FAT-HUM Class: Religion. Theology.

590Religion. Theology
590A Theory and philosophy of religion. Nature of religion. Phenomenon of religion
590A1  Schools of theology characterised by various attributes
590A2  Concepts in religion. Religious ideas. Theology
590A3  The Holy. The sacred. The supernatural. Object(s) of religion/worship
590A32   Definition
590A33   Origin
590A34   Nature. Taboo, herem, sacredness
590A35   Representation. Symbols. Symbolism
590A352    Individual symbols
590A353    Letters and numbers. Numerology
590A36   Manifestation of the supernatural
590A362    Form of the supernatural. Morphology
590A363    Dynamism. Pre-animism
590A364    Fetishism. Worship of animate and inanimate objects
590A366    Manism. Mana. Gaia. Pantheism. Supernatural inherent in material world
590A367    Animism
590A368    Totemism
590A37   Objects of worship specifically
590A38   Humans and parts of humans
590A4  God. Gods (Personalised god(s) as distinct from immanent spirits)
590A41   Existence of God
590A42   Origin of god(s). Theogony
590A43   Activities of God(s). Works of God(s)
590A44   Attributes of god(s)
590A442    Name of god(s)
590A443    Physical form, appearance
590A444    Anthropomorphism
590A445    Representation of the god(s). Images of the god(s)
590A447    Spirit of God(s). Essence of God
590A448    Personal characteristics, traits. Nature of the god(s)
590A4481     Lordship. Kingship
590A4482     Benevolence
590A4484     Knowledge. Omniscience
590A4486     Power. Omnipotence
590A4487     Presence. Omnipresence
590A45   Role, function of god(s)
590A452    Creator god. Demi-urge. Designer God. Deism
590A453    Preserver god. Theism. Providence. Safekeeping and governance of the world
590A454    Destroyer
590A455    Controller god. Deus ex machina
590A4555     Divine intervention. Miracles
590A456    Responsibilities. Areas of influence
590A46   Typology of god(s)
590A462    Sky father
590A463    Earth mother
590A465    Warrior gods
590A466    Tricksters
590A5  Nature of god(s) and supernatural beings
590A54   Single god. Supreme being. Monotheism
590A56   Opposing gods. Paired gods. Dualism
590A57   Multiplicity of gods. Pantheon. Polytheism
590A58   Named gods/goddesses A/Z. (Gender of god(s))
590A591    Gender of god(s)
590A5911     Genderless (usually assumed)
590A5912     Gods
590A5913     Goddesses
590A5914     Hermaphrodite gods. Androgynes
590A592    Hierarchy of the gods, organization of the pantheon
590A593    Demi-gods
590A594    Divine personifications. Hypostatizations
590A595    Divine incarnations. Avatars
590A596    Supernatural beings. Spirits. Genii. Genies. Djinns
590A5961     Angels. Angelology. Angel hierarchy
590A59611      Archangels (by function)
590A5962     Messengers
590A5963     Guardians (by characteristics)
590A5964     Benevolent
590A5965     Malevolent
590A59651      Demons. Devils
590A59652      Satan. The devil. The evil one
590A5966     Changeable. Unpredictable
590A5967     Semi-divine beings. Half mortals
590A597    Deified beings
590A598    Mythical creatures
590A5981     Therianthropic beings (Part human part animal)
590A7  The universe. Nature of the universe. Cosmology
590A72   The material world. The physical environment
590A722    Origins. Cosmogony. Creation of the world
590A7224     State before creation. Chaos. Primordial chaos
590A7225     Primal, primeval battle
590A7227     Axis mundi
590A724    Theological aspects of elements in the material world (as distinct from their role as objects of worship)
590A73   Underworld. Netherworld
590A74   Spiritual realms. Heaven. Abode of the gods. Spirit world
590A75   Eschatology. End of the world. Last things
590A752    Apocalypse. Apocalyptic
590A7525     Signs of the end times
590A7527     Events of the end times
590A753    Last judgement
590A754    Annihilation. Conflagration. Destruction of the world
590A755    Twilight of the gods
590A756    Cosmic restoration. Cosmic apokatastasis. Transformation
590A757    Kingdom, rule of the god(s)
590A7575     Millennialism. Chiliasm
590A8  Man. Mankind. Humanity. Doctrinal anthropology
590A81   Origins of man
590A815    Creation of man
590A817    Primeval paradise. Earthly paradise
590A82   Purpose, destiny of man
590A83   Nature of man
590A835    The soul. The spirit. Human spirit
590A837    Freedom. Free will. Predestination
590A84   Man''s relation to god(s)
590A842    Religious feelings. Religious experience
590A8425     Abnormal feelings. Fanaticism
590A8427     Illusory feelings, experience. Delusions
590A843    Faith. Belief in god(s)
590A8435     Formal acknowledgement of faith. Religious conversion
590A844    Doubt. Unbelief
590A845    Denial. Apostasy
590A846    Grace
590A847    Covenantal relations
590A848    God''s response to man
590A8485     God''s gifts to man. Gifts of the Holy Spirit
590A85   Human experience. Life
590A852    Suffering
590A853    Evil. The problem of evil. Sin
590A8532     Origin and nature of sin. Nature of evil
590A85325      Original sin. Inherent sinfulness of mankind. Fall of man
590A8533     Repentance. Contrition
590A8535     Atonement for sin
590A8536     Forgiveness. Remission. Absolution
590A855    Salvation. Soteriology
590A8552     Justification
590A8553     Redemption
590A8557     Reconciliation
590A86   Death. The dead
590A87   Life after death. Afterlife. Hereafter
590A872    States of being. Forms of continued existence
590A873    Immortality. Persistence of life
590A874    Restoration (apokatastasis) of souls
590A875    Reincarnation. Metempsychosis. Metamorphosis
590A8755     Birth and re-birth
590A876    Resurrection. Rejuvenation. Restoration of the physical body
590A877    Spiritual, immaterial body. Heavenly body
590A878    Liberation of the soul from the body
590A8785     Annihilation. Cessation of existence. Non-being. Assimilation. Nirvana
590A88   Spiritual realms. Non-material world. Spirit world
590A882    Access to the spirit world
590A8825     Preparation
590A8826     Judgement
590A883    Journey to the spirit world. Ascension. Descent
590A885    Heaven. The heavens. Paradise. Abode of the gods. Astral plane
590A8855     Abode of ancestors
590A886    Intermediate state. Limbo. Purgatory
590A887    Hell. Underworld. Hades. Sheol
590A8875     Abode of ghosts
590C History of the faith, religion, denomination or church
590E Agents in religion (persons and objects)
590E2  Natural theology. Evidence of the natural world. Rational arguments for belief
590E22   Revealed theology. Revelation of god(s)
590E225    Theophany. Hierophany. Kratophany
590E23   Sacred books. Scriptures. Religious texts
590E232    Original texts. Canonical works of scripture
590E233    Variants
590E234    Translations (i.e. from the original text)
590E235    Versions
590E236    Rewritings. Paraphrases
590E2365     Narrative summaries. ''''Bible stories''''
590E2367     Parodies
590E24   Specific texts. Named texts and books
590E25   Secondary literature. Pseudo-canonical works
590E252    Apocrypha. Pseudepigrapha (other than as named)
590E254    Commentary on sacred works
590E256    Interpretative works. Works of guidance on practice
590E262    Oral forms. Oral tradition
590E264    Myths and legends
590E265    Other literary forms
590E2652     Poetic works
590E2653     Epics and sagas
590E2654     Dramatic works
590E2656     Ritual drama. Ritual re-enactments
590E266    Law. Legal codes. Legal texts
590E268    Texts on ''secular'' subjects (K.g. medicine, science)
590E27   Critical works
590E271    Aids to study
590E2714     Parallel forms. Interlinear texts. Harmonies
590E2715     Annotated versions
590E272    Concordances
590E2724     Verbal concordances
590E2725     Subject concordances
590E273    Commentaries
590E274    General criticism
590E2742     Authorship, origin of texts
590E2744     Canon. Canonicity
590E2746     Authority, inerrancy of scripture
590E275    Textual criticism
590E2752     Textual apparatus
590E276    Literary criticism
590E2762     Origin and formation of scriptures
590E2763     Documentary hypotheses
590E2764     Form criticism. Formegeschichte
590E2765     Redaction criticism
590E2766     Literary content
590E27663      Symbolism
590E27664      Typology
590E27666      Allegory
590E2767     Historical criticism. Salvation history. Heilsgeschichte
590E277    Interpretation. Understanding. ''''Bible study''''
590E2772     Exegesis. Hermeneutics
590E2773     Eisegesis
590E2774     Literalist, fundamentalist interpretation
590E2776     Allegorical interpretation
590E2777     Demythologizing
590E278    Theology of sacred texts. Theological content
590E279    Religion as demonstrated in sacred texts. Religious practice
590E28   Other religious texts
590E282    Liturgical works. Liturgical texts
590E2822     Comprehensive liturgical works
590E2823     Creeds and confessions of faith
590E2824     Catechisms
590E2825     Prayer books. Books of prayers
590E2827     Service books. Missals. Breviaries
590E283    Historical documents. Evidential documents. Historical records. Contemporaneous accounts. Letters
590E284    Works of doctrine, dogma. Articles of faith. Systematic theology. Dogmatics
590E285    Defence and exposition of doctrine
590E2852     Apologetics
590E2854     Polemics
590E286    Other forms of religious texts
590E287    Sermons as a form
590E29   Religious literature
590E291    Religious poetry
590E292    Religious drama
590E2931     Religious novels
590E3  Persons in religion
590E31   Originator, founder, central figure of the faith
590E311    Founder''s life
590E3111     Birth, nativity
590E3112     Family of the founder
590E31121      Father
590E31122      Mother
590E3113     Other significant individuals
590E31131      Original followers, supporters
590E32   Messiah(s)
590E33   Inspired persons. Major figures
590E335    Scholars. Thinkers. Philosophers
590E336    Reformers
590E3361     Martyrs
590E3362     Ascetics. Hermits. Fakirs
590E3363     Saints. Boddhisatvas. Enlightened ones
590E3364     Mahatmas. Gurus. Wise men
590E3365     Charismatics. Persons with supernatural powers
590E33651      Shamans. Witch doctors. Medicine men. Sorcerers
590E33652      Cultic priests. High priests
590E33653      Thaumaturgers. Wonder workers. Miracle workers
590E3366     Theocratic sovereigns. Divinely appointed kings. Sacral kingship
590E4  Agents of worship
590E42   Religious sites, locations. Holy places
590E422    Situation, position, location, orientation
590E424    Places of particular spirituality, holiness
590E425    Places with spiritual associations
590E4252     Sites of visions
590E4254     Places of martyrdom
590E4258     Birthplace of holy persons
590E5  Buildings for religious use
590E52   Parts of buildings. Rooms. Areas
590E53   Monuments. Shrines
590E54   Buildings for worship. Temples. Mosques. Churches
590E544    Sanctuary. Holy area
590E545    Appellation. Dedication
590E546    Side rooms. Chapels
590E547    Screens
590E5471     Doors
590E548    Functional rooms. Robing rooms. Vestries
590E55   Subsidiary buildings. Attached buildings
590E56   Monasteries. Community buildings
590E57   Buildings for secular purposes
590E6  Vehicles of cultic acts
590E62   Incense
590E64   Vestments. Clothing. Robes. Head coverings
590E65   Masks
590E66   Headgear. Head-dresses
590E67   Religion draperies. Hangings. Textiles
590E7  Objects in worship. Furnishings and decorations
590E71   Furniture. Platforms. Lecterns
590E72   Altars. Tables
590E73   Containers. Sacred vessels. Chalices. Cups
590E74   Aids to prayer. Prayer wheels. Rosaries
590E75   Lights
590E76   Symbols. Images
590E762    Pictorial symbols. Icons
590E763    Decorative devices and objects
590E764    Statuary. Statues. Idols
590E765    Funerary monuments. Tombs and tombstones. Memorials
590E77   Relics. Reliquaries. Containers for religious objects
590E78   Objects worn on the body. Charms. Talismans
590E79   Musical instruments in worship
590H Recipients of pastoral care. Social types and groups
590H2  Children
590H3  Elderly. Aged
590H4  Victims
590H43   Victims of crime
590H45   Victims of war
590H47   Oppressed groups. Liberation theology
590H475    Religious and politically oppressed
590H5  Minority groups
590H55   Ethnic minority
590H6  Sick
590H63   Mentally ill
590H65   Physically ill
590H67   Disabled
590H7  Dying
590H8  Other disadvantaged groups
590H82   Needy. Poor
590H83   Homeless
590H84   Jobless. Unemployed
590H85   Destitute
590H86   Prisoners
590H865    Prisoners'' families
590H87   Widows and orphans
590H88   Foreigners. Aliens. Strangers
590H885    Refugees
590J Religious activities. Religious practice
590J11  Social behaviour and activities. Non-formal religious practice and observance
590J12   Moral behaviour. Moral theology
590J123    Right and wrong. Good and evil
590J1233     Knowledge of right and wrong
590J12335      Conscience. Guilt
590J1234     Freedom to act. Free will. Human ethical actions
590J12342      Influences on the exercise of free will
590J12344      Determinism
590J12345      Predestination
590J12347      Temptation
590J1235     Wrongdoing. Sin
590J12353      Origin, source of wrongdoing
590J12355      Nature of wrongdoing. Nature of sin
590J12357      Specific sins
590J12358      Seven deadly sins. Mortal sins
590J12359      Venial sins
590J1237     Good. Virtue. The good
590J12373      Origin of good
590J12375      Nature of virtue
590J12377      Specific virtues
590J12378      Cardinal virtues, etc.
