
UCL European & International Social & Political Studies


Dissertations 2019

  • The veil in the era of identity politics

  • Discursive analysis of photographic reports of the war in Syria and what they mean for the way the UK sees the Middle East.

  • Cyberterrorism

  • Urban Regeneration and Gentrification in East Berlin

  • Do local elections in China’s authoritarian regime increase the freedom to steer local agendas or have they led to greater scrutiny of communes by the centre resulting in less autonomy?

  • Commercialised Microfinance in Mexico: on the brink of a financial disaster?

  • Terrorism

  • Building Mosques in Italy

  • Does left-right media bias effectively contribute to the misrepresentation of facts in the British media?

  • Sociology and psychology of female Islamic Terrorism

  • Social Rules and Gender Issues in Social Latin Dances

  • Why do women engage in terrorist activity?

  • The Provision of Public Goods: Regional disparities in the provision of public infrastructure in Italy

  • The effects of privatisation in Post-Soviet states

  • How were the US 2016 presidential elections influenced by the gendered biased portrayal of Hillary Clinton depicted through the media?

  • Asylum Seekers in Europe: rights and challenges

  • Politics in the playground: A sociolinguistic investigation of political knowledge and engagement amongst upper primary school age children in the UK

  • Revolutionary justice as revealing issues of legality and legitimacy in the political change happening in The Kingdom of England in the 1640s-60s.

  • The role of language and rhetoric in anti-establishment politics

  • The future of the EU and the rise of populism: the analysis of Germany’s case.

  • Collective Memory and Populism in Germany and the UK

  • Has UKIP’s rise in popularity discouraged voters from casting strategic votes?

  • Does the TRIPS Agreement increase technology transfer to developing countries?

  • The shifting identity of Koryo-Saram living in Russia

  • To what extent and how successfully has the Mexico City government’s ‘Laboratorio para la ciudad’ adopted the ‘social urbanism’ approach to urban policy in Latin America?  A case study of ‘Ciudad Lúdica’.

  • The Competition between the East and the West reflected in the post-war rebuilding of Berlin

  • The role of online communication tools in shaping of the European public sphere

  • Disjunction in natural languages

  • Women, Islam and the Republic: an ethnographic research project into identity in Modern France.

  • The myth of the ‘Wasserfrau’ in a contemporary literary work.

  • Podemos: Testing the Theory of Political Hegemony

  • Portrayal of International Politics in Cinema

  • What constitutes a perfect translation?

  • Can freedom as Kant conceives it explain and justify both our respect for the moral law and our capacity to do evil?

  • Should an oppressed people fight a revolutionary war despite its likeliness to be unsuccessful?

  • How do drones affect the threshold for the use of force?

  • Perception of singleness in Islam

  • Terrorism or fight against ethnic oppression: why is the PYD in Syria more successful than PKK in Turkey?

  • What does current political engagement in the banlieues of Paris tell us about the identity of young people from ethnic minorities in the French Republic of today?

  • To what extent does social media (and/or the way it is used by Transnational Advocacy Networks) affect conflict intervention?

  • Privacy and otherness in East German cinema

  • Dictatorship to Democracy: A Historical Analysis of the Spanish Transition.

  • Do fair-play theories of political obligation apply in non-democratic states?

  • Human rights and the Environment

  • When does Russia resort to cyber strategies instead of other means of conflict resolution when interacting with the Post-Soviet states of Estonia, Georgia and Ukraine? Which of the three classical paradigm approaches explains the actor’s behaviour best? 

  • ‘Ce fut uniquement la grandeur de la République qui fit le mal’: Uses of classical antiquity in support of the small-republic thesis in the early French Revolution, 1789-1792

  • How is the city used to present power relations in 20th Century Utopian and Dystopian Literature?

  • Monarchism in Western Europe: A comparative analysis of the ‘value' of the monarchy in Britain and the Netherlands in the 21st century?

  • Historical perspectives on responses to the refugee crisis: German humanitarian exceptionalism?”