European Institute convening Student Masterclasses for EISPS
7 November 2022
The European Institute is delighted to offer three masterclasses to the students in Department of European and International Social and Political Studies.

Two are led by members of our Advisory Board; Sabina Ciofu, Associate Director - International at techUK, and Heather Grabbe, European Institute Visiting Professor and former Director of the Open Society European Policy Institute in Brussels. Find out more about them here.
Their masterclasses will offer EISPS students the opportunity to explore how policymaking works in the European bubble, taking the Digital Services Act as an example, and analyse the politics of the European Green Deal, alongside how policy implementation has been affected by Covid-19 and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Read about Heather Grabbe's class
Read about Sabina Ciofu's class
The sessions, which are taking place on 23 November and 8 December, were offered to students on a first come, first served basis and are already sold out. They are are exclusive to UCL students enrolled in EISPS courses, on which more here.
A third class, by policy analyst Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, is planned for March 2023.