
UCL European Institute


Panel Discussion: Work-Life Balance and Gender Issues in Academia

09 September 2012–24 October 2012, 12:00 am–12:00 am

Eventbrite - Panel Discussion: Work-Life Balance and Gender Issues in Academia

Event Information

Open to


 6 November 2012

Date & Time
6 November 2012, 3.00pm

UCL Malet Place Engineering Building
Malet Place Eng 1.02
Gower Street     
London WC1E 6BT

This event will be followed by a reception

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The Department of Political Science, UCL is sponsoring a panel discussion on work-life balance and gender issues in academia. In this two-hour session we aim to consider the following questions:

  • How do academics negotiate work-life balance? What tips would you share with PhD students considering academia?
  • Which issues affect men and women equally? Which issues are unique to female academics?
  • How can universities better retain women academics and fix the 'leaky pipeline'?
  • Can/should the institutional climate (of research) be changed to ameliorate the dual burden of tenure and family?

The format for the panel is informal, with panelists offering 15-20 minutes of comments on any of the questions framing the discussion, followed by a question and answer session with the audience.

Participants include:

Dr Daniel Drezner Professor at The Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy, Tufts University
Dr Joni Lovenduski Birkbeck College
Dr Stephen Bates Birmingham University
Dr Rainbow Murray Birkbeck College

This event will be chaired by Dr Jennifer Hudson, UCL

There will be a drinks reception in the Common Room of the School of Public Policy in the Rubin Building after the event.