | | | | | | Philemon |
5907E24874 | | | | | | | | | Hebrews |
5907E24876 | | | | | | | | | James |
5907E24878 | | | | | | | | | Peter I |
5907E24882 | | | | | | | | | Peter II |
5907E24883 | | | | | | | | | John I |
5907E24884 | | | | | | | | | John II |
5907E24886 | | | | | | | | | John III |
5907E24888 | | | | | | | | | Jude |
5907E249 | | | | | | | The revelation of John |
5907E252 | | | | | | | New Testament apocrypha and pseudepigrapha |
5907E2522 | | | | | | | | Apocryphal and pseudepigraphal gospels |
5907E2523 | | | | | | | | Apocrypha and pseudepigrapha of Acts |
5907E2524 | | | | | | | | Pseudepigraphal epistles |
5907E2525 | | | | | | | | Pseudepigraphal apocalypses |
5907E2526 | | | | | | | | Other New Testament Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha |
5907E27 | | | | | | Critical works. Introductions to the Bible |
5907E2714 | | | | | | | Parallel forms. Bible harmonies |
5907E2715 | | | | | | | | Annotated versions |
5907E272 | | | | | | | Biblical concordances |
5907E2724 | | | | | | | | Verbal concordances |
5907E2725 | | | | | | | | Subject concordances |
5907E273 | | | | | | | Bible commentaries |
5907E2742 | | | | | | | | Authorship. Origin of texts |
5907E2744 | | | | | | | | Canon. Canonicity of the Bible |
5907E2746 | | | | | | | | Authority, inerrancy of Scripture |
5907E275 | | | | | | | Textual criticism |
5907E276 | | | | | | | Literary criticism |
5907E277 | | | | | | | Bible study. Interpretation |
5907E2772 | | | | | | | | Biblical exegesis. Biblical hermeneutics |
5907E278 | | | | | | | Biblical theology |
5907E28 | | | | | | Non-Biblical Christian texts |
5907E282 | | | | | | | Liturgical texts |
5907E2823 | | | | | | | | Creeds and confessions of faith |
5907E2824 | | | | | | | | Catechisms |
5907E2825 | | | | | | | | Prayer books |
5907E2827 | | | | | | | | Service books |
5907E284 | | | | | | | Systematic Christian theology. Dogmatic theology |
5907E2852 | | | | | | | | Apologetics |
5907E2854 | | | | | | | | Christian polemics |
5907E29 | | | | | | Christian literature |
5907E31 | | | | | | Jesus Christ. Christology |
5907E312 | | | | | | | Life of Jesus |
5907E3123 | | | | | | | | Nativity and childhood of Christ |
5907E3124 | | | | | | | | The Holy Family |
5907E31245 | | | | | | | | | Joseph |
5907E31247 | | | | | | | | | Mary. The Virgin Mary. Theotokos (Mother of God). Mariology |
5907E3125 | | | | | | | | John the Baptist |
5907E31255 | | | | | | | | | The disciples |
5907E3127 | | | | | | | | Ministry. Public life |
5907E3128 | | | | | | | | Passion of Christ. Trial and Crucifixion. Shrouding. Entombment |
5907E3129 | | | | | | | | Resurrection. Ascension |
5907E317 | | | | | | | Words and sayings of Jesus. Deeds of Jesus |
5907E3173 | | | | | | | | Parables |
5907E3175 | | | | | | | | Miracles |
5907E318 | | | | | | | Jesus as example for Christians. Imitation of Christ |
5907E32 | | | | | | Jesus as Messiah |
5907E36 | | | | | | Saints |
5907E42 | | | | | | Christian sites. Holy places |
5907E422 | | | | | | | Location, orientation |
5907E5 | | | | | Ecclesiology. Church buildings and their content |
5907E54 | | | | | | Christian church buildings |
5907E6 | | | | | Vehicles of cultic acts |
5907E64 | | | | | | Vestments and personal objects. Chasuble. Surplice. Biretta. Mitre. Crozier |
