Before term starts
- You will have received via email details of Induction Events organised by EISPS.
- Website with information for all new students:
- Student IT Essentials, is a general student guide to central IT services.
- UCL China Connect addresses connectivity issues for staff and students in China.
- Laptop Loans is a service for students from low income households to loan laptops for their entire period of study.
- Please refer to the Module Selection Guidelines (First Years).
- Refer to the FAQ section on the Current Students page.
- Refer to the Moodle EISPS Student Handbook as soon as you have your UCL User ID and password (obtain these pre-arrival via the Online User Registration Service).
- Complete pre-enrolment. You will receive an email from UCL in early September inviting you to pre-enrol. Once you have pre-enrolled you will receive an email confirming your enrolment appointment at the Student Centre where you will complete enrolment.
- International students should attend the International Students' Orientation Programme.
- Familiarise yourself with the Bloomsbury Campus Map.
Induction Week
There are a number of welcome meetings, individual appointments, talks and parties to attend. Please refer to the schedule sent to you via email.
- Attend the First Year Welcome Meeting
- Attend your tutorial appointment with an EISPS tutor
- If you are under 18 at the time of enrolment, attend the under 18 student meeting with the Departmental Tutor
- Attend the preliminary meeting of the core module ESPS0001
- Attend the Welcome Talks. This will include talks from UCL Careers Services and the UCL Writing Lab. You will also meet your transition mentor - an experienced EISPS student
- Come join us for a series of fun and engaging events during our induction week at EISPS
- Get connected and visit ISD's pages on IT essentials for new students.
- Complete your enrolment online as detailed in the e-mail you will have received for this purpose, having first pre-enrolled.
- Register your modules on Portico, if you haven't already done so
- Check that your timetable is clash-free using the UCL Common Timetable
- If you are a 1st year Mandarin/Japanese/Arabic major language student, attend the welcome meeting.