The veil in the era of identity politics
Discursive analysis of photographic reports of the war in Syria and what they mean for the way the UK sees the Middle East.
Urban Regeneration and Gentrification in East Berlin
Do local elections in China’s authoritarian regime increase the freedom to steer local agendas or have they led to greater scrutiny of communes by the centre resulting in less autonomy?
Commercialised Microfinance in Mexico: on the brink of a financial disaster?
Building Mosques in Italy
Does left-right media bias effectively contribute to the misrepresentation of facts in the British media?
Sociology and psychology of female Islamic Terrorism
Social Rules and Gender Issues in Social Latin Dances
Why do women engage in terrorist activity?
The Provision of Public Goods: Regional disparities in the provision of public infrastructure in Italy
The effects of privatisation in Post-Soviet states
How were the US 2016 presidential elections influenced by the gendered biased portrayal of Hillary Clinton depicted through the media?
Asylum Seekers in Europe: rights and challenges
Politics in the playground: A sociolinguistic investigation of political knowledge and engagement amongst upper primary school age children in the UK
Revolutionary justice as revealing issues of legality and legitimacy in the political change happening in The Kingdom of England in the 1640s-60s.
The role of language and rhetoric in anti-establishment politics
The future of the EU and the rise of populism: the analysis of Germany’s case.
Collective Memory and Populism in Germany and the UK
Has UKIP’s rise in popularity discouraged voters from casting strategic votes?
Does the TRIPS Agreement increase technology transfer to developing countries?
The shifting identity of Koryo-Saram living in Russia
To what extent and how successfully has the Mexico City government’s ‘Laboratorio para la ciudad’ adopted the ‘social urbanism’ approach to urban policy in Latin America? A case study of ‘Ciudad Lúdica’.
The Competition between the East and the West reflected in the post-war rebuilding of Berlin
The role of online communication tools in shaping of the European public sphere
Disjunction in natural languages
Women, Islam and the Republic: an ethnographic research project into identity in Modern France.
The myth of the ‘Wasserfrau’ in a contemporary literary work.
Podemos: Testing the Theory of Political Hegemony
Portrayal of International Politics in Cinema
What constitutes a perfect translation?
Can freedom as Kant conceives it explain and justify both our respect for the moral law and our capacity to do evil?
Should an oppressed people fight a revolutionary war despite its likeliness to be unsuccessful?
How do drones affect the threshold for the use of force?
Perception of singleness in Islam
Terrorism or fight against ethnic oppression: why is the PYD in Syria more successful than PKK in Turkey?
What does current political engagement in the banlieues of Paris tell us about the identity of young people from ethnic minorities in the French Republic of today?
To what extent does social media (and/or the way it is used by Transnational Advocacy Networks) affect conflict intervention?
Privacy and otherness in East German cinema
Dictatorship to Democracy: A Historical Analysis of the Spanish Transition.
Do fair-play theories of political obligation apply in non-democratic states?
Human rights and the Environment
When does Russia resort to cyber strategies instead of other means of conflict resolution when interacting with the Post-Soviet states of Estonia, Georgia and Ukraine? Which of the three classical paradigm approaches explains the actor’s behaviour best?
‘Ce fut uniquement la grandeur de la République qui fit le mal’: Uses of classical antiquity in support of the small-republic thesis in the early French Revolution, 1789-1792
How is the city used to present power relations in 20th Century Utopian and Dystopian Literature?
Monarchism in Western Europe: A comparative analysis of the ‘value' of the monarchy in Britain and the Netherlands in the 21st century?
Historical perspectives on responses to the refugee crisis: German humanitarian exceptionalism?”