590J12379      Theological virtues
590J125    Ethical systems. Ethical theory
590J126    Religious ethics. Ethics directly derived from religious systems
590J127    Informal promotion of the faith. Acting as exemplar or ambassador for the faith
590J128    Religious laws, obligations, moral precepts, moral laws. Regulations. Religious duties
590J1282     Nature of religious law
590J1283     Requirements of law
590J1284     Prohibitions
590J1285     Obedience to the law
590J1286     Interpretation of law
590J1287     Exemption from law
590J1288     Transgression of law
590J12885      Mitigation
590J12887      Indulgences
590J1289     Amendment, cancellation of law
590J13   Social customs and practice. Social theology
590J14   Social behaviour
590J141    Self-emptying. Kenosis
590J142    Food and diet
590J1424     Food laws
590J14245      Dietary requirements. Dietary limitations
590J14247      Abstinence. Fasting. Prohibition
590J1425     Rules concerning specific foods and drinks
590J143    Personal hygiene and appearance. Personal conduct
590J1433     Cleanliness. Washing
590J1435     Clothing. Headgear
590J1437     Cutting, wearing, arrangement of the hair
590J144    Social relationships
590J1442     Friendships
590J1444     Conversation
590J1446     Silence
590J145    Domestic customs and routines
590J146    Medical care and treatment
590J147    Sexual relations, activity
590J1472     Segregation of sexes
590J1474     Chastity. Purity
590J1476     Sexual faithfulness. Promiscuity
590J1477     Abstinence. Celibacy
590J1478     Prostitution
590J15   Marriage and the family
590J152    Courtship. Selection of marriage partners. Betrothal
590J153    Marital partners
590J1532     Monogamy
590J1535     Polygamy. Polyandry
590J154    Divorce
590J155    Children
590J156    Pregnancy
590J1562     Abortion
590J1565     Childbirth
590J157    Parenthood
590J1575     Adoption
590J158    Surrogacy
590J16   Charity. Support for others. Pastoral activities. Pastoral theology in the broad sense
590J162    Agencies, institutions for pastoral care and support
590J163    Charitable giving
590J1632     Tithes. Stewardship
590J1634     Almsgiving
590J1636     Surrender of wealth, possessions. Voluntary poverty
590J164    Practical support. Voluntary work
590J165    Counselling. Advising
590J166    Visiting
590J167    Hospitality
590J168    Care. Physical care and attendance
590J1682     Temporary, respite care
590J1684     Residential care
590J16845      Shelter. Housing
590J16847      Hostels. Hospices
590J1685     Nursing care. Medical care
590J1686     Healing
590J16865      Laying on of hands
590J17   Education
590J172    Religious education
590J1723     Preparation for initiation. Religious instruction
590J1725     Continuing religious education
590J174    Scriptural study and interpretation (for education)
590J175    Preaching (as education and instruction)
590J1752     Homiletics. Theory of preaching
590J1755     Sermons
590J2  Liturgy
590J21   Form of rite. Office
590J3  Worship broadly. Cult. Rites and ceremonies
590J32   Acts of worship (by participants)
590J322    Public worship. Communal worship. Services. (Usually assumed)
590J3224     Ceremonial. Ceremonies on the grand scale
590J3226     State ceremonies
590J3228     Partially public
590J323    Domestic observances. Family worship. Worship in the home
590J324    Personal worship. Private devotions
590J325    Secret worship (by degree of compulsion)
590J326    Compulsory. Obligatory
590J327    Recommended
590J328    Voluntary. Optional
590J33   Object of worship
590J34   Form of rites, worship (oral)
590J342    Calling to worship, prayer
590J343    Prayer
590J3435     Specific prayers
590J344    Reading of texts
590J345    Chants. Incantations
590J346    Prophecy
590J347    Glossolalia. Ecstatic utterance. Speaking in tongues
590J35   Music in worship
590J352    Solo singing
590J353    Choral music
590J3535     Musical chants. Plainsong
590J3536     Antiphonal singing
590J354    Congregational music. Public singing. Community singing
590J355    Instrumental music
590J356    Liturgical settings
590J3565     Of texts
590J3567     Of services
590J357    Hymns
590J3575     Anthems
590J358    Psalms
590J3585     Metrical psalms
590J359    Religious musical works. Oratorios. Cantatas
590J36   Physical rites and ceremonies
590J361    Washing. Ablution. Immersion in water. Sprinkling of water
590J362    Use of other materials, substances
590J3625     Oil. Anointing. Unction
590J3627     Incense. Censing
590J363    Postures
590J3632     Orientation
590J3634     Bowing. Bending
590J3635     Kneeling. Genuflection
590J3636     Prostration
590J3637     Laying on of hands
590J364    Symbolic gestures
590J365    Procession. Circumambulation
590J366    Dance
590J3665     Drama. Symbolic enactment
590J367    Eating. Food rites and ceremonies
590J3672     Shared food. Ritual meal. Breaking of bread
590J3674     Ritual fasting. Abstinence from food
590J3676     Drinking
590J36765      Potions
590J368    Marking of the body
590J3682     Ritual marking and scarring
590J3684     Body piercing
590J3686     Circumcision
590J369    Control of the body
590J3692     Endurance of pain
590J3694     Fire-walking
590J3696     Levitation
590J37   Offerings
590J38   Sacrifices
590J382    Burnt offerings
590J384    Whole burnt offerings
590J386    (By subject of sacrifice)
590J4  Ceremonies by purpose
590J423   Personal
590J425    Altruistic
590J427    Vicarious
590J432    Homage. Adoration. Veneration. Worship narrowly
590J433    Profession of belief. Credo. Confession of faith
590J434    Intercession. Influence
590J435    Propitiation
590J436    Petition (By subject of request)
590J437    Confession of sins
590J438    Penitence
590J442    Expiation. Atonement
590J4425     Scapegoat
590J443    Absolution. Forgiveness
590J444    Purification. Catharsis
590J445    Thanksgiving
590J4455     Commemoration
590J446    Dedication. Vow. Pledge
590J447    Knowledge. Enlightenment. Insight
590J448    Knowledge of events. Divination. Augury. Soothsaying. Oracles
590J45   Control of events. Magic
590J452    Sympathetic magic
590J453    Contagious magic
590J455    Homeopathic. Imitative rites
590J456    Binding and losing
590J457    Generating rites
590J462    Blessing. Sanctification. Consecration
590J464    Curse. Anathema. Desecration
590J466    Deconsecration
590J47   Evocation, ''calling-up'' of spirits
590J475    Evocation of the dead. Necromancy
590J48   Elimination. ''De-desecration''. Casting out
590J485    Exorcism
590J49   Communication with the deity. Communion with the deity
590J492    Evocation of the deity
590J493    Coming of the deity. Presence of the deity
590J494    Assimilation of the deity
590J496    Departure of the deity
590J5  Sacraments. Sacramentals
590J52   Rites of passage. Stages in life
590J53   Birth
590J532    Pre-natal. Antenatal
590J533    Peri-natal
590J534    Post-natal
590J54   Adolescence. Puberty. Transition to adulthood
590J55   Betrothal. Marriage. Wedding ceremonies
590J555    Procreation. Fertility. Childbirth
590J56   Old age
590J57   Death. Funeral ceremonies
590J575    Disposal ceremonies. Burial. Cremation
590J58   Stages in spiritual life
590J582    Initiation
590J583    Baptism. Naming ceremonies
590J584    Confirmation. Adult re-initiation
590J585    Ordination. Entry to priesthood
590J586    Beatification
590J587    Canonization
590J588    Expulsion. Excommunication
590J59   Coronation. Enthronement
590J6  Celebration
590J62   Feasts and festivals. Holy days
590J63   Special weekday. Day of rest. Sabbath
590J635    Special times of day. Hours for prayer. Hours for worship
590J64   Religious calendar. Religious year
590J65   Named festivals A/Z
590J67   Special years. Holy years. Sabbatical years. Jubilees
590J7  Pilgrimage
590J8  Contemplation and reflective religion
590J82   Religious experience
590J83   Meditation. Contemplation. Prayer in the personal sense
590J84   Spiritual life
590J845    Spiritual growth and development
590J847    Spiritual exercises
590J85   Asceticism
590J855    Self-denial
590J857    Mortification of the flesh
590J86   Withdrawal. Retreat
590J865    Hermitage. Isolation
590J87   Mysticism. Altered states of consciousness. Mystic experiences
590J873    Trances
590J875    Visions
590J876    Mystic phenomena
590J8765     Stigmata
590J877    Direct experience of the divine
590K Processes in religion
590K3  Developmental processes. Internal processes
590K32   Origin of the faith. Genesis
590K33   Evolution. Development
590K34   Growth. Expansion
590K35   Decline. Contraction
590K36   Revival. Rejuvenation. Renaissance
590K37   Death. Extinction
590K4  Relative processes. External processes. Interactions between faiths
590K5  Comparison
590K6  Influence
590K62   Influence on. Effect on
590K63   Dependence
590K64   Influenced by
590K643    Syncretism. Borrowing
590K645    Assimilation
590K7  Relations between faiths or with society in general. Religion and society
590K72   Isolation. Separation
590K73   Co-existence
590K735    Tolerance. Irenics
590K74   Conflict. Antagonism. Hostility
590K745    Persecution