5907E67 | | | | | | Church linen. Draperies. Altar cloths |
5907E71 | | | | | | Furniture. Fonts. Lecterns. Pulpits. Prayer desks |
5907E72 | | | | | | Altars. Tables. Communion tables |
5907E722 | | | | | | | Tabernacles. Hanging pyxes |
5907E724 | | | | | | | Aumbries |
5907E73 | | | | | | Vessels |
5907E75 | | | | | | Lights. Lighting |
5907E76 | | | | | | Christian symbols and images |
5907E762 | | | | | | | Icons. Frescoes. Paintings. Iconography |
5907E763 | | | | | | | Decorative objects and devices. Stained glass |
5907E764 | | | | | | | Effigies. Statues |
5907E765 | | | | | | | Funerary monuments. Tombstones |
5907E77 | | | | | | Relics |
5907H | | | | Recipients of care. Groups in pastoral theology |
5907H47 | | | | | Oppressed groups. Liberation theology |
5907J | | | | Practical theology. Christian practice |
5907J12 | | | | | Moral theology |
5907J123 | | | | | | Right and wrong |
5907J1233 | | | | | | | Knowledge of right and wrong |
5907J12335 | | | | | | | | Conscience |
5907J1234 | | | | | | | | Free will. Freedom to act |
5907J12342 | | | | | | | | | Factors affecting freewill. Ignorance. Fear |
5907J12345 | | | | | | | | | Predestination |
5907J1235 | | | | | | | | Sin. Wrongdoing |
5907J12357 | | | | | | | | | Specific sins |
5907J12358 | | | | | | | | | Deadly sins. Pride. Avarice. Envy. Lust. Anger. Gluttony. Sloth |
5907J1237 | | | | | | | | Virtues |
5907J12375 | | | | | | | | | Specific virtues, A/Z |
5907J12377 | | | | | | | | | Moral virtues. Humility. Penitence. Modesty. Zeal. Chastity. Poverty. Obedience |
5907J12378 | | | | | | | | | Cardinal virtues. Justice. Prudence. Fortitude. Temperance |
5907J12379 | | | | | | | | | Theological virtues. Faith. Hope. Charity |
5907J128 | | | | | | | Moral laws, obligations, regulations. The Church''s commandments |
5907J128E23 | | | | | | | | Commandments derived from the Bible |
5907J128E2426 | | | | | | | | | The Ten Commandments |
5907J128E24261 | | | | | | | | | | The first commandment. Adherence to, and transgression of the first commandment |
5907J128E24262 | | | | | | | | | | The second commandment. Adherence to, and transgression of the second commandment |
5907J128E24263 | | | | | | | | | | The third commandment. Adherence to, and transgression of the third commandment |
5907J128E24264 | | | | | | | | | | The fourth commandment. Adherence to, and transgression of the fourth commandment |
5907J128E24265 | | | | | | | | | | The fifth commandment. Adherence to, and transgression of the fifth commandment |
5907J128E24266 | | | | | | | | | | The sixth commandment. Adherence to, and transgression of the sixth commandment |
5907J128E24267 | | | | | | | | | | The seventh commandment. Adherence to, and transgression of the seventh commandment |
5907J128E24268 | | | | | | | | | | The eighth commandment. Adherence to, and transgression of the eighth commandment |
5907J128E24269 | | | | | | | | | | The ninth commandment. Adherence to, and transgression of the ninth commandment |
5907J128E242699 | | | | | | | | | | The tenth commandment. Adherence to, and transgression of the tenth commandment |
5907J1282 | | | | | | | | Nature of law |
5907J1284 | | | | | | | | Requirements of law |
5907J1286 | | | | | | | | Interpretation of law. Epiky |
5907J1287 | | | | | | | | Exemption from law |
5907J1288 | | | | | | | | Transgression of law |
