EU & European Politics
This page collates publications, blog posts, video interviews, media commentary related to European politics and Brexit.

Opinion and thoughts
Read the latest opinion piece on this page:
Benjamin Martill - Opportunity Cost: Why Brexit is not quite the security and defence moment Brussels has been banking on

Research and expertise
Discover a major piece of research on the topic:
Oliver Patel - The EU and the Brexit Negotiations: Institutions, Strategies and Objectives

Projects and activities
Learn about a recent UCL project conducted on this theme:
UCL Constitution Unit & European Institute - (Video) What happens next? UK and EU responses to the 2019 election
The Brexit Negotiations and Bounded Rationality: Why did Britain Fail to Understand the EU?
Filipa Figueira (UCL SSEES) and Ben Martill (University of Edinburgh)
Type: Article, Journal of European Public Policy
Date: 2020 (In press)
EU is losing leverage over a London no longer bound by its word
Ronan McCrea (UCL Laws)
Type: Op-ed, Irish Times
Date: 10/09/2020
The Force of Events: the 'Brexit interval' and popular aspirations for Gibraltarian diplomacy
Jason Dittmer et al (UCL Dept of Geography)
Type: Article, Territory, Politics, Governance
Date: 19/05/2020
What happens next? UK and EU responses to the 2019 election
UCL Constitution Unit & European Institute
Type: Video
Date: 17/12/2019
Europeanization in reverse gear?
J-P Salter and Claudio Radaelli (UCL Dept of Political Science)
Type: Book chapter
Date: 03/12/2019
Brexiteers und ihr überraschendes Geschichtsbild
Uta Staiger (UCL European Institute)
Type: Comment
Date: 27/11/2019
Opportunity Cost: Why Brexit is not quite the security and defence moment Brussels has been banking on
Benjamin Martill
Type: Blog
Date: 15/11/2019
SSEESing Brexit
Type: Event recording
Date: 23/10/2019
Gibraltarians’ Attitudes towards Brexit and the Gibraltar-Spain frontier
Professor Jason Dittmer et al (UCL Department of Geography)
Type: Article, Space and Polity
Date: 26/09/2019
What’s next for Brexit: views from Europe
Type: Comments
Date: 26/09/2019
Can't get no learning: the Brexit fiasco through the lens of policy learning
Claire Dunlop (University of Exeter), Scott James (King's College), Claudio Radaelli (UCL School of Public Policy)
Type: Article, Journal of European Public Policy
Revolving Doors or Sliding Doors in Brussels?
David Coen, Director of the Global Governance Institute
Type: Comment
Date: 18/07/2019
From Maastricht to Brexit: Democracy, Constitutionalism and Citizenship in the EU
Professor Richard Bellamy (UCL Dept of Political Science) and Dario Castiglione (University of Exeter)
Type: Book, Rowman & Littlefield
Date: July 2019
The European Council's busy summer spells trouble for the new Prime Minister
Nick Wright, J-P Salter (UCL Dept of Political Science)
Type: Comment, UK in a Changing Europe
Date: 08/07/2019
EU elections voting system explained: D'Hondt worry
Professor Christina Pagel (UCL Clinical Operational Research Unit)
Type: Comment, UK in a Changing Europe
Date: 20/05/2019
The EU could call Theresa May’s bluff by asking the meaningful vote to be a matter of confidence
Clement Leroy (UCL European Institute)
Type: Blog
Date: 06/02/2019
With politicians who can’t be bothered to read peace agreements, it’s no wonder Brexit negotiations are such a mess
Professor Kirstin Bakke and Kit Rickard (Political Science)
Type: Article, the Independent
Date: 02/2019
The EU will not risk its own unity to save Theresa May’s deal
Clement Leroy (UCL European Institute)
Type: Article, the Times
Date: 17/12/2018
Britain and Ireland still misunderstand each other on Brexit
Professor Ronan McCrea (UCL Laws)
Type: Article, Financial Times
Date: 02/11/2018
The EU and the Brexit Negotiations: Institutions, Strategies and Objectives
Oliver Patel (UCL European Institute)
Type: Analysis, Brexit Insights
