
UCL European Institute


Economic and Political Constitutionalism in the European Order

03 July 2018, 10:00 am–6:00 pm

A private workshop discussion led by Professor Albert Weale.

Event Information

Open to

Invitation Only


UCL European Institute


UCL School of Public Policy, 29/31 Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9EZ


The premise of the workshop and the broader project of which it is a part is that questions of constitutional political economy always draw upon traditions and paradigms of political and economic thought. Debates on policy preferences - on such matters as price stability, fiscal control, inter-state transfers and the role of a stabilization fund at the European level – are rooted in deeper assumptions about how economic orders work, the extent to which uncertainty should constrain policy makers and the role of the principle of corporate responsibility within a rules-bound order.

The principal form in which these competing conceptions so far have been worked out is illustrated in the contest of ideas so far between Keynesianism and ordo-liberalism. Yet, we have seen a very imperfect form of intellectual competition. There are many other traditions and paradigms of political economy the principles of which are relevant to an informed discussion of the constitutional and treaty alternatives. Europe’s cultural and political diversity is also exemplified in its diversity of thinking about the relationship between political authority and economic organization. The workshop is an opportunity to begin to explore some of these different ways of thinking.


1000-1015: Arrival and Welcome

1015-1100: Overview Paper: Preliminary Discussion of the Concept

1100-1215: Oliver Gerstenberg ‘Economic Liberalism, Political Liberalism, and the Role of the CJEU as an Exponent of Constitutional Values’

Discussant: Fabio Masini

1215-1245: Lunch

1245-1400: Michelle Everson and Christian Joerges, ‘Critical European (Union) Law’

Discussant: Lucy Barnes

1400-1415: Break

1415-1530: Josef Hien ‘A New Thirty Years' War? The Cultural Economics of Protestantism and Catholicism in the European Crisis’

Discussant: Fabio Masini

1530-1545: Tea

1545-1700: Albert Weale ‘Public Reason and Constitutional Political Economy’

Discussant: Lucy Barnes

1700-1745: Wine and Roundtable: Economic Constitutionalism in the European Order?

1900: Dinner, Private Room, Norfolk Arms, 28 Leigh Street. http://norfolkarms.co.uk/.


  • Lucy Barnes, UCL
  • Michelle Everson, Birkbeck
  • Oliver Gerstenberg, UCL
  • Josef Hien, Milan/Stockholm
  • Christian Joerges, Hertie
  • Fabio Masini, Roma Tre
  • Uta Staiger, UCL
  • Claudia Sternberg, UCL
  • Albert Weale, UCL