5907J12885 | | | | | | | | | Mitigation |
5907J12887 | | | | | | | | | Indulgences |
5907J1289 | | | | | | | | Amendment, cancellation of law |
5907J13 | | | | | | Christian social customs and practice. Social theology |
5907J14 | | | | | | Social behaviour |
5907J142 | | | | | | | Food and diet |
5907J14247 | | | | | | | | Fasting |
5907J143 | | | | | | | Personal hygiene and appearance. Personal conduct |
5907J1435 | | | | | | | | Costume, appearance |
5907J147 | | | | | | | Sexual activity and practice |
5907J1477 | | | | | | | | Celibacy |
5907J15 | | | | | | Christian marriage and family |
5907J152 | | | | | | | Christian marriage |
5907J1525 | | | | | | | | Marriage contracts |
5907J154 | | | | | | | Divorce |
5907J16 | | | | | | Pastoral theology. Pastoral work. Christian charity |
5907J163 | | | | | | | Charitable giving |
5907J1632 | | | | | | | | Tithes. Stewardship |
5907J164 | | | | | | | Voluntary work |
5907J168 | | | | | | | Care. Physical care and attendance |
5907J1685 | | | | | | | | Nursing |
5907J1686 | | | | | | | | Healing. Ministry of healing |
5907J17 | | | | | | Christian education |
5907J172 | | | | | | | Religious instruction |
5907J175 | | | | | | | Preaching. Religious oratory |
5907J1752 | | | | | | | | Homiletics |
5907J1755 | | | | | | | | Sermons |
5907J2 | | | | | Christian liturgy |
5907J21/28 | | | | | | Traditional Christian liturgies |
5907J21 | | | | | | | Old Roman rite |
5907J22 | | | | | | | Gallican rite |
5907J23 | | | | | | | Mozarabian rite |
5907J24 | | | | | | | Ambrosian |
5907J25 | | | | | | | African liturgies |
5907J255 | | | | | | | | Ethiopian, Coptic liturgies |
5907J257 | | | | | | | | Egyptian, Alexandrine rite |
5907J26 | | | | | | | Syrian, Palestinian, Antiochene rites |
5907J27 | | | | | | | British rites |
5907J275 | | | | | | | | Celtic rite |
5907J28 | | | | | | | Byzantine rite. Orthodox rites |
5907J3 | | | | | Christian worship and ritual |
5907J32 | | | | | | Christian acts of worship |
5907J322 | | | | | | | Public worship. Services. Offices |
5907J323 | | | | | | | Family worship. Domestic worship. Worship in the home |
5907J324 | | | | | | | Private worship. Personal devotions |
5907J343 | | | | | | | Prayers |
5907J3435 | | | | | | | | Specific prayers |
5907J344 | | | | | | | Reading of texts. Lessons |
5907J345 | | | | | | | Chants |
5907J346 | | | | | | | Prophecy |
5907J347 | | | | | | | Glossolalia. Speaking in tongues |
5907J35 | | | | | | Music |
5907J3535 | | | | | | | Musical chants |
5907J357 | | | | | | | Hymns |
5907J358 | | | | | | | Psalms |
5907J36 | | | | | | Physical rites |
5907J361 | | | | | | | Use of water. Asperges |
5907J3627 | | | | | | | | Censing |
5907J363 | | | | | | | Bodily postures |
5907J3634 | | | | | | | | Bowing |
5907J3635 | | | | | | | | Kneeling. Genuflection |
5907J3636 | | | | | | | | Prostration |
5907J364 | | | | | | | Symbolic gestures |
5907J3642 | | | | | | | | Sign of the Cross |
5907J3645 | | | | | | | | Kiss of peace |
5907J365 | | | | | | | Processions |
5907J367 | | | | | | | Laying on of hands |
5907J3672 | | | | | | | | Shared food. Breaking the bread. Leavened and unleavened bread |
5907J37 | | | | | | Offerings |
5907J4 | | | | | Ceremonies by purpose |
5907J437 | | | | | | Confession |
5907J438 | | | | | | | Penance |
5907J443 | | | | | | | Absolution. Forgiveness |
