
UCL European Institute


Capitalism and Democracy


This project examines the relationship between capitalism and democracy in the wake of the on-going financial crisis and the various events it has precipitated, from the Greek sovereign debt crisis to the current wave of populism sweeping the Western world. It examines how these crises, and the policy responses to them, have transformed the relationship between democracy and capitalism. It also seeks to place these phenomena in the context of their historical, intellectual, and policy precursors in the 1970s, and to scrutinise the contemporary implications these changes have for democracy in the EU.

Scheduled speakers have included Thomas Piketty, Naomi Klein, Chantal Mouffe, Paul Mason, Béla Greskovits and Pablo Echenique.

Capitalism and Democracy is hosted by the UCL European Institute and generously funded by the ERASMUS+ Programme of the European Commission.

Image property of Kiefer and reproduced here under Creative Commons licence.