
UCL European Institute


European Institute co-hosts roundtable on European security with CER

16 September 2024

The European Institute convened a roundtable on the future of European security at the British Embassy in Berlin, jointly with the Centre for European Reform.


What security threats should Europeans prepare to face in the next decade? What will Russia look like after Putin's latest term in office? What might the US election mean for America's part in transatlantic security? What will be the respective roles of the EU and NATO in ensuring Europe's security? How can Europeans develop the military capabilities they need? And how will the United Kingdom fit into Europe's future security architecture?

A joint roundtable chaired by Ian Bond, Deputy Director of the Centre for European Reform, interrogated these questions during a hybrid session hosted by the British Embassy in Berlin on 10 September 2024. Insightful contributions were made by the following speakers:

Claudia Major, Head, International Security Research Division, German Institute for International & Security Affairs (SWP)
Jana Puglierin, Head, Berlin Office, European Council on Foreign Relations
Luigi Scazzieri, Senior Research Fellow, Centre for European Reform
Michael Scharfschwerdt, Director Policy Planning, Federal Foreign Office, Germany

This work forms part of a work package on European security, funded as part of the UCL European Institute's Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence grant, through the EU's Erasmus+ programme. The work package has been co-ordinated on behalf of UCL by Dr Ben Noble



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Image credit: Centre for European Reform