590K75   Dialogue. Ecumenism
590K76   Co-operation
590K77   Inter-communion
590K78   Integration. Merger. Amalgamation
590K79   Re-union
590M Religions characterised by various properties
590M1  Classification of religions
590M2  Properties related to ministry
590M23   Religions with hierarchical structure, levels of ministry. ''Episcopalian''
590M24   Religions with ministers, priests ''Presbyterian''
590M25   Religions without ministers, priests ''Congregational''
590M3  Properties relating to orthodoxy
590M32   Ultraorthodox
590M33   Orthodox
590M34   Heterodox
590M35   Moderate
590M36   Reformed
590M37   Liberal
590M38   Reconstructed
590M4  Properties relating to the state
590M42   National religions
590M44   Established churches. State religions
590M46   Religions of specific regions or countries
590M5  Properties relating to degree of officialdom
590M52   Official. Mainstream
590M525    Philosophies. Schools of thought
590M53   Popular. Folk religion. Popular religiosity
590M535    Superstition
590M54   Dissident
590M55   Separatist
590M56   Unofficial. Breakaway
590M6  Factional groups. Factions
590M7  Schismatic groups. Heresies
590N Religious organization and administration
590N2  Nature and structure of the organized religion, church. Ecclesiology
590N22   Persons in religion
590N25   Officers of the religion. Priests. Ministers. Leaders
590N26   Levels of leadership
590N261    Archbishops. Metropolitans
590N262    Senior. Bishops. Abbots
590N263    Priests. Ministers
590N264    Deacons. Assistant ministers
590N265    Lay assistants
590N266    Laity in general. Lay persons. Adherents
590N267    Elders. Senior members (Kither lay or ministers)
590N27   Non-adherents of the religion. Non-believers
590N3  Government of the religion
590N32   Authority of the church (Agents of authority)
590N321    Source of authority
590N322    Head of religion
590N323    Ruling bodies. Synods. Convocations
590N324    Councils. Bodies convened for the purpose of establishing doctrine and practice
590N325    Authority of officers, priests
590N326    Lay persons. Adherents
590N33   Religious office. Vocation
590N35   Management and administration
590N36   Other institutions, agencies, organizations within the religion or church
590N37   Congregations. Worshippers
590N4  Legal administration. Religious law. Canon law
590N41   Theory of canon law. Religious jurisprudence
590N42   Sources of law
590N44   Legal practice and procedure
590N45   Religious courts
590N46   Religious judgements
590N47   Subjects of law
590N47A/N    Topics in religious law
590N5  Education
590N52   Secular education. Religious schools, foundations
590N54   Tertiary education. Colleges with religious association
590N56   Higher education. Religiously based universities
590N6  Recruitment. Missionary activity. Missions broadly. Missiology
590N62   Missionary work. Forms of missionary activity
590N63   Campaigns. Crusades
590N64   Overseas missions. Missions in the narrow sense
590N65   Propaganda. Religious propaganda. Publicity
590N66   Evangelical activity. Evangelism
590N67   Proselytizing. Conversion
590N68   Forced conversion. Conversion by the sword. Imposition of faith. Holy war
590N69   Religious conquest
590N7  Organizational structure of the faith, religion
590N71   Administrative levels
590N72   Top level. See
590N73   Intermediate. Regional organization. Diocese. Circuit
590N74   Local. Parishes. Local community, group
590N75   Neighbourhood. House groups. Informal groups
590N8  Religious organizations. Religious societies and associations
590N84   Religious groups and lay orders not defined by purpose or membership
590N845    Secret societies
590N88   Religious orders proper. Monastic orders. Monasticism
590N88A/N    Monastic religion and practice
590N882    Enclosed orders. Separated from the world
590N883    Mendicant orders
590N884    Working orders
590N88435     Militant, military
590N88437      Teaching
590N88461      Medical, nursing, caring. Hospitallers
590N885    Celibate orders
590N886    Silent orders
590N89   Named monastic orders
590N9  Sects. Sectarian movements
5901/5909 Religious systems. Religions and faiths
5901  Prehistoric and primitive religions
59012   Prehistoric religions
59013   Primitive religions
5902  Religions originating in the Far East
59021   Religions of China
590213    Taoism
590215    The old State religion
590217    Confucianism
59023   Religions of Korea
59025   Religions of Japan
590252    Shinto
5902522     Seicho-No-Je
5902524     Sekai Kyuseikyo
5902526     Zenrinkai
5902527     Tensho Kotai Jingukyo
5902528     Ennokyo
5903  Religions originating in Indian sub-continent. Hindu religion in the broad sense
59031   Vedism
59032   Brahmanism
59033   Hinduism narrowly
59033A    Theory and philosophy of Hinduism
59033A3     The Holy. Brahma. Absolute being
59033A4     God(s) and goddess(es)in Hinduism
59033A453      Preserver god. Safekeeping and governance of the world
59033A5     Nature of gods in Hinduism
59033A58      Named gods in Hinduism
59033A595       Incarnations. Avatars
59033A596       Spiritual beings
59033A59651        Asuras. Demons
59033A5967        Semi-divine beings. Apsaras. Nymphs
59033A7     The Universe
59033A724      Asat. The state before creation
59033A75      End of the world
59033A754       Pralaya. Annihilation. Universal dissolution
59033A8     Man. Mankind
59033A83      Atman. The individual soul
59033A84      Anugraha. Grace
59033A85      Human life
59033A852       Suffering
59033A853       Adharma. Unrighteousness. Sin
59033A86      Death
59033A87      Life after death
59033A875       Reincarnation
59033A8755        Samsara. The cycle of birth and re-birth
59033A876       Mukti. Moksa. The liberation of the soul
59033A8779        Aprakrta sarira. The immaterial body
59033A878       Ananda. Cessation of being
59033A88      Spiritual realms
59033A885       Pitra loka. World of ancestors
59033A887       Narakas. Hells
59033A8875        Preta loka. World of ghosts
59033E    Persons and objects in Hinduism
59033E2     Natural theology in Hinduism. Evidence of the natural world. Rational arguments for belief
59033E23      Sacred texts of Hinduism
59033E24      Sruti. Revealed writings. Vedas in the widest sense
59033E242       Vedas in the narrower sense. Samhitas
59033E2422        Trayi Vidya ''Triple doctrine''
59033E2423        Rig Veda
59033E2424        Yajur Veda
59033E24245         Krsna. ''Black tradition''
59033E242452          Taittiriya
59033E242454          Maitrayani
59033E242455          Kathaka samhitas
59033E24246         Sukla. ''White tradition''
59033E2426        Samsa Veda
59033E2427        Atharva Veda
59033E243       Brahmanas
59033E245       Aranyakas
59033E247       Upanishads. Vedanta
59033E2472        Brhadaranyaka
59033E2473        Chandogya
59033E2474        Taittiriya
59033E2475        Isa
59033E2476        Svetasvatara
59033E2477        Mahanarayana
59033E2478        Mandukya
59033E25      Smrti. Tradition
59033E256       Sutras
59033E2562        Svanta-sutras
59033E2564        Gryha-sutras
59033E2566        Dharma-sutras
59033E2653        Itihasa. Epics and sagas
59033E26532         Ramayana
59033E26533         Mahabharata
59033E26534         Bhagavadgita
59033E26535         Puranas
59033E266       Smrtis. Codes of Law
59033E268       Upavedas
59033E271       Vedangas
59033E282       Tantras and Agamas. Ritual texts
59033E286       Non-Sanskrit texts. Vernacular traditions
59033E2865        Tiravaimoli. ''Tamil-veda''
59033E2867        Other
59033E3     Persons in Hinduism
59033E33      Inspired persons. Major figures
59033E335       Reformers
59033E34      Martyrs
59033E35      Ascetics. Hermits. Fakirs. Sadhus. Sannyasi
59033E36      Sants. Saints
59033E355       Scholars
59033E37      Mahatmas. Gurus
59033E42      Religious sites, locations
59033E5     Religious buildings
59033E56      Ashrams. Monasteries. Community buildings
59033E6     Vehicles of cultic acts
59033E62      Gandha. Perfumes. Incense
59033E7     Religious objects
59033E74      Mala. Rosaries
59033E75      Dipa. Lamps, lights
59033E76      Murti. Images of the deity. Astamurti
59033E78      Janeu. Personal adornments
59033J    Hindu religious practice
59033J12     Moral behaviour. Moral theology
59033J123      Right and wrong
59033J1235       Adharma. Unrighteousness. Evil
59033J12357        Aparadha. Specific sins A/Z
59033J12358         Mahapatakas. Great sins. Brahmanahatya. Surapana. Steya. Guruvanganagana. Mahapatahasamsarga
59033J1237        Dharma. Good. Virtue. Right living
59033J12377         Specific virtues. Ahimsa. Aparigrapha. Asteya. Vidya
59033J125       Ethical systems. Acara. Rules for living
59033J128       Religious ethics
59033J1285        Obligations, moral precepts. Religious duties
59033J13      Social customs and practice
59033J14      Social behaviour
59033J142       Food and diet
59033J14245        Dietary requirements
59033J14247         Upavasa. Fasting
59033J15      Vivaha. Marriage
59033J16      Charity
59033J163       Dana. Charitable giving
59033J3     Worship in Hinduism
59033J32      Acts of worship