Date: 18/10/2018
Hungary and Poland pose worse threat to EU than Brexit
Professor Ronan McCrea (UCL Laws)
Type: Blog, UCL Brexit Blog
Date: 18/09/2018
The EU cannot give May the deal she wants without risking its own existence
Professor Ronan McCrea (UCL Laws)
Type: Blog, UCL Brexit Blog
Date: 30/07/2018
Exposing Populist Disunity in Europe: How the EU could find friends among enemies
Jose Feio, Research Associate at LSE Ideas and a student at UCL.
Type: Blog, UCL Brexit Blog
Date: 27/07/2018
A storm in a tea cup? Why all the fuss around the EU budget
Dr Filipa Figueira (UCL School of Slavonic and Easter European Studies)
Type: Blog, UCL Brexit Blog
Date: 08/05/2018
Decision time coming for Ireland on further European integration
Professor Ronan McCrea (UCL Laws)
Type: Blog, UCL Brexit Blog
Date: 01/05/2018
Brexit and Human Rights
Colm O'Cinneide (UCL Laws)
Type: Book chapter
Date: April 2018
Brexit EU Citizenship Rights of UK Nationals and the Court of Justice
Professor Ronan McCrea (UCL Laws)
Type: Blog, UCL Brexit Blog
Date: 08/02/2018
The Spectator Podcast: The fight for Europe
Dr Sean Hanley (UCL SSEES)
Type: Podcast, The Spectator
Date: 25/01/2018
Negotiating Ireland’s ‘Decade of Centenaries’ in the New Age of Brexit
Dr Peter Leary (UCL IAS)
Type: Article, History Workshop Journal
Date: 24/01/2018
Brexit and Beyond: Rethinking the Futures of Europe
Type: Book [edited volume], UCL European Institute and UCL Press
Author: Various
Date: January 2018
Brexit and Beyond: The Future of Europe
Dr Benjamin Martill and Dr Uta Staiger (UCL European Institute)
Type: Policy Briefing, LSE Darhendorf Forum
Date: January 2018
Acquired rights and the ECJ
Professor Piet Eeckhout (UCL Laws)
Type: Blog, UCL Brexit Blog
Date: 29/08/2017
Brexit and the ECJ red line
Professor Piet Eeckhout (UCL Laws)
Type: Blog, UCL Brexit Blog
Date: 29/08/2017
Macron's Victory and the Need for 'Leftist Globalism' in France
Dr Tim Beasley Murray (UCL SSEES)
Type: Blog, UCL European Institute
Date: 09/05/2017
Brexit negotiations: what does Europe want?
Dr Uta Staiger (UCL European Institute)
Type: Blog, The Conversation
Date: 29/03/2017
Brexit can wait. Europe's most pressing worry is its fracturing eastern democracies
Professor Jan Kubik (SSEES)
Type: Blog, The Guardian
Date: 12/02/2017
Malign influence, lame duck or honest broker?
Dr Nicholas Wright (UCL Political Science)
Type: Blog, UK in a Changing Europe
Date: 15/12/2016
The Brexit Brokers
Dr Uta Staiger (UCL European Institute) and Dr Nicholas Wright (UCL Political Science)
Type: Article, Prospect Magazine
Date: 17/11/2016
Can a Brexit Deal Provide a Clean Break with the Court of Justice and EU Fundamental Rights Norms?
Dr Ronan McCrea (UCL Laws)
Type: Blog, UCL Brexit Blog
Date: 17/10/2016
Does Eastern Europe Have Lessons for Brexit Britain?
Dr Sean Hanley (UCL SSEES)
Type: Blog, Britain and Europe Blog
Date: 05/08/2016
President Zeman and the 'Czexit' referendum question
Dr Philipp Koker (UCL SSEES)
Type: Blog, UCL SSEES Research Blog
Date: 01/08/2016
You can't blame Brussels for Brexit
Dr Ronan McCrea (UCL Laws)
Type: Blog, UCL Britain and Europe
Date: 08/07/2016
Brexit: The Consequences for Other EU Member States
Oliver Patel (UCL European Institute) and Dr Alan Renwick (UCL Constitution Unit)
Type: Briefing paper, UCL Constitution Unit
Date: June 2016
Brexit: The Consequences for the EU's Political System
Oliver Patel (UCL European Institute) and Dr Christine Reh (UCL Political Science)
Type: Briefing paper, UCL Constitution Unit
Date: May 2016
The European Union: To Leave or Not To Leave
Professor Martyn Rady (UCL SSEES)
Type: Opinion piece, History Today
Date: 18/05/2016
Image credits
- European People's Party - Viktor Orban, via Flickr (CC)
- ALDEgroup2016 - Press Conference Strasbourg May 2016, via Flickr (CC)
- Cedric Puisney - CJCE Luxembourg, via Flickr (CC)