5907J446 | | | | | | | Dedication. Vow. Pledge |
5907J462 | | | | | | | Blessing. Benediction |
5907J464 | | | | | | | Curse. Anathema. Desecration |
5907J464J282 | | | | | | | | Eucharist of St John Chrysostom |
5907J464J283 | | | | | | | | | Eucharist of St Basil |
5907J464J284 | | | | | | | | | | Eucharist of St James, the brother of the Lord |
5907J464J285 | | | | | | | | | | | Eucharist of the Presanctified |
5907J485 | | | | | | | Exorcism |
5907J49 | | | | | | Eucharist. Communion. Holy Communion. Mass |
5907J493 | | | | | | | Presence of Christ in the communion |
5907J5 | | | | | Sacraments |
5907J55 | | | | | | Weddings |
5907J57 | | | | | | Funerals. Funeral rites |
5907J58 | | | | | | Stages in religious life |
5907J583 | | | | | | | Baptism |
5907J584 | | | | | | | Confirmation |
5907J585 | | | | | | | Ordination |
5907J586 | | | | | | | Beatification |
5907J587 | | | | | | | Canonization |
5907J59 | | | | | | Coronations |
5907J62 | | | | | | Feasts and festivals |
5907J63 | | | | | | Sundays. Sabbath day. Lord''s Day |
5907J634 | | | | | | | Sunday observance |
5907J635 | | | | | | | Special hours. Times for prayer. Canonical hours |
5907J64 | | | | | | Church year. Christian calendar |
5907J65 | | | | | | Major Fasts and Festivals |
5907J652 | | | | | | | Advent |
5907J653 | | | | | | | Christmas. Christmastide |
5907J6535 | | | | | | | | Epiphany |
5907J6536 | | | | | | | | Presentation in the Temple (Candlemass) |
5907J6537 | | | | | | | | Septuagesima. Sexagesima. Quinquagesima |
5907J654 | | | | | | | Lent |
5907J6542 | | | | | | | | Ash Wednesday |
5907J6544 | | | | | | | | Palm Sunday |
5907J655 | | | | | | | Holy Week. Passiontide |
5907J6552 | | | | | | | | Good Friday |
5907J6554 | | | | | | | | Eastertide |
5907J656 | | | | | | | Easter Day |
5907J6572 | | | | | | | | Ascension |
5907J6573 | | | | | | | | Pentecost. Whitsun |
5907J6574 | | | | | | | | Trinity |
5907J6575 | | | | | | | | Corpus Christi |
5907J6576 | | | | | | | | All Saints |
5907J6577 | | | | | | | | All Souls |
5907J6579 | | | | | | | | Saint''s Days |
5907J658 | | | | | | | Festivals of Mary. Annunciation. Assumption. Immaculate conception |
5907J659 | | | | | | | Other feasts and festivals |
5907J67 | | | | | | Pilgrimages |
5907J8 | | | | | Contemplative and reflective religion |
5907J83 | | | | | | Meditation. Contemplation. Personal prayer |
5907J84 | | | | | | Spiritual life |
5907J845 | | | | | | | Spiritual growth and development |
5907J847 | | | | | | | Spiritual exercises |
5907J85 | | | | | | Asceticism |
5907J86 | | | | | | Withdrawal. Retreat |
5907J87 | | | | | | Mysticism. Altered states of consciousness. Divine ecstasies |
5907J876 | | | | | | | Mystic phenomena. Charisms |
5907J8765 | | | | | | | | Stigmata. Stigmatization |
5907J877 | | | | | | | Direct experience of the Divine |
5907K | | | | Processes in Christian religion |
5907K3 | | | | Developmental processes in Christianity. Internal processes |
5907K36 | | | | | Christian revivals |
5907K4 | | | | | Relations of Christianity |
5907K62 | | | | | | Influence exerted by Christian churches |
5907K7 | | | | | Relations of Christianity with other faiths |
5907K735 | | | | | | Irenics |
5907K75 | | | | | | Ecumenism |
5907K76 | | | | | | Co-operation. Church unity |
