
UCL European Institute


Old Rules & New Traditions: Generational Divides in Central and Eastern Europe

19 February 2014, 12:00 am

Event Information

Open to


19-21 February 2014
The first International Postgraduate Conference on Central and Eastern Europe was held at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies in 1999. Since then it takes place bi-annually at UCL SSEES & in the remaining years it is hosted by different institutions around the world. This year the conference returns to University College London, having received a record number of applications.


19 - 21 February 2014

Event times & detailed information available online


Please visit the website:
International PG Conference on CEE


The Conference aims to provide an opportunity for postgraduates and young academics from across the world whose research involves Central and Eastern Europe, South-Eastern Europe and the countries of the former Soviet Union to present their work. Even more importantly, it enables them to exchange ideas and build contacts with international colleagues from a wide variety of disciplines.

The programme of the conference stretches over three days and three dozen different thematic panels as well as keynote speeches on the conference theme including round table discussions specifically tailored to the concerns of postgraduate students.

For full details, please see Conference Programme

The conference is organised by PhD students with the help of the SSEES administration and Professor Martyn Rady, the school's head of postgraduate research. In a commitment to keep costs for participants low and enable PhD students from Eastern Europe to attend the conference, it is largely dependent on funding and tries to use its resources the best way possible.

This event is supported by UCL European's Institute Call for Proposals