Workshop 2: UCL support for engaging with LMIC policy-makers
07 June 2022, 12:30 pm–1:30 pm

Open workshops (x3): How can UCL support your engagement with international policy-makers?
This event is free.
Event Information
Open to
- UCL staff
- Yes
- Free
Elinor Kruse
In line with UCL’s position as London’s Global University, UCL research and expertise informs policy-making across the globe. However, there are opportunities to enhance the visibility of this work, identify and share good practice across Faculties and explore the demand for central support for international public policy engagement.
The workshops are open to all UCL staff members interested in growing their international policy engagement. There will be three separate 1h sessions on targeted groups of policy stakeholders. The sessions are intended to assess UCL academics’ aspirations and support needs for policy engagement with international policy-makers. The contributions to the workshops will inform a collaborative cross-institutional project led by UCL Global Engagement, the European Institute and UCL Public Policy to facilitate and grow UCL’s international policy engagement activities.
This page relates to workshop 2, information about attending workshops 1 & 3 is linked below.
Three workshops will take place open to all Faculties and will be focussed on specific areas of policy engagement:
- Workshop 1: How can UCL support your engagement with EU Policy-Makers post-Brexit? 6 June 12.30-13.30
- Workshop 2: How can UCL support your engagement with policy-makers in LMICs? 7 June 12.30-13.30 - register above to attend
- Workshop 3: How can UCL support your engagement with International Organisations (e.g. UN Agencies)? 9 June 12.30-13.30
This workshop will be held on MS Teams.
Questions for participants
- Are you, or have you recently been, actively engaged with international public policy stakeholders (international/multilateral organisations; overseas Governments/public bodies, international/overseas NGOs), through your research, teaching or engagement activities? If not, why not?
- What are the key benefits for engaging with international policy-makers, generally, and/or your partners specifically?
- What are the key challenges for engaging with international policy-makers, generally, and/or your partners specifically?
- What are your priorities and aspirations for developing your work in this area, as an individual or at Department/Faculty level?
- Is there support available from your Department or Faculty for this type of work?
- What support, if any, would be helpful from UCL in enhancing our engagement with international public policy-makers?
Please email Elinor Kruse, Senior Partnership Manager (Global Engagement) on if you would like more infomation.