
UCL European Institute


Migration, Human Rights and Security in Europe

11 June 2012, 9:00 am

Event Information

Open to


One-day conference, 11 June 2012

11 June 2012

Chadwick Building   
University College London
Gower Street

For more information, please email: a.patyna.11@ucl.ac.uk

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MRU Student Conference Including a presentation by Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) 11th June 2012, University College London (UCL)

Migration is one of the top issues on the policy agenda in Europe and is regularly debated on national and EU-wide level. Fears about illegal migration, and the association of migrants with terrorism, extremism and crime have led to increased securitisation of migration in "Fortress Europe" and the introduction of tougher admission and control policies.

The recent developments have caused concerns among human rights advocates and migrant communities over the potential erosion of migrants' human rights. National and international courts, in particular the European Court of Human Rights, are increasingly being asked to comment on the relationship between human rights obligations and the treatment of migrants by states. The different points of view clash in a heated debate around the continent which is unlikely to end anytime soon.

'Migration, Human Rights and Security in Europe' is a student conference organised in collaboration with the Migration Research Unit and the Institute for Human Rights at UCL in order to encourage students from different disciplines to share their current research in this area. The event aims to provide a forum for an exchange of ideas and knowledge between students from across London (and beyond) working on these issues.

Themes will include:

  • irregular migration
  • immigration detention
  • extraterritorial border control in the EU
  • migration, counter-terrorism and security
  • the right to health
  • protection of vulnerable groups

The conference will conclude with a talk by Pierre Makhlouf, Assistant Director of BID (Bail for Immigration Detainees), one of UK's leading charities working in the immigration field. He will talk about when immigration detention becomes unlawful, and discuss some of BID's recent strategic litigation and policy work in this area.

Please note that participants will be asked to pay a £8 conference fee which will cover all conference materials as well as lunch and refreshments during the day.

Conference Programme

Event Venue
9.00 Registration G08 Chadwick
Conference Opening
Chadwick LT
9.40 Where we are: key issues
Immigration Control in the United Kingdom and the Liberal democratic paradox. Cosmas Ukachukwu Ikegwuruka, University of Newcastle

'Brava Gente' vs. 'Immigrazione': Italian Approaches to Immigration. Elif Cetin, University of Cambridge

The erosion of refugee status in law, Anne Neylon, University College Cork (Ireland)

Looking ahead: Evaluating the proposal for reinforced solidarity and responsibility sharing in the Common
European Asylum System
, Carolyn Amstrong, LSE
Chadwick LT
G08 Chadwick

Participants choose one of the following sessions:
Session 1: Whose rights? Vulnerable and particular social groups
Chaired by Dr Virginia Mantouvalou, Laws, UCL

Knockin' on Europe's door: women, war and gender-based persecution. Olga Jurasz, University of Aberystwyth

Protection for Who? The Protection of Trafficked Persons.
Jean-Pierre Gauci, Kings College London

Challenging the borders of intimacy and legality: The cultural construction and transnational implications of Danish marriage migration policy. Tess Hellgren, University of Oxford

Chadwick LT

Session 2: Migration, Counter-terrorism and security
Chaired by Dr Antonios Tzanakopoulos,  Laws, UCL

Whose security? Swiss politics or asylum and the "securitisation" of migration. Robin Stünzi, Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland

Exclusion from Refugee Status: asylum seekers and terrorism in the UK. Sara Singer, Queen Mary University, London

Border Control and the Securitization of Migration in the European Union: Case Study of Tunisian Refugees Fled to Italy during North African Uprising 2011
Maria Anggita Kusalasari, University of Stavanger (Norway)

G07 Chadwick
G08 Chadwick

Participants choose one of the following sessions:
Session 1: Irregular migrants: rights and strategies
Chaired by Dr Claire Dwyer, Geography, UCL

irregular migration: Are the Scandinavian countries really exceptional? Stine Laursen, University of Sussex

Lying Low and Not Giving Up: strategies of undocumented migrants. Natasha Posner & Oonagh Skrine, School of Advanced Studies, London

Risk-Taking in Transit: The Case of Afghan Migrants in Turkey. Esra Kaytaz, University of Oxford

Chadwick LT
  Session 2: EU Borders and human rights
Chaired by Dr Ingrid Boccardi, Laws, UCL

Assessing the externalisation of European Union's migration control in the light of the Charter of Fundamental Rights. Vito Todeschini, University of Venice, Italy.

Expanding European Borders: Extraterritorial Immigration Control and the case of Hirsi Jamaa V. Italy
Ruth Clinch, University of Sussex

Playing their cards early: Lessons for Schengen from the Arab Spring. Maia Rotman, SOAS
G07 Chadwick
G08 Chadwick
Participants choose one of the following sessions:
Session 1: Migrants' (right to?) health
Chaired by Dr Saffron Karlsen, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, UCL

Asylum-seekers, violence and health: A systematic review of research in high-income host countries
Anne Kalt, UCL

The human right to health of migrants in Europe (perspectives from the Council of Europe)
Claire Lougarre, University College London

The embodiment process of the Italian policies planned to preserve irregular migrants' health rights
Roberta Bova, University of Bergamo (Italy)

Chadwick LT
  Session 2: Immigration detention and temporary accommodation
Chaired by Dr JoAnn McGregor, Geography, UCL

Strategies of social control in Europe
Bani Gill & Ina Jahn University of Stavanger (Norway)

Immigration detention, security and human rights
Mairead De Faoite, University of Nottingham

Immigration detention in Switzerland: Toward a new management of 'unwanted' foreigners?

Clément de Senarclens, Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland
G07 Chadwick
Pierre Makhlouf, Assistant Director and Dr Adeline Trude, Research & Policy Manager, Bail for Immigration Detainees: Challenges to immigration detention: policy & litigation
Chadwick LT
Drinks reception sponsored by Thirty Nine Essex Street Chambers
Exhibition Room, Pearson