59033J326       Nitya. Compulsory
59033J328       Naimittika. Voluntary devotions
59033J33      Objects of worship
59033J34      Rites and rituals
59033J343       Prayer
59033J3435        Specific prayers. Gayatri
59033J344       Reading of texts
59033J3445        Specific readings
59033J345       Chants
59033J3455        Mantras. Japa (Aepetition of mantra)
59033J35      Music
59033J354       Kirtana. Public singing
59033J357       Stotra. Hymna. Stotramalas. Collections of hymns
59033J36      Ritual acts
59033J3625       Abhisekha. Anointing
59033J363       Postures
59033J3636        Namaskara. Pranama. Prostration
59033J37      Offerings
59033J38      Medha. Sacrifices
59033J382       Burnt offerings. Agnihotra, fire sacrifice
59033J3825        Agnicayana, the fire offering
59033J386       Sacrifices according to subject
59033J4     Purpose of ceremony
59033J446      Vrata. Vow, pledge
59033J462       Asirveda. Blessing. Benediction
59033J492       Avahana. Invocation of the deity
59033J495       Visarjana. Departure of the deity
59033J5     Sacraments and sacramentals in Hinduism
59033J52      Samskara. Rites of passage
59033J53      Jata-karma. Birth ritual
59033J55      Vivaha. Marriage ceremonies
59033J57      Sraddha. Antyesti. Mrtyu-samskara. Last rites. Funeral ceremonies
59033J575       Sati. Disposal of the body
59033J582       Upanayana. Initiation
59033J585       Diksa. Entry to religious community
59033J62      Feasts and festivals. Holy days
59033J64      Named feasts and festivals
59033M    Hinduism characterised by various properties
59033M5     Properties in Hinduism relating to degree of officialdom
59033M52      Official. Mainstream Hinduism
59033M525       Philosophies. Schools of thought. Darsanas. ''Theories''
590332    Vishnuism
590333    Shivaism
590334    Shaktism. Shaktas
590335    Neo-Hinduism. Reform Hinduism
590337    Virashaivas. Lingayats
59034   Jainism
590343    Svetambara
590345    Sthanakavasis
590347    Digambaras
59035   Sikhism
59039   Other religions of Eastern origin
590394    Theosophy
590396    Sri Chinmoy
5904  Buddhism
5904A   Theory and philosophy of Buddhism. Nature of Buddhism
5904A7    The Buddhist view of the universe. Cosmology
5904A72     The material world. The physical environment
5904A722      Origins. Cosmogony. Creation of the world
5904A8    Man. Mankind. Humanity
5904A83     The nature of man
5904A832      Material body. Rupa
5904A833      The non-material. Nama
5904A834      Consciousness
5904A835      Atma. The soul. The spirit. Human spirit
5904A8355       Anatta. Anatma. No-self. Denial of personality
5904A837      Freedom. Free will. Predestination
5904A85     Human experience. Life
5904A852      Suffering. Dukkha
5904A85325       Karma. Desire. Craving
5904A86     Death. The dead
5904A865      End of life. Parinirvana (for the enlightened)
5904A87     Life after death. Afterlife. Hereafter
5904A872      States of being. Forms of continued existence. Transmigration
5904A875      Rebirth. Reincarnation. Metempsychosis. Metamorphosis
5904A8755       Samsara. Cycle of birth and re-birth
5904A8756       Ananda. Dependent origination
5904A876      Liberation of the soul
5904A8785       Annihilation. Cessation of existence. Non-being. Assimilation. Nirvana. Nibbana
5904A88     Non-material world. Spiritual realms. Planes of life. Destinies
5904A885      Deva-loka. Deva-worlds
5904A8875       Abode of ghosts. Preta-loka
5904C   History of Buddhism
5904CM525    Historical schools of thought. The eighteen schools
5904CN324     Buddhist councils
5904E   Persons and objects in Buddhism
5904E2    Evidences of religion
5904E23     Buddhist Sacred books. Scriptures. Religious texts
5904E232      Original texts. Canonical works of scripture
5904E233      Variants
5904E234      Translations (i.e. from the original text)
5904E235      Versions
5904E24     The Pali Canon (canon of the Theravada school). Tipitaka. The Three Baskets
5904E244      Vinaya pitaka. Basket of discipline
5904E2442       Mahavagga
5904E2443       Cullavagga
5904E2444       Parajika
5904E2445       Pacittiya
5904E2447       Parivara
5904E246      Sutta pitaka. Basket of instructions
5904E2462       Digha Nikaya
5904E2463       Majjhima Nikaya
5904E2464       Samyutta Nikaya
5904E2465       Anguttara Nikaya
5904E2466       Khuddaka Nikaya
5904E246622        Khuddakapatha
5904E246624         Dhammapada
5904E246625         Udana
5904E246626         Itivuttaka
5904E246627         Sutta Nipata
5904E246632         Vimanavatthu
5904E246634         Petavatthu
5904E246635         Theragatha
5904E246637         Therigatha
5904E246642         Jataka
5904E246643         Nidessa
5904E246644         Patisambhidamagga
5904E246652         Apadana
5904E246653         Buddhavamsa
5904E246654         Carriyapitaka
5904E248      Abhidhamma Pitaka. Basket of the higher dhamma
5904E2482       Dhammasangani
5904E2483       Vibhanga
5904E2484       Dhatukatha
5904E2485       Puggalapannatti
5904E2486       Kathavatthu
5904E2487       Yamaka
5904E2488       Patthana
5904E252      Post-canonical Pali literature
5904E2522       Dipavamsa
5904E2523       Mahavamsa
5904E2524       Callavamsa
5904E2525       Dhammapada attakatha
5904E2526       Milindipanha
5904E2527       Nettipakarana
5904E2528       Visuddhimagga
5904E2529       Vimuttimagga
5904E253      Sanskrit Buddhist literature
5904E254      Commentary on sacred works
5904E256      Interpretative works. Works of guidance on practice
5904E262      Oral forms. Oral tradition
5904E264      Myths and legends
5904E265      Other literary forms
5904E2652       Poetic works
5904E2653       Epics and sagas
5904E266      Law. Legal codes. Legal texts
5904E278      Theology of sacred texts. Theological content
5904E279      Religion as demonstrated in sacred texts. Religious practice
5904E28     Other religious texts
5904E282      Liturgical works. Liturgical texts
5904E283      Historical documents. Evidential documents. Historical records. Contemporaneous accounts. Letters
5904E284      Works of doctrine, dogma. Articles of faith. Systematic theology. Dogmatics
5904E285      Four noble truths. Ariya sacca. Arya satya
5904E2852       On the existence of suffering
5904E2853       On the origin of suffering
5904E2854       On the knowledge of the cessation of suffering
5904E2855       Eightfold path. Magga
5904E28552        Wisdom. Panna
5904E285523         Sammaditthi. Right views, right understanding. Knowledge. Nana
5904E285524         Sammasamkappa. Right aspirations, right thought
5904E28553        Morality. Sila
5904E285533         Sammavaca. Right speech
5904E285534         Sammakamanta. Right conduct, right action
5904E285535         Sammaajiva. Right livelihood
5904E28554        Meditation. Samadhi
5904E285543         Sammavayama. Right effort
5904E285544         Sammasati. Right mindfulness
5904E285545         Sammasamadhi. Right contemplation
5904E286      Other forms of religious texts
5904E287      Sermons as a form
5904E3    Persons in Buddhism
5904E31     Buddha. Gautama Buddha. Adi Buddha
5904E31A      Theology of the Buddha
5904E312      Life of Buddha
5904E31247       Mother of Buddha. Foster mother. Mahaprajapati
5904E31255        Original followers. Arhants
5904E3126       Enlightenment
5904E3129       Return of the Buddha [as Maitreya]
5904E315      Accounts, anecdotal material
5904E317      Memoirs. Sayings. Deeds
5904E318      Buddha as model, example
5904E35     Ascetics. Hermits
5904E36     Saints. Boddhisatvas. Enlightened ones
5904E365      Arahant (discipline at the final stage of enlightenment)
5904E37     Acariya. Wise men
5904J   Religious activities. Religious practice
5904J12    Moral behaviour. Moral theology
5904J1235     Adhamma. Wrong-doing
5904J12358      Five hindrances. Nivaranani
5904J123582       Sense desires. Covetousness
5904J123583        Malevolence
5904J123584         Sloth
5904J123585         Restlessness
5904J123586         Doubts
5904J1237       Dhamma. Good. Virtue. The good. Right living
5904J12377        Specific virtues
5904J12378        Ten transcendental virtues. Paramis
5904J123780         Dana. Generosity
5904J123781         Sila. Morality
5904J123782         Nekkhamma. Renunciation
5904J123783         Panna. Wisdom
5904J123784         Viriya. Energy
5904J123785         Khanti. Patience
5904J123786         Sacca. Truthfulness
5904J123787         Adhitthana. Resolution
5904J123788         Metta. Loving-kindness
5904J123789         Upekkha. Equanimity
5904J126      Buddhist ethics
5904J128      Religious laws, obligations, moral precepts, moral laws. Regulations. Religious duties
5904J13     Social customs and practice. Social theology
5904J14245      Dietary requirements. Dietary limitations
5904J14247       Abstinence. Fasting. Prohibition
5904J1425       Rules concerning specific foods and drinks
5904J143      Personal hygiene and appearance. Personal conduct
5904J1435       Clothing. Apparel
5904J147      Sexual relations, activity
5904J1477       Abstinence. Celibacy
5904J16     Obligation to others. Support of the monastic community
5904J3    Rites, ceremonies etc.
