VIRTUAL EVENT: UCL's RESG presents: The impact of Covid-19 on BAME communities - health
06 August 2020, 2:00 pm–3:30 pm
This event is free.
Event Information
Open to
- All
- Yes
- Free
UCL Race Equality Steering Group. Contact Zara Chaudhry for queries:
About this Event
This free, public event brings together leading academics and research experts, and seeks to address the reasons why the impact of ethnicity on clinical outcomes mortality and morbidity are markedly high, the role of systematic racism in public health, and recommends ways to mitigate and address inequalities. The event will use academic and personal perspectives to discuss the impact of Covid-19 on BAME communities’ health.
Introduction from the Race Equality Steering Group (Asma Ashraf, UCL Institute for Global Health).
Panel discussion with:
- Dr Robert Aldridge (Wellcome Clinical Research Career Development Fellow and Consultant in Public Health, UCL Institute of Health Informatics) - analysis and quantitative data aspect and impact on the health of BAME communities;
- Dr Rageshri Dhairyawan (HIV Consultant at NHS Barts Health, Honorary Senior Lecturer at QMUL) - the clinical perspective;
- Dr Sujitha Selvarajah (Medical Doctor, University of Oxford) Race & Health - a personal perspective;
- Dr Diana Yeh (Lecturer in Sociology, Culture and the Creative Industries at City, University of London) - a racial perspective for East and South East Asian people;
- Dr Gwenetta Curry (Research Fellow at University of Edinburgh) - a racial perspective of Black people;
- Dr Rochelle Burgess (Lecturer in Global Health at the UCL Institute for Global Health) - community and health - a personal perspective.
Shared lived experiences.
Q&A and proposed solutions (There will be an opportunity for attendees to submit questions in advance or real-time)
Closing comments.