classification database tool
Data model [table]
Entity Relationship Diagram (image)
Tool requirements
(D4 - Classification structure
and data model)
Data management tool FATHUM is written
in Visual C++. It uses an Access database to store the data schema
and act as repository. The Microsoft Data Access Component provides
a layer of abstraction between the program and database. The MFC
(Microsoft Foundation Class) libraries are used to combine a degree
of rapid development along with good performance.
The tool runs in a MS Windows environment
and provides data entry, browsing, searching and data export facilities.
It uses an embedded Internet Explorer object to browse the database.
An Apache web server is employed to
browse the database using PHP scripts. The scripts are accessed
by the Internet Explorer object to provide the facet browsing and
searching functions.
| import | search | export
Page 1: Core classification data editing
Page 2: Classification search terms
Browsing hierarchy. Browsing hierarchy has attached
the HTML export function. The example hierarchy shown below
generates the following html file.
Facet maintenance tool for root categories. Allows
to specify/define/change general facet categories that become
inherited by subclasses.
Data import
Data import is a two stage process,
based on two data files. The first classification data is a tagged
text file specifying fields such as
heading, caption, heading type, examples and references (full
text file available for project partners). The second file is
generated from the classification data file (text
file for project partners). It details classmark relationships
as a 'tree' with each class
level tab-indented. This allows broader and
narrower categories to be automatically deduced and a hierarchical
structure within the
facets created. This structure is then populated from the classification
data file and written to the database.