5904J57     Funerary customs and rituals
5904J8    Contemplation and reflection
5904J83     Meditation. Contemplation
5904J84     Spiritual life
5904J845      Spiritual growth and development. Anna. Knowledge. Gnosis
5904J8452/8455       Stages of development
5904J8452       Sotapanna (Kntering)
5904J8453       Sahadagamin
5904J8454       Anagamin (never-returner)
5904J8455       Arantship
5904J847      Spiritual exercises
5904K   Processes in religion
5904K4    Relative processes. External processes. Interactions between Buddhism and other faiths
5904K643     Syncretism. Borrowing
5904K645      Assimilation
5904K7    Relations between Buddhism and society in general
5904K735     Tolerance. Irenics
5904K74     Conflict. Antagonism. Hostility
5904K745      Persecution
5904N   Buddhist organization and administration
5904N22    Persons in Buddhism
5904N25     Samgha. Community of disciples. ''Priesthood''
5904N322      Head of religion
5904N324      Buddhist councils
5904N326      Lay persons. Adherents
5904N8    Buddhist organizations. Buddhist societies and associations
5904N88     Buddhist orders proper. Monastic orders. Monasticism
5904N9    Sects. Sectarian movements
59041   Hinayana Buddhism. The lesser vehicle. Theravada Buddhism. Pali school
59042   Mahayana. The great vehicle
59042A5913    Prajnaparamita. Mother of all the Buddhas
59042A592     Pantheistic hierarchy
59042C    History of Mahayana Buddhism
59042CM525     Schools of thought
59042E24      Mahayana texts. Sanskrit Buddhist literature
59042E253       Sutras
59042E254       Sastras
59042E257       Tantras
59042E31A       Buddhology
59042E31A69        Mythical Buddhas
59042E36      Boddhisattvas. Boddhisattva ideal
59042E42      Buddhist holy places
59042E424       Places of particular spirituality, holiness
59042E5     Buildings for religious use
59042E53      Buddhist shrines
59042E54      Temples
59042E56      Monasteries. Community buildings
59042E6     Vehicles of cultic acts
59042E7     Objects in worship. Furnishings and decorations
59042E74      Aids to prayer. Prayer wheels
59042E764       Statuary. Statues. Idols
59042J2     Liturgy
59042J3     Puja. Buddhist worship broadly
59042J33      Objects of worship, devotion
59042J344       Reading of texts
59042J345       Mantras. Chants. Incantations
59042J36      Physical rites and ceremonies
59042J361       Washing. Ablution. Immersion in water. Sprinkling of water
59042J3627        Incense. Censing
59042J363       Postures
59042J364       Symbolic gestures
59042J365       Procession. Circumambulation
59042J37      Offerings
59042J52      Rites of passage. Stages in life
59042J53      Birth
59042J54      Adolescence. Puberty. Transition to adulthood
59042J55      Betrothal. Marriage. Wedding ceremonies
59042J56      Old age
59042J57      Death. Funeral ceremonies
59042J575       Disposal ceremonies. Burial. Cremation
59042J58      Stages in spiritual life
59042J582       Initiation
59042J584       Confirmation. Adult re-initiation
59042J585       Ordination
59042J62      Feasts and festivals. Holy days
59042J635       Special times of day. Hours for prayer. Hours for worship
59042J64      Religious calendar. Religious year
59042J65      Named festivals
590425    Chinese Buddhism
590425E24     Chinese Tipitaka
590425E31A      Chinese Buddhology
590425E36       Boddhisattvas in Chinese Buddhism
590425N9      Sects
590425N92       Classical schools including: Kosa, Fa-hsiang
590425N93       Catholic sects including: T''ien t''ai, Chen-yen
590425N95       Exclusive sects
590425N952        Pure Land
590425N954        Ch''an
59043   Lamaism
590432    Tantrayana. Tantric Buddhism
590434    Tibetan Buddhism
590436    Vajrayana (= Tantric aspect of Mahayana)
59044   Japanese Buddhism
590442    Nara sects
590444    Tendai
590446    Shingon
590448    Kamakara
5904482     Zen Buddhism
5905  Religions of antiquity. Minor cults and religions
59051   Ancient Egyptian religion
59052   Religions of Mesopotamia
590521    Sumerian
590523    Babylonian and Assyrian
590525    Elamite
59053   Other West Asian religions
590531    Hittites
590534    Cana''anites and Phoenicians. Ugaritic religion
590536    Aramean. Syrian religion
590538    Pre-Islamic Arabian
5905389     Sabaean religion
59054   Religions of Iran
590542    Zoroastrianism
590542E24     Avesta. Zend avesta
5905425     Parsis. Parsees (Indian community)
5905427     Gabars (Iraqi community)
590544    Manicheism
590546    Mandeism
590548    Parseeism
59055   Classical antiquity
590552    Greek religion
590554    Etruscan religion
590556    Roman religion
590558    Hellenistic religions
5905583     Mystery religions
5905585     Gnosticism
59056   Central Asian religion. Shamanism
59057   Religions of Europe
590572    Paganism
5905722     Wicca. Witchcraft
590574    Germanic religion
590576    Celtic religion
5905762     Druidism
590577    Slavic and Baltic religions
590578    Nordic, Scandinavian religions
59058   Religions of South and Central America. Pre-Columbian Indian religions
590581    Religion of the Mayas
590583    Religion of the Aztecs
590585    Religion of the Incas
59059   Religions of other areas
590592    North American Indian religion
590594    Religions of African origin
5905942     Yoruba religion
5905943     Voudon. Voodoo religion
5905944     Rastafarianism
590596    Australasian religions
5905962     Aboriginal religion
590597    Religions of Oceania
5906  Judaism
5906A   Jewish theology
5906A3    Kedushah. The Holy. The Sacred
5906A4    God. Jewish understanding of God
5906A442     The names of God. Adonai, Elohim, haShem, haKodesh baruch hu, Ribbono shel olam, Avinu she''ba shamayim
5906A443      The appearance of God. Kavod. The glory of God
5906A447      Ruah haKodesh. The Holy Spirit. Spirit of God
5906A5    Nature of God and supernatural beings
5906A596     Supernatural beings
5906A5961      Angels
5906A5963       Guardians. Cherubim
5906A5965       Malevolent beings
5906A59651        Evil spirit Dibbuk
5906A83     Nature of man
5906A835      Nephesh. The soul
5906A84     Man''s relation with God
5906A845      Unbelief. Denial. Apostasy
5906A845(K)       Meshummad. Apostate
5906A847      The Covenant
5906A853      Sin. Wrong-doing
5906A8533       Teshuvah. Repentance
5906A8533(K01)        Ba''al teshuvah. Repenter
5906A87     Olam haba. The world to come. Life after death
5906A876      Tehiyat haMetim. Resurrection of the dead
5906A887      Gehenna. Hell
5906E22     Nirah. Divine revelation
5906E23     Sacred texts
5906E24     Tanakh. The Hebrew Bible
5906E242      Torah. The Law. The Pentateuch
5906E2422       Genesis
5906E2423       Exodus
5906E2424       Leviticus
5906E2425       Numbers
5906E2426       Deuteronomy
5906E243      Nebiim. The Prophets
5906E2432       The Former Prophets. Hanebiim harishonim
5906E2433       Joshua
5906E2434       Judges
5906E2435       Samuel a
5906E2436       Samuel b
5906E2437       Kings a
5906E2438       Kings b
5906E244/245      The latter prophets. Hanebiim haacharonim
5906E2442       Isaiah
5906E2443       Jeremiah
5906E2444       Ezekiel
5906E2445       Hosea
5906E2446       Joel
5906E2447       Amos
5906E2448       Obadiah
5906E2452       Jonah
5906E2453       Micah
5906E2454       Nahum
5906E2455       Habakkuk
5906E2456       Zephaniah
5906E2457       Haggai
5906E2458       Zachariah
5906E2459       Malachi
5906E246/247      Ketubim. The writings. Hagiographa
5906E2462       Psalms
5906E2463       Proverbs
5906E2464       Job
5906E2465       Song of Songs
5906E2466       Ruth
5906E2467       Lamentations
5906E2468       Ecclesiastes
5906E2472       Esther
5906E2473       Daniel
5906E2474       Ezra
5906E2475       Nehemiah
5906E2476       Chronicles I
5906E2477       Chronicles II
5906E248/249      The Apocrypha
5906E2482       Esdras I
5906E2483       Esdras II
5906E2484       Tobit
5906E2485       Judith
5906E2486       Esther
5906E2487       Wisdom of Solomon
5906E2488       Ecclesiasticus
5906E2492       Baruch
5906E2493       Letter of Jeremiah
5906E2494       Song of the Three Holy Children
5906E2495       Susannah
5906E2496       Bel and the Dragon
5906E2497       Prayer of Manasseh
5906E2498       Maccabees I
5906E2499       Maccabees II
5906E252      Pseudepigrapha
5906E2522       Book of Jubilees
5906E2523       I Esdras
5906E2524       III Maccabees
5906E2525       IV Maccabees
5906E2526       Life of Adam and Eve
5906E2527       Epistle of Aristeas
5906E2528       Martyrdom of Isaiah
5906E2529       Psalms of Solomon
5906E2532       Book of Enoch
5906E2533       Assumption of Moses
5906E2534       Apocalypses of Baruch
5906E2535       IV Esdras
5906E2536       Sibylline oracles
5906E2537       Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs
5906E2538       Other pseudepigrapha of the Hebrew Bible
5906E254      Rabbinic literature
5906E2542       Midrash. Midrashim. Interpretation of text
5906E25422        Halakhah. Halakhic midrashim. Instructions
5906E25423        Haggadah. Haggadic midrashim. Stories. Anecdotes
5906E25424        Targums. Biblical texts and commentary in Aramaic
5906E25425        Targum Onkelos
5906E25426        Targum Jonathan
5906E25427        Targum Yerushalmi
5906E25428        Midrash Rabbah
5906E2544       Mishnah. The oral tradition. The oral law
5906E25442        Six orders of Mishnah. Sedarim
5906E25443        Zeraim. Seeds
5906E25444        Mo''ed. Festivals
5906E25445        Nashim. Women
5906E25446        Nezikin. Damages
5906E25447        Kodashim. Holy things
5906E25448        Tohoroth. Purities
5906E2546       Tosefta. Alternative collections of oral law
5906E256      Talmud
5906E2562       Gemara. Commentary on Mishnah
5906E2564       Jerusalem Talmud. Talmud yerushalmi. Palestinian Talmud
5906E2566       Bablylonian Talmud. Talmud babli
5906E2772       Biblical hermeneutics in Judaism
5906E2825       Siddur. The prayer book
5906E284      Jewish dogmatics. Ikkarim. Articles of faith. Principles of faith
5906E2852       Jewish apologetics
5906E2854       Jewish polemics
5906E3    Persons in Judaism
5906E32     The Messiah
5906E335      Scholars
5906E42     Places of special significance
5906E5    Religious buildings
5906E54     Synagogue. Beth knesset
5906E64     Kittel. Gown. Religious vestment
5906E645      Tzitzit. Fringes
5906E67     Parokhet. Curtain covering the ark
5906E71     Bimah, almemar. Platform. Shulhan. Table. Amud. Lectern
5906E73     Aron kodesh. The Holy Ark
5906E75     Lights
5906E76     Magen David. The star of David. (Aeligious symbols)
5906E77     Mezuzah. Mezuzoth
5906E78     Tefillin. Phylacteries
5906J   Jewish religious practice, observance. Jewish customs. Minhagim
5906J12    Moral theology
5906J1235     Yetzer hara''. Evil intention
5906J12357      Specific sins
5906J1237       Yetzer hatov. Good intention. Hesed. Good. Virtue. Zedakah
5906J128      Derekh eretz. Correct social and moral behaviour
5906J1285       Mizvah. Mizvoth. Commandments. Religious duties. Minhag. Duties derived from custom rather than Law
5906J14     Social practice, behaviour
5906J142      Dietary laws
5906J14245       Kasruth. Kosher regulations
5906J1433       Cleanliness. Washing
5906J14335        Mikvah. Ritual bath
5906J1435       Clothing. Headgear. Kippah. Skullcap
5906J1437       Cutting, wearing of the hair
5906J14375        Payoth. Sideburns. Dreadlocks
5906J147      Sexual practice
5906J1477       Abstinence. Celibacy
5906J15     Marriage and the family
5906J15J1477      Niddah. Abstinence in marriage
5906J152      Courtship. Matchmaking
5906J154      Get. Divorce
5906J16     Charity. Support for others. Pastoral activities.
