Richard Bellamy on 'Republicanism, Representation and Demoi-cracy in the EU'
12 June 2012, 11:00 am
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12 June 2012, Forum for European Philosophy
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Forum Annual Lecture Series: Sovereignty and Identity
This event is part of the Jean Monnet 'Europe Beyond Governance' Lecture Series Republicanism, Representation and Demoi-cracy in the EU
Richard Bellamy, Professor of Political Science and Director of the European Institute, University College London
Chair: Simon Glendinning, Reader in European Philosophy, European Institute, LSE and Director of the Forum for European Philosophy
This lecture will contrast liberal and republican models of democracy and representation and will apply them to the EU. The inadequacies of EU level democracy are traced to it only being able to sustain a political ontology of singularism suitable for liberal democracy as opposed to the more demanding ontology of civicity required by republican democracy. This limitation results from the EU lacking a demos and consisting instead of multiple national demoi. However, the liberal system of democratic representation cannot legitimize the non-Pareto improvement decisions that are increasingly made at the EU level. The only basis for a European ontology of civicity lies in valorising republican democratic decision-making and representation within the different demoi of the Member States in the EU's system of governance.