French Minister Genevieve Fioraso talks on the new framework for French higher education
02 February 2015, 12:00 am
Event Information
Open to
- All
2 February 2015
The French Minister will give a short speech to UCL students and staff with an interest in the new framework for French higher education, the research landscape in France and student mobility.
When 2 February 2015 6:30pm-8pm |
Where JZ Young Lecture Theatre Anatomy Building. How to get there |
The French Higher Education Minister of State Genevieve Fioraso will deliver a short speech to UCL students and staff with an interest the new framework for French higher education, the research landscape in France and student mobility.
The talk is to be followed a Q&A session
- The minister will be introduced by Prof. Pete Delves.
- Please register for the event on the Eventbrite Page.