5906J163      Zedakah. Charitable giving
5906J167      Hakhnasat orehim. Hospitality to strangers
5906J17     Education
5906J172      Hinukh. Religious instruction. Training in the faith
5906J175      Preaching
5906J3    Ritual practice. Worship
5906J32     Acts of worship
5906J322      Tefilat tzibbur. Public worship. Services
5906J324      Tefilat yahid. Private worship
5906J343      Prayer
5906J3435       Specific prayers
5906J344      Aliyah. Reading of text
5906J3442       Torah
5906J3444       Haftarah
5906J345      Chanting. Incantation. Cantillation
5906J357      Zmiroth. Hymns. Songs
5906J358      Psalms
5906J361      Rahtzah. Ritual washing of hands
5906J366      Dance in worship
5906J433      Shema. Confession of faith
5906J438      Penitence. Pentitential prayers. Selihoth
5906J442      Kapparah. Atonement ceremony
5906J462      Kiddush. Sanctification. Berakhah. Blessing
5906J464      Herem. Ban. Curse
5906J5    Sacraments. Sacramentals. Rites of passage
5906J53     Birth ceremonies. Naming ceremonies
5906J53J3686      Circumcision. Covenant of the circumcision. Brit milah
5906J54     Adolescence. Coming of age
5906J55     Nisuin. Wedding. Marriage. Wedding ceremonies
5906J55E7      Objects in the ceremony
5906J55J34       Form of rite. Ketuba. Marriage contract. Kiddushim. Bethrothal. Sanctification Sheva berakhoth. Seven blessings. Divorce. Halitzah. Ceremony of release. Get. Document of divorce. Ptur. Letters of release
5906J57     Death. Mourning
5906J57J433      Prayers for the dead
5906J585      Semikhah. Ordination to the Rabbinate
5906J588      Excommunication. Expulsion
5906J62     Feasts and festivals
5906J63     Sabbath
5906J65     Major festivals
5906J652      Rosh haShanah. New Year
5906J6522       Yom haZikaron. Day of remembrance
5906J6524       Yom teruah. Day of sounding the shophar
5906J6526       Y''mai teshuvah. Ten days of repentance
5906J653      Yom Kippur. Day of atonement
5906J654      Succoth. Feast of Tabernacles
5906J655      Shmini Atzeret & Simhat Torah. Feast of solemn assembly
5906J656      Pesach. Unleavened bread. Passover
5906J657      Sefirat haOmer. Counting the omer
5906J658      Shavuoth. Feast of weeks
5906J659      Minor festivals
5906J6592       Hanukah
5906J6593       Purim
5906J6594       Tisha B''av. Destruction of the Temple
5906J6595       Hamisha Asar. Tu b''Shevat. New year for trees
5906J6596       Lag b''Omer. Scholar''s festival
5906J6597       Yom atzmaut. Day of independence
5906J6598       Yom Yerushalayim. Reunification of Jerusalem
5906J6599       Other festivals and holy days
5906J87     Kabbalah (Cabbalah, Qabbalah). Mysticism
5906J875      Visions. Merkavah mysticism. Chariot mysticism
5906K   Processes in Judaism
5906K7    Relations with society, other faiths
5906K74     Anti-Semitism
5906K745      Religious persecution of the Jews
5906M   Jewish schools of thought and movements
5906M32    Ultraorthodox. Hasidic movement
5906M46     Judaism in particular countries
5906M7    Heresies
5906M72     Karaites
5906M77     Shabbetaeanism
5906N   Organizational structure of Judaism
5906N25    Leaders. Rabbis
5906N263     Kohanim. Priests
5906N266      Lay persons
5906N27     Goyim. Non-Jews. Non-adherents
5906N4    Law. Religious law
5906N475     Family law
5906N475272      Divorce proceedings
5906N4799       Beth din. Religious court
5906N5    Education
5906N56     Secular education. Religious schools. Yeshiva. Hebrew day school
5906N6    Jewish missions
5906N68     Forced conversion
5906N75     Havuroth. Informal worship groups. House groups
5906N8    Religious groups
5906N84     Religious societies and associations
59061   Religion of the Biblical period. Ancient Judaism. Old Testament religion
59061A    Religious concepts. Theology of the Biblical period
59061A443     Presence of God. Shekinah
59061E3366      Kingship. Sacral kingship
59061E42      Religious sites
59061E424       High places
59061E54      The Temple
59061E73      The Ark of the Covenant
59061J    Religious practice
59061J38     Sacrifice
59061J447      Cultic prophecy
59061J65      Festivals in the Biblical period
59061M6     Schools. Factions
59061M6E2      Dead Sea Scrolls
59061M6E24       Biblical texts
59062   Ashkenazi Judaism
59064   Sephardi Judaism
59065   Orthodox Judaism
590655    Neo-Orthodoxy
59066   Progressive Judaism
590662    Reform Judaism
590664    Conservative Judaism
590666    Reconstructionist Judaism
590668    Humanistic Judaism
59067   Modern movements arising from Judaism
590675    Black Jews
5907  Christianity. Christian churches and denominations
5907A   Christian theology
5907A4    God. Christian understanding of God
5907A41     The existence of God. Proofs of the existence of God
5907A43     Works of God
5907A44     Attributes of God
5907A447      Essence of God
5907A448      Nature of God
5907A4489       The Trinity
5907A44892        God the Father
5907A44894        God the Son
5907A44896        God the Holy Ghost. The Paraclete
5907A45     Role, functions of God
5907A452      Deism. Creation. Creator God. Designer God
5907A453      Theism. Providence. Divine governance and safekeeping
5907A4555       Divine intervention. Miracles
5907A596      Supernatural beings
5907A5961       Angels. The angelic hierarchy. Thrones. Dominions. Principalities. Powers
5907A59611        Archangels. Michael. Raphael. Gabriel
5907A5963       Guardian angels
5907A5965       Bad angels. Malevolent beings
5907A59652        The Devil. Satan. Lucifer
5907A75     Last things. Eschatology. End of the world
5907A752      The Apocalypse
5907A7527       Events. Coming of the AntiChrist
5907A753      Last judgement
5907A754      Destruction of the world
5907A757      Eternal reign of Christ
5907A7575       Chiliasm. Reign of thousand years
5907A8    Man
5907A81     Origins of man
5907A815      Creation of man
5907A817      Garden of Eden
5907A835      The soul
5907A84     Man''s relation to God
5907A842      Religious feelings. Christian feelings
5907A843      Faith. Belief in God
5907A8435       Religious conversion. Formal acknowledgement of faith
5907A844      Doubt. Unbelief
5907A845      Denial. Apostasy
5907A846      Grace
5907A848      God''s response to man
5907A8485       Gifts of the spirit
5907A853      Sin
5907A8532       Original sin. The fall of man
5907A8533       Repentance. Penitence. Contrition
5907A8536       Remission of sins
5907A855      Salvation. Soteriology
5907A8552       Justification
5907A8553       Redemption
5907A86     Death
5907A87     Life after death. Life to come
5907A873      Immortality of the soul
5907A876      Resurrection of the body
5907A8785       Annihilation of being
5907A88     Spiritual realms
5907A8826      Judgement of the individual
5907A885      Heaven. Celestial paradise
5907A886      Purgatory. Limbo
5907A887      Hell
5907C   Church history. General history of the Christian Church
5907C(F:.../1054)    Church history to the Great Schism
5907C(F:00)     Primitive apostolic church. Church during the first century
5907C(F:01/07)     History of the second to eighth centuries AD. Period of the Church fathers. Patristic period
5907C(F:01/07)E284     Patristics narrowly. Writings of the patristic period
5907C(F:0100/0325)     Church in the ante-Nicene period
5907C(F:0325/1054)     Church in the post-Nicene period
5907C(F:0858/1204)     Period of estrangement
5907E22     Revelation of God. Revealed theology
5907E225      Theophany. Manifestations of God
5907E23     The Bible
5907E232      Original texts
5907E235      Versions of the Bible
5907E236      Bible paraphrases
5907E2365       Bible stories
5907E242      The Old Testament
5907E2422       The Heptateuch
5907E2423       The Hexateuch
5907E2424       The Pentateuch
5907E2425       Genesis
5907E2426       Exodus
5907E2427       Leviticus
5907E2428       Numbers
5907E2429       Deuteronomy
5907E2432       The Historical Books
5907E24322        Joshua
5907E24325        Judges
5907E24327        Ruth
5907E24332        I Samuel (I Kings)
5907E24335        II Samuel (II Kings)
5907E24342        I Kings (III Kings)
5907E24345        II Kings (IV Kings)
5907E24346        I Chronicles
5907E24347        II Chronicles
5907E24355        Ezra
5907E24356        Nehemiah
5907E24357        Esther
5907E2436       Wisdom literature. The poetical books
5907E24362        Job
5907E24363        Psalms
5907E24365        Proverbs
5907E24366        Ecclesiastes
5907E24367        Song of Songs
5907E244      The Prophets
5907E2442       The major prophets
5907E24422        Isaiah
5907E24423        Jeremiah
5907E24424        Lamentations
5907E24425        Ezekiel
5907E24427        Daniel
5907E24432        The minor prophets
5907E24433        Hosea
5907E24434        Joel
5907E24435        Amos
5907E24437        Obadiah
5907E24442        Jonah
5907E24445        Micah
5907E24447        Nahum
5907E24448        Habakkuk
5907E24452        Zephaniah
5907E24453        Haggai
5907E24455        Zechariah
5907E24457        Malachi
5907E245      The Apocrypha. Old Testament Apocrypha
5907E24524       Esdras I
5907E24526        Esdras II
5907E24528        Tobit
5907E24532        Judith
5907E24534        Esther
5907E24536        Wisdom of Solomon
5907E24538        Ecclesiasticus
5907E24542        Baruch
5907E24544        Letter of Jeremiah
5907E24546        Song of the Three Holy Children
5907E24548        Susannah
5907E24552        Bel and the dragon
5907E24554        Prayer of Manasseh
5907E24556        Maccabees I
5907E24558        Maccabees II
5907E2456/2457       Old Testament pseudepigrapha
5907E24562        Book of Jubilees
5907E24563        I Esdras
5907E24564        III Maccabees
5907E24565        IV Maccabees
5907E24566        Life of Adam and Eve
5907E24567        Epistle of Aristeas
5907E24568        Martyrdom of Isaiah
5907E24569        Psalms of Solomon
5907E24572        Book of Enoch
5907E24573        Assumption of Moses
5907E24574        Apocalypses of Baruch
5907E24575        IV Esdras
5907E24576        Sibylline oracles
5907E24577        Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs
5907E2458       Other Old Testament pseudepigrapha
5907E246      The New Testament
5907E247      The Gospels
5907E2472       The Synoptic Gospels
5907E2474       Matthew
5907E2476       Mark
5907E2477       Luke
5907E2478       John
5907E2482       Acts of the Apostles
5907E2483       Epistles
5907E2484       Pauline epistles
5907E24842        Romans
5907E24844        Corinthians I
