THBT: Britain should leave the European Union
25 February 2013, 7:00 pm–9:00 pm
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Open to
- All
25 February 2013
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The debate on Britain's membership of the EU is perhaps the biggest national issue of our time, with passionate advocates campaigning for very different visions of Britain's future in a globalising world. A debate involving sovereignty, peace and economic prosperity, it has risen to new heights since the euro crisis, and only weeks ago Prime Minister David Cameron promised that his party will launch a referendum on the issue if elected with a majority in the next General Election.
The UCLU Debating Society is proud to be hosting a debate on such an important ongoing national issue, and is honoured to be hosting some of the most prominent and active participants in this national debate. All UCL staff and students and members of the public are invited to watch and take part in this important debate. Entry is free
In Proposition:
- Mark Reckless MP: Conservative MP for Rochester and Strood. A leading Eurosceptic MP, previously he was UK Economist for the investment bank Warburgs and was rated as one of the top three economists in the City of London. More recently he has worked as a barrister, before being elected as MP in the 2010 General Election. In October 2012 he led a successful vote against the Coalition Government in the House of Commons to secure a cut in the UK contribution to the EU.
- Alexandra Swann: Telegraph blogger and UKIP activist. Described by Michael White of the Guardian as 'The future face of UKIP,' she has been an outspoken member of UKIP after defecting from the Conservative Party in March 2012. She has worked in Houses of Parliament for two Conservative MPs, and in the European Parliament for a UKIP MEP. She regularly writes for Telegraph Blogs and the Commentator.
- Lawrence Webb: Leading member of UKIP, former London Chairman and Mayoral candidate. After joining UKIP in 200, he has worked as political assistant to Gerard Batten, UKIP MEP for London, as well as the party's chief organiser in the capital. In 2012 he ran as the UKIP candidate in the London mayoral election, campaigning against EU legislation. Before entering politics, he previously worked as a nightclub owner and electrician, and spent eight years in the Territorial Army.
In Opposition:
- Katinka Barysch: Deputy Director of the Centre for European Reform in London, an independent London-based think-tank that seeks to make the EU work better and strengthen its role in the world. She has acted as an advisor to the European Commission, several EU governments, the House of Lords, the World Economic Forum, as well as various financial institutions, multinationals and business federations, and regularly comments in Europe in national media.
- Sir Stephen Wall: Former UK Diplomat and Chair of the UCL Council. He served as a member as a member of HM Diplomatic Service for 35 years, with positions including British Ambassador to Portugal from 1993 to 1995, Permanent Representative to the European Union from 1995 to 2000, and Head of the European Secretariat in the Cabinet Office and EU adviser to Prime Minister Tony Blair from 2000 to 2004. He authored 'A Stranger in Europe: Britain and the EU from Thatcher to Blair.
Peter Wilding: Founder and Director of British Influence, a new independent advocacy campaign that wants Britain to lead in Europe. In twenty years of working in European affairs he has practised and lectured as a solicitor in EU law, been Head of Media for the Conservative Party in the European Parliament, and Director of CabinetDN, a Brussels public affairs consultancy. He regularly appears on the BBC's Europe Direct and authored 'Influencing the European Union.'
With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union.