5907M | | | | Christian religions characterised by various properties |
5907M5 | | | | | Properties of Christian religion relating to degree of officialdom |
5907M525 | | | | | | Christian schools of thought, philosophies |
5907M7 | | | | | Heresy. Heresies |
5907M72 | | | | | | Early heresies. Heresies of the patristic period |
5907M73 | | | | | | Antinomianism |
5907M74 | | | | | | Gnosticism and related heresies |
5907M74E3 | | | | | | | Simon Magus |
5907M743 | | | | | | | Valentinus. Valentinians |
5907M745 | | | | | | | Basilides |
5907M746 | | | | | | | Marcion. Marcionites |
5907M747 | | | | | | | Mani. Manicheeism |
5907M748 | | | | | | | Priscillianists |
5907M752 | | | | | | | Heresies on the nature of God and the Trinity |
5907M7522 | | | | | | | | Docetism |
5907M7523 | | | | | | | | Montanism |
5907M7524 | | | | | | | | Adoptianism |
5907M7525 | | | | | | | | Sabellianism |
5907M7526 | | | | | | | | Arianism |
5907M7527 | | | | | | | | Macedonianism |
5907M755 | | | | | | | Heresies of the incarnation |
5907M7553 | | | | | | | | Ebionites |
5907M7554 | | | | | | | | Elkesaites |
5907M7555 | | | | | | | | Nestorianism |
5907M7556 | | | | | | | | Monophysites |
5907M7557 | | | | | | | | Eutychianism |
5907M756 | | | | | | | Heresies on the nature of the Church and believers |
5907M7564 | | | | | | | | Novatianism |
5907M7566 | | | | | | | | Donatism |
5907M7568 | | | | | | | | Pelagianism |
5907M76 | | | | | | Heresies of later Church history |
5907M762 | | | | | | | Neo-Manicheeism. Gnostic heresies. Dualistic beliefs |
5907M763 | | | | | | | Paulicians |
5907M764 | | | | | | | Cathari. Cathars |
5907M7645 | | | | | | | | Bogomiles |
5907M767 | | | | | | | Iconoclasts |
5907M77 | | | | | | Heresies of the 13thA5th centuries |
5907M772 | | | | | | | Hesychasts |
5907M773 | | | | | | | Joachimites |
5907M774 | | | | | | | Flagellants |
5907M775 | | | | | | | Beghards |
5907M776 | | | | | | | Wycliffites |
5907M777 | | | | | | | Lollards |
5907M78 | | | | | | Heresies of the 16th century onwards |
5907M782 | | | | | | | Jansenists |
5907M783 | | | | | | | Utraquists |
5907M784 | | | | | | | Hussites |
5907M785 | | | | | | | Bohemian Brethren |
5907M79 | | | | | | Other heresies |
5907N | | | | Christian religious organization and administration |
5907N2 | | | | | The Church. The Christian Church |
5907N25 | | | | | | Clergy. Christian ministers |
5907N261 | | | | | | | Archbishops |
5907N262 | | | | | | | Bishops |
5907N2625 | | | | | | | | Senior priests. Archdeacons. Canons. Deans. Archpriests |
5907N263 | | | | | | | Priests. Ministers. Vicars |
5907N264 | | | | | | | Assistant ministers. Deacons |
5907N266 | | | | | | | Lay persons. Church members. Believers |
5907N27 | | | | | | Non-Christians. Non-believers |
5907N32 | | | | | | Authority of the Church |
5907N321 | | | | | | | Source of authority |
5907N323 | | | | | | | Ruling bodies of churches. Synods. Councils |
5907N324 | | | | | | | Councils other than ruling bodies |
5907N33 | | | | | | Religious vocation |
5907N4 | | | | | Religious law. Christian religious law. Canon law |
5907N42E24 | | | | | | The Bible as a source of Law |
5907N42E266 | | | | | | | Codes of Law |
5907N42E267 | | | | | | | | Commentary and interpretation. Legal texts |
5907N45 | | | | | | Christian religious courts |
5907N5 | | | | | Education |
