UCL European Careers Event 2020
10 February 2020, 10:00 am–1:00 pm

Join the European Institute to explore pathways to careers in Europe. Panel discussions followed by networking lunch.
Event Information
Open to
- All
- Yes
Oliver Patel
Room 347SSEES Building16 Taviton StreetLondonWC1H 0BWUnited Kingdom
Students and graduates are invited to join us for a discussion and networking event to hear from a range of speakers about career options in Europe.
As Brexit has made European affairs a top-priority for many professionals, the event features representatives from a range of sectors, including politics and policymaking, journalism, diplomacy, and public affairs and the think tank world.
Speakers (more TBC!)
Marie Le Conte - Freelance Journalist
Jessica Davenport - Europe Directorate Policy Adviser, Foreign & Commonwealth Office
Dr Nora Forgacs - Research Fellow, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and human rights consultant (previously Senior Advisor, OSCE Mission in Kosovo; Chief of Cabinet, Hungarian Data Protection Commissioner; and legal expert, Hungarian Commissioner for Fundamental Rights)
Naina Gupta - EU Careers Ambassador for the London universities, LLM student at London School of Economics
Giovanni Liva - Policy Analyst, Open Evidence and former Account Executive, Edelman Brussels
Dr Alex Wilson - Policy Analyst for the Members Research Service of the European Parliament (specialising in Energy Policy as well as EU-UK Relations)
Q&A session with the audience followed by networking lunch