5907E24846        Corinthians II
5907E24848        Galatians
5907E24852        Ephesians
5907E24854        Philippians
5907E24856        Colossians
5907E24858        Thessalonians I
5907E24862        Thessalonians II
5907E24864        Timothy I
5907E24866        Timothy II
5907E24868        Titus
5907E24872        Philemon
5907E24874        Hebrews
5907E24876        James
5907E24878        Peter I
5907E24882        Peter II
5907E24883        John I
5907E24884        John II
5907E24886        John III
5907E24888        Jude
5907E249      The revelation of John
5907E252      New Testament apocrypha and pseudepigrapha
5907E2522       Apocryphal and pseudepigraphal gospels
5907E2523       Apocrypha and pseudepigrapha of Acts
5907E2524       Pseudepigraphal epistles
5907E2525       Pseudepigraphal apocalypses
5907E2526       Other New Testament Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha
5907E27     Critical works. Introductions to the Bible
5907E2714      Parallel forms. Bible harmonies
5907E2715       Annotated versions
5907E272      Biblical concordances
5907E2724       Verbal concordances
5907E2725       Subject concordances
5907E273      Bible commentaries
5907E2742       Authorship. Origin of texts
5907E2744       Canon. Canonicity of the Bible
5907E2746       Authority, inerrancy of Scripture
5907E275      Textual criticism
5907E276      Literary criticism
5907E277      Bible study. Interpretation
5907E2772       Biblical exegesis. Biblical hermeneutics
5907E278      Biblical theology
5907E28     Non-Biblical Christian texts
5907E282      Liturgical texts
5907E2823       Creeds and confessions of faith
5907E2824       Catechisms
5907E2825       Prayer books
5907E2827       Service books
5907E284      Systematic Christian theology. Dogmatic theology
5907E2852       Apologetics
5907E2854       Christian polemics
5907E29     Christian literature
5907E31     Jesus Christ. Christology
5907E312      Life of Jesus
5907E3123       Nativity and childhood of Christ
5907E3124       The Holy Family
5907E31245        Joseph
5907E31247        Mary. The Virgin Mary. Theotokos (Mother of God). Mariology
5907E3125       John the Baptist
5907E31255        The disciples
5907E3127       Ministry. Public life
5907E3128       Passion of Christ. Trial and Crucifixion. Shrouding. Entombment
5907E3129       Resurrection. Ascension
5907E317      Words and sayings of Jesus. Deeds of Jesus
5907E3173       Parables
5907E3175       Miracles
5907E318      Jesus as example for Christians. Imitation of Christ
5907E32     Jesus as Messiah
5907E36     Saints
5907E42     Christian sites. Holy places
5907E422      Location, orientation
5907E5    Ecclesiology. Church buildings and their content
5907E54     Christian church buildings
5907E6    Vehicles of cultic acts
5907E64     Vestments and personal objects. Chasuble. Surplice. Biretta. Mitre. Crozier
5907E67     Church linen. Draperies. Altar cloths
5907E71     Furniture. Fonts. Lecterns. Pulpits. Prayer desks
5907E72     Altars. Tables. Communion tables
5907E722      Tabernacles. Hanging pyxes
5907E724      Aumbries
5907E73     Vessels
5907E75     Lights. Lighting
5907E76     Christian symbols and images
5907E762      Icons. Frescoes. Paintings. Iconography
5907E763      Decorative objects and devices. Stained glass
5907E764      Effigies. Statues
5907E765      Funerary monuments. Tombstones
5907E77     Relics
5907H   Recipients of care. Groups in pastoral theology
5907H47    Oppressed groups. Liberation theology
5907J   Practical theology. Christian practice
5907J12    Moral theology
5907J123     Right and wrong
5907J1233      Knowledge of right and wrong
5907J12335       Conscience
5907J1234       Free will. Freedom to act
5907J12342        Factors affecting freewill. Ignorance. Fear
5907J12345        Predestination
5907J1235       Sin. Wrongdoing
5907J12357        Specific sins
5907J12358        Deadly sins. Pride. Avarice. Envy. Lust. Anger. Gluttony. Sloth
5907J1237       Virtues
5907J12375        Specific virtues, A/Z
5907J12377        Moral virtues. Humility. Penitence. Modesty. Zeal. Chastity. Poverty. Obedience
5907J12378        Cardinal virtues. Justice. Prudence. Fortitude. Temperance
5907J12379        Theological virtues. Faith. Hope. Charity
5907J128      Moral laws, obligations, regulations. The Church''s commandments
5907J128E23       Commandments derived from the Bible
5907J128E2426        The Ten Commandments
5907J128E24261         The first commandment. Adherence to, and transgression of the first commandment
5907J128E24262         The second commandment. Adherence to, and transgression of the second commandment
5907J128E24263         The third commandment. Adherence to, and transgression of the third commandment
5907J128E24264         The fourth commandment. Adherence to, and transgression of the fourth commandment
5907J128E24265         The fifth commandment. Adherence to, and transgression of the fifth commandment
5907J128E24266         The sixth commandment. Adherence to, and transgression of the sixth commandment
5907J128E24267         The seventh commandment. Adherence to, and transgression of the seventh commandment
5907J128E24268         The eighth commandment. Adherence to, and transgression of the eighth commandment
5907J128E24269         The ninth commandment. Adherence to, and transgression of the ninth commandment
5907J128E242699         The tenth commandment. Adherence to, and transgression of the tenth commandment
5907J1282       Nature of law
5907J1284       Requirements of law
5907J1286       Interpretation of law. Epiky
5907J1287       Exemption from law
5907J1288       Transgression of law
5907J12885        Mitigation
5907J12887        Indulgences
5907J1289       Amendment, cancellation of law
5907J13     Christian social customs and practice. Social theology
5907J14     Social behaviour
5907J142      Food and diet
5907J14247       Fasting
5907J143      Personal hygiene and appearance. Personal conduct
5907J1435       Costume, appearance
5907J147      Sexual activity and practice
5907J1477       Celibacy
5907J15     Christian marriage and family
5907J152      Christian marriage
5907J1525       Marriage contracts
5907J154      Divorce
5907J16     Pastoral theology. Pastoral work. Christian charity
5907J163      Charitable giving
5907J1632       Tithes. Stewardship
5907J164      Voluntary work
5907J168      Care. Physical care and attendance
5907J1685       Nursing
5907J1686       Healing. Ministry of healing
5907J17     Christian education
5907J172      Religious instruction
5907J175      Preaching. Religious oratory
5907J1752       Homiletics
5907J1755       Sermons
5907J2    Christian liturgy
5907J21/28     Traditional Christian liturgies
5907J21      Old Roman rite
5907J22      Gallican rite
5907J23      Mozarabian rite
5907J24      Ambrosian
5907J25      African liturgies
5907J255       Ethiopian, Coptic liturgies
5907J257       Egyptian, Alexandrine rite
5907J26      Syrian, Palestinian, Antiochene rites
5907J27      British rites
5907J275       Celtic rite
5907J28      Byzantine rite. Orthodox rites
5907J3    Christian worship and ritual
5907J32     Christian acts of worship
5907J322      Public worship. Services. Offices
5907J323      Family worship. Domestic worship. Worship in the home
5907J324      Private worship. Personal devotions
5907J343      Prayers
5907J3435       Specific prayers
5907J344      Reading of texts. Lessons
5907J345      Chants
5907J346      Prophecy
5907J347      Glossolalia. Speaking in tongues
5907J35     Music
5907J3535      Musical chants
5907J357      Hymns
5907J358      Psalms
5907J36     Physical rites
5907J361      Use of water. Asperges
5907J3627       Censing
5907J363      Bodily postures
5907J3634       Bowing
5907J3635       Kneeling. Genuflection
5907J3636       Prostration
5907J364      Symbolic gestures
5907J3642       Sign of the Cross
5907J3645       Kiss of peace
5907J365      Processions
5907J367      Laying on of hands
5907J3672       Shared food. Breaking the bread. Leavened and unleavened bread
5907J37     Offerings
5907J4    Ceremonies by purpose
5907J437     Confession
5907J438      Penance
5907J443      Absolution. Forgiveness
5907J446      Dedication. Vow. Pledge
5907J462      Blessing. Benediction
5907J464      Curse. Anathema. Desecration
5907J464J282       Eucharist of St John Chrysostom
5907J464J283        Eucharist of St Basil
5907J464J284         Eucharist of St James, the brother of the Lord
5907J464J285          Eucharist of the Presanctified
5907J485      Exorcism
5907J49     Eucharist. Communion. Holy Communion. Mass
5907J493      Presence of Christ in the communion
5907J5    Sacraments
5907J55     Weddings
5907J57     Funerals. Funeral rites
5907J58     Stages in religious life
5907J583      Baptism
5907J584      Confirmation
5907J585      Ordination
5907J586      Beatification
5907J587      Canonization
5907J59     Coronations
5907J62     Feasts and festivals
5907J63     Sundays. Sabbath day. Lord''s Day
5907J634      Sunday observance
5907J635      Special hours. Times for prayer. Canonical hours
5907J64     Church year. Christian calendar
5907J65     Major Fasts and Festivals
5907J652      Advent
5907J653      Christmas. Christmastide
5907J6535       Epiphany
5907J6536       Presentation in the Temple (Candlemass)
5907J6537       Septuagesima. Sexagesima. Quinquagesima
5907J654      Lent
5907J6542       Ash Wednesday
5907J6544       Palm Sunday
5907J655      Holy Week. Passiontide
5907J6552       Good Friday
5907J6554       Eastertide
5907J656      Easter Day
5907J6572       Ascension
5907J6573       Pentecost. Whitsun
5907J6574       Trinity
5907J6575       Corpus Christi
5907J6576       All Saints
5907J6577       All Souls
5907J6579       Saint''s Days
5907J658      Festivals of Mary. Annunciation. Assumption. Immaculate conception
5907J659      Other feasts and festivals
5907J67     Pilgrimages
5907J8    Contemplative and reflective religion
5907J83     Meditation. Contemplation. Personal prayer
5907J84     Spiritual life
5907J845      Spiritual growth and development
5907J847      Spiritual exercises
5907J85     Asceticism
5907J86     Withdrawal. Retreat
5907J87     Mysticism. Altered states of consciousness. Divine ecstasies
5907J876      Mystic phenomena. Charisms
5907J8765       Stigmata. Stigmatization
5907J877      Direct experience of the Divine
5907K   Processes in Christian religion
5907K3   Developmental processes in Christianity. Internal processes