5907N52 | | | | | | Sunday schools |
5907N6 | | | | | Christian missions |
5907N6(K01) | | | | | | Missionaries |
5907N63 | | | | | | Missionary campaigns. Crusades |
5907N64 | | | | | | Overseas missions. Foreign missions |
5907N67 | | | | | | Proselytizing |
5907N7 | | | | | Organizational structure of the Christian faith, religion |
5907N72 | | | | | | Sees. Dioceses |
5907N74 | | | | | | Parishes |
5907N84 | | | | | | Christian associations and organizations |
5907N86 | | | | | | Religious groups and lay orders |
5907N88 | | | | | | Monastic orders. Monasticism. Religious orders proper |
5907N88A/N | | | | | | | Monastic religion and practice |
5907N88C | | | | | | | | History of monasticism |
5907N88E35 | | | | | | | | | Ascetics in general |
5907N88J1285 | | | | | | | | | | Duties of persons in orders. Obligations, rules |
5907N88J446 | | | | | | | | | | Vows |
5907N88J582 | | | | | | | | | | Novitiate |
5907N88N33 | | | | | | | | | | Vocation to orders |
5907N884 | | | | | | | Working Christian orders |
5907N89 | | | | | | Specific Christian monastic orders |
5907N891 | | | | | | | Early orders. Orders on the Eastern model |
5907N8915J128 | | | | | | | | Rule of St Pachomius |
5907N8917J128 | | | | | | | | | Rule of St Basil |
5907N892 | | | | | | | Benedictines |
5907N8923 | | | | | | | | Camaldolese |
5907N8924 | | | | | | | | Carthusians |
5907N8925 | | | | | | | | Cistercians. ''White monks'' |
5907N89255 | | | | | | | | | Trappists |
5907N893 | | | | | | | The mendicant orders generally |
5907N8932 | | | | | | | | Franciscans. Friars minor. Grey friars |
5907N89325 | | | | | | | | | Capuchins |
5907N8933 | | | | | | | | Dominicans. Black friars. Jacobins |
5907N8934 | | | | | | | | Carmelites. White friars |
5907N8935 | | | | | | | | Servites |
5907N894 | | | | | | | Augustinians |
5907N8943 | | | | | | | | Premonstratensians. Norbertines. White canons |
5907N8945 | | | | | | | | Ursulines |
5907N895 | | | | | | | Jesuits |
5907N896 | | | | | | | Lesser orders |
5907N8962 | | | | | | | | Redemptorists |
5907N8963 | | | | | | | | Lazarists. Vincentines |
5907N8964 | | | | | | | | Society of St. Francis de Sales. Salesians |
5907N8967 | | | | | | | | Beguines. Beghards |
5907N899 | | | | | | | Other orders |
59071/79 | | | | |
59071 | | | | | Eastern Church |
590712 | | | | | | Orthodox Church. Eastern Orthodox. Russian and Greek Orthodox churches |
590712A | | | | | | | The Orthodox ''Tradition'' |
590712E | | | | | | | Persons and objects in the Orthodox ''tradition'' |
590712E2 | | | | | | | | Natural theology. Evidence of the natural world. Rational arguments for belief in the Orthodox ''tradition'' |
590712E2827E247 | | | | | | | | | The Gospel Book |
590712E284 | | | | | | | | | | Doctrinal statements. Symbolical Books |
590712E547 | | | | | | | | | | Ikonostasis |
590712E5472 | | | | | | | | | | | Holy Door. Royal Door |
590712E64 | | | | | | | | | Stoles. Epitrachilia |
590712E72 | | | | | | | | | Holy Table. Holy Throne |
590712E73 | | | | | | | | | Spoon (for distributing Communion) |
590712E74 | | | | | | | | | Chaplets. Prayer ropes |
590712E75 | | | | | | | | | Candles |
590712J123461 | | | | | | | | | | ''Chapel'' of the Prothesis, Preparation |
590712J123463 | | | | | | | | | | | Diakonikon |
590712J172(M243) | | | | | | | | | | | | The Longer Catechism |
590712J2J345 | | | | | | | | | | | | Litanies |
590712J2J49 | | | | | | | | | | | The Holy Liturgy |
590712J28 | | | | | | | | | Byzantine rite |
590712J324 | | | | | | | | | | Anthologies of ascetic and mystical texts. Philokalia |
590712J3435 | | | | | | | | | | | Invocation of the Name |
590712J361(L322) | | | | | | | | | | | | Blessing of water |
590712J364 | | | | | | | | | | Sign of the Cross |
590712J37 | | | | | | | | | Offerings Antidoron |
590712J5 | | | | | | | | Sacraments |
590712J635 | | | | | | | | | The Divine Office |
590712J6411/443 | | | | | | | | | | The Orthodox year. Kalendar |
590712N262 | | | | | | | | | | Bishops |
590712N263 | | | | | | | | | | Priests |
590712N263J1477 | | | | | | | | | | | Celibate priests. ''Black'' priests |
590712N263J15 | | | | | | | | | | | | Married priests. ''White'' priests |
590712N264 | | | | | | | | | | Deacons |
590712N2652 | | | | | | | | | | | Subdeacons |
590712N2654 | | | | | | | | | | | Reader |
590712N4 | | | | | | | | Canons of the Orthodox Church |
590712N88 | | | | | | | | | Monastic orders |
5907121 | | | | | | | Eastern Patriarchates |
5907122 | | | | | | | National churches |
59071222 | | | | | | | | Autocephalous churches |
59071224 | | | | | | | | Autonomous churches |
590713 | | | | | | Separated churches |
590714 | | | | | | Uniate churches |
590716 | | | | | | The Church of the East (Nestorian) |
590717 | | | | | | Monophysite rite |
5907172 | | | | | | | Armenian. Alexandrian |
59071722 | | | | | | | | Coptic church |
59071723 | | | | | | | | Ethiopian church. Abyssinian church |
5907174 | | | | | | | Antiochene church |
59071742 | | | | | | | | Syrian church |
59071744 | | | | | | | | Maronite church |
59072/79 | | | | | Western Church |
59072/73 | | | | | | Catholic church |
59072 | | | | | | | Roman Catholic Church |
59072E282 | | | | | | | | Roman Catholic liturgical works |
59072E2827 | | | | | | | | | Missals |
59072J49 | | | | | | | | | | The Mass |
59072K62 | | | | | | | | | | Influence exerted by the Roman Catholic Church |
59072N266J127 | | | | | | | | | | | Informal promotion of the Roman Catholic faith by lay persons |
59072N322 | | | | | | | | | | | The Papacy |
59072N4 | | | | | | | | | Roman Catholic canon law |
59072N42E266 | | | | | | | | | | Codes of Law |
59072N45 | | | | | | | | | | Religious courts. Papal courts. Curia |
59072N452 | | | | | | | | | | | Roman Congregations |
59072N454 | | | | | | | | | | | Tribunals |
59072N455 | | | | | | | | | | | Curial offices |
59072N456 | | | | | | | | | | | Commissions |
59073 | | | | | | | Non-Roman Catholic episcopal churches |
590732 | | | | | | | | Old Catholics |
590734 | | | | | | | | Anglican Church |
590734(D4/9) | | | | | | | | | Anglican church in various countries |
590736 | | | | | | | | Aglipayans. Philippine Independent Church |
59074/78 | | | | | | Protestant churches |
59074 | | | | | | | Protestantism generally. Protestants. Dissenters. Puritans |
590743 | | | | | | | | Minor movements in early Protestantism |
5907436 | | | | | | | | | Pietism |
5907437 | | | | | | | | | Labadists |
5907438 | | | | | | | | | Arminians. Remonstrants |
590745 | | | | | | | | Lutheran churches. Lutherans |
59075 | | | | | | | Re-formed churches |
590752 | | | | | | | | Moravians |
590754 | | | | | | | | Calvinists |
590755 | | | | | | | | Huguenots |