5907K36    Christian revivals
5907K4    Relations of Christianity
5907K62     Influence exerted by Christian churches
5907K7    Relations of Christianity with other faiths
5907K735     Irenics
5907K75     Ecumenism
5907K76     Co-operation. Church unity
5907M   Christian religions characterised by various properties
5907M5    Properties of Christian religion relating to degree of officialdom
5907M525     Christian schools of thought, philosophies
5907M7    Heresy. Heresies
5907M72     Early heresies. Heresies of the patristic period
5907M73     Antinomianism
5907M74     Gnosticism and related heresies
5907M74E3      Simon Magus
5907M743      Valentinus. Valentinians
5907M745      Basilides
5907M746      Marcion. Marcionites
5907M747      Mani. Manicheeism
5907M748      Priscillianists
5907M752      Heresies on the nature of God and the Trinity
5907M7522       Docetism
5907M7523       Montanism
5907M7524       Adoptianism
5907M7525       Sabellianism
5907M7526       Arianism
5907M7527       Macedonianism
5907M755      Heresies of the incarnation
5907M7553       Ebionites
5907M7554       Elkesaites
5907M7555       Nestorianism
5907M7556       Monophysites
5907M7557       Eutychianism
5907M756      Heresies on the nature of the Church and believers
5907M7564       Novatianism
5907M7566       Donatism
5907M7568       Pelagianism
5907M76     Heresies of later Church history
5907M762      Neo-Manicheeism. Gnostic heresies. Dualistic beliefs
5907M763      Paulicians
5907M764      Cathari. Cathars
5907M7645       Bogomiles
5907M767      Iconoclasts
5907M77     Heresies of the 13thA5th centuries
5907M772      Hesychasts
5907M773      Joachimites
5907M774      Flagellants
5907M775      Beghards
5907M776      Wycliffites
5907M777      Lollards
5907M78     Heresies of the 16th century onwards
5907M782      Jansenists
5907M783      Utraquists
5907M784      Hussites
5907M785      Bohemian Brethren
5907M79     Other heresies
5907N   Christian religious organization and administration
5907N2    The Church. The Christian Church
5907N25     Clergy. Christian ministers
5907N261      Archbishops
5907N262      Bishops
5907N2625       Senior priests. Archdeacons. Canons. Deans. Archpriests
5907N263      Priests. Ministers. Vicars
5907N264      Assistant ministers. Deacons
5907N266      Lay persons. Church members. Believers
5907N27     Non-Christians. Non-believers
5907N32     Authority of the Church
5907N321      Source of authority
5907N323      Ruling bodies of churches. Synods. Councils
5907N324      Councils other than ruling bodies
5907N33     Religious vocation
5907N4    Religious law. Christian religious law. Canon law
5907N42E24     The Bible as a source of Law
5907N42E266      Codes of Law
5907N42E267       Commentary and interpretation. Legal texts
5907N45     Christian religious courts
5907N5    Education
5907N52     Sunday schools
5907N6    Christian missions
5907N6(K01)     Missionaries
5907N63     Missionary campaigns. Crusades
5907N64     Overseas missions. Foreign missions
5907N67     Proselytizing
5907N7    Organizational structure of the Christian faith, religion
5907N72     Sees. Dioceses
5907N74     Parishes
5907N84     Christian associations and organizations
5907N86     Religious groups and lay orders
5907N88     Monastic orders. Monasticism. Religious orders proper
5907N88A/N      Monastic religion and practice
5907N88C       History of monasticism
5907N88E35        Ascetics in general
5907N88J1285         Duties of persons in orders. Obligations, rules
5907N88J446         Vows
5907N88J582         Novitiate
5907N88N33         Vocation to orders
5907N884      Working Christian orders
5907N89     Specific Christian monastic orders
5907N891      Early orders. Orders on the Eastern model
5907N8915J128       Rule of St Pachomius
5907N8917J128        Rule of St Basil
5907N892      Benedictines
5907N8923       Camaldolese
5907N8924       Carthusians
5907N8925       Cistercians. ''White monks''
5907N89255        Trappists
5907N893      The mendicant orders generally
5907N8932       Franciscans. Friars minor. Grey friars
5907N89325        Capuchins
5907N8933       Dominicans. Black friars. Jacobins
5907N8934       Carmelites. White friars
5907N8935       Servites
5907N894      Augustinians
5907N8943       Premonstratensians. Norbertines. White canons
5907N8945       Ursulines
5907N895      Jesuits
5907N896      Lesser orders
5907N8962       Redemptorists
5907N8963       Lazarists. Vincentines
5907N8964       Society of St. Francis de Sales. Salesians
5907N8967       Beguines. Beghards
5907N899      Other orders
59071    Eastern Church
590712     Orthodox Church. Eastern Orthodox. Russian and Greek Orthodox churches
590712A      The Orthodox ''Tradition''
590712E      Persons and objects in the Orthodox ''tradition''
590712E2       Natural theology. Evidence of the natural world. Rational arguments for belief in the Orthodox ''tradition''
590712E2827E247        The Gospel Book
590712E284         Doctrinal statements. Symbolical Books
590712E547         Ikonostasis
590712E5472          Holy Door. Royal Door
590712E64        Stoles. Epitrachilia
590712E72        Holy Table. Holy Throne
590712E73        Spoon (for distributing Communion)
590712E74        Chaplets. Prayer ropes
590712E75        Candles
590712J123461         ''Chapel'' of the Prothesis, Preparation
590712J123463          Diakonikon
590712J172(M243)           The Longer Catechism
590712J2J345           Litanies
590712J2J49          The Holy Liturgy
590712J28        Byzantine rite
590712J324         Anthologies of ascetic and mystical texts. Philokalia
590712J3435          Invocation of the Name
590712J361(L322)           Blessing of water
590712J364         Sign of the Cross
590712J37        Offerings Antidoron
590712J5       Sacraments
590712J635        The Divine Office
590712J6411/443         The Orthodox year. Kalendar
590712N262         Bishops
590712N263         Priests
590712N263J1477          Celibate priests. ''Black'' priests
590712N263J15           Married priests. ''White'' priests
590712N264         Deacons
590712N2652          Subdeacons
590712N2654          Reader
590712N4       Canons of the Orthodox Church
590712N88        Monastic orders
5907121      Eastern Patriarchates
5907122      National churches
59071222       Autocephalous churches
59071224       Autonomous churches
590713     Separated churches
590714     Uniate churches
590716     The Church of the East (Nestorian)
590717     Monophysite rite
5907172      Armenian. Alexandrian
59071722       Coptic church
59071723       Ethiopian church. Abyssinian church
5907174      Antiochene church
59071742       Syrian church
59071744       Maronite church
59072/79    Western Church
59072/73     Catholic church
59072      Roman Catholic Church
59072E282       Roman Catholic liturgical works
59072E2827        Missals
59072J49         The Mass
59072K62         Influence exerted by the Roman Catholic Church
59072N266J127          Informal promotion of the Roman Catholic faith by lay persons
59072N322          The Papacy
59072N4        Roman Catholic canon law
59072N42E266         Codes of Law
59072N45         Religious courts. Papal courts. Curia
59072N452          Roman Congregations
59072N454          Tribunals
59072N455          Curial offices
59072N456          Commissions
59073      Non-Roman Catholic episcopal churches
590732       Old Catholics
590734       Anglican Church
590734(D4/9)        Anglican church in various countries
590736       Aglipayans. Philippine Independent Church
59074/78     Protestant churches
59074      Protestantism generally. Protestants. Dissenters. Puritans
590743       Minor movements in early Protestantism
5907436        Pietism
5907437        Labadists
5907438        Arminians. Remonstrants
590745       Lutheran churches. Lutherans
59075      Re-formed churches
590752       Moravians
590754       Calvinists
590755       Huguenots
590756       Presbyterians
59076      Anabaptists
590762       Mennonite churches. Mennonites
59077      Free churches. Non-conformists
590772       Congregationalists
590774       Baptists
590776       Methodists. Methodist churches
59078      Other protestant churches
5907815       Unitarians
5907817        Quakers. Society of Friends
5907819        Salvation Army
59079    Other Christian movements and churches
5907912     Modern Christian movements
59079122      Born-again
59079123       Evangelical
59079124       Fundamentalist
59079125       Pentecostal
59079127       Charismatic
5907913      Adventists
5907914      Seventh Day Adventists
5907915      Pentecostal churches
59079153       Assemblies of God
59079154       Church of God in Christ
59079156       Universal Church of the Kingdom of God
5907916      Latter-day Saints. Mormons
59079167       RLDS (Reorganized Latter Day Saints)
5907917      Jehovah''s Witnesses
5907919      Apostolic churches
5907921      Christian Science
5907922      New Thought (derived from Christian Science)
59079222       Unity Church
59079224       Religious Science
59079226       Divine Science
59079228       Restoration Movement (Christian Churches and Churches of Christ)
5907923      Free Catholics
5907925      Christengemeinschaft
5907927      Swedenborgians
5907928      African Indigenous sects
59079285       African Initiated/Indigenous/Independent Churches (AICs)
59079287       Kimbanguist Church
5907999      Others A/Z. Deutsche Christen. Doukhobors
5908  Islam
59082   Sunni. Sunnite Islam
59084   Shi''a. Shi''ite Islam
590845    Ahmadiya
5908455     Lahore Group (Ahmadiya Anjuman-i-Isha''at-i-Islam)
590847    Druze
59085   Babi-Baha''i
590855    Non-Bahai Babis
5908552     Azali Babis
59086   Baha''i
590862    BUPC (Baha''is under the provisions of the Covenant)
590864    Orthodox Baha''is
590866    Faith of God
590867    Orthodox Baha''i faith under the Regency
590868    Charles Mason Remey Society
5909  Modern spiritual movements
59099   Philosophical systems
590992    Atheism
59099252     Shinto derived faiths
590992525      Tenrikyo
590992526       Omoto-kyo
590993    Agnosticism
590994    Humanism
5909942     P(erfect) L(ife) Kyodan
590995    Absence of religion. Secularism
59099572     Neo-Paganism
590996    Irreligion
590997    Movements with Christian elements
5909972     Anthroposophical movement
59099725      Christian Community
5909973     Sea of Faith
5909992     Cao Dai
5909993     Scientology
59099935      Dianetics
5909994     New Age