590756 | | | | | | | | Presbyterians |
59076 | | | | | | | Anabaptists |
590762 | | | | | | | | Mennonite churches. Mennonites |
59077 | | | | | | | Free churches. Non-conformists |
590772 | | | | | | | | Congregationalists |
590774 | | | | | | | | Baptists |
590776 | | | | | | | | Methodists. Methodist churches |
59078 | | | | | | | Other protestant churches |
5907815 | | | | | | | | Unitarians |
5907817 | | | | | | | | | Quakers. Society of Friends |
5907819 | | | | | | | | | Salvation Army |
59079 | | | | | Other Christian movements and churches |
5907912 | | | | | | Modern Christian movements |
59079122 | | | | | | | Born-again |
59079123 | | | | | | | | Evangelical |
59079124 | | | | | | | | Fundamentalist |
59079125 | | | | | | | | Pentecostal |
59079127 | | | | | | | | Charismatic |
5907913 | | | | | | | Adventists |
5907914 | | | | | | | Seventh Day Adventists |
5907915 | | | | | | | Pentecostal churches |
59079153 | | | | | | | | Assemblies of God |
59079154 | | | | | | | | Church of God in Christ |
59079156 | | | | | | | | Universal Church of the Kingdom of God |
5907916 | | | | | | | Latter-day Saints. Mormons |
59079167 | | | | | | | | RLDS (Reorganized Latter Day Saints) |
5907917 | | | | | | | Jehovah''s Witnesses |
5907919 | | | | | | | Apostolic churches |
5907921 | | | | | | | Christian Science |
5907922 | | | | | | | New Thought (derived from Christian Science) |
59079222 | | | | | | | | Unity Church |
59079224 | | | | | | | | Religious Science |
59079226 | | | | | | | | Divine Science |
59079228 | | | | | | | | Restoration Movement (Christian Churches and Churches of Christ) |
5907923 | | | | | | | Free Catholics |
5907925 | | | | | | | Christengemeinschaft |
5907927 | | | | | | | Swedenborgians |
5907928 | | | | | | | African Indigenous sects |
59079285 | | | | | | | | African Initiated/Indigenous/Independent Churches (AICs) |
59079287 | | | | | | | | Kimbanguist Church |
5907999 | | | | | | | Others A/Z. Deutsche Christen. Doukhobors |
5908 | | | Islam |
59082 | | | | Sunni. Sunnite Islam |
59084 | | | | Shi''a. Shi''ite Islam |
590845 | | | | | Ahmadiya |
5908455 | | | | | | Lahore Group (Ahmadiya Anjuman-i-Isha''at-i-Islam) |
590847 | | | | | Druze |
59085 | | | | Babi-Baha''i |
590855 | | | | | Non-Bahai Babis |
5908552 | | | | | | Azali Babis |
59086 | | | | Baha''i |
590862 | | | | | BUPC (Baha''is under the provisions of the Covenant) |
590864 | | | | | Orthodox Baha''is |
590866 | | | | | Faith of God |
590867 | | | | | Orthodox Baha''i faith under the Regency |
590868 | | | | | Charles Mason Remey Society |
5909 | | | Modern spiritual movements |
59099 | | | | Philosophical systems |
590992 | | | | | Atheism |
59099252 | | | | | | Shinto derived faiths |
590992525 | | | | | | | Tenrikyo |
590992526 | | | | | | | | Omoto-kyo |
590993 | | | | | Agnosticism |
590994 | | | | | Humanism |
5909942 | | | | | | P(erfect) L(ife) Kyodan |
590995 | | | | | Absence of religion. Secularism |
59099572 | | | | | | Neo-Paganism |
590996 | | | | | Irreligion |
590997 | | | | | Movements with Christian elements |
5909972 | | | | | | Anthroposophical movement |
59099725 | | | | | | | Christian Community |
5909973 | | | | | | Sea of Faith |
5909992 | | | | | | Cao Dai |
5909993 | | | | | | Scientology |
59099935 | | | | | | | Dianetics |
5909994 | | | | | | New Age |