
UCL European Institute


The French Presidential Election: Politics, Populism and Le Pen

16 April 2012, 12:00 am

Event Information

Open to


TODAY, 16 April 2012. NOTE: New venue!

Date and time:
Monday 16th April, 12.30-14.30pm

Christopher Ingold Ramsay LT (G21)
Christopher Ingold Building
University College London
20 Gordon St
London WC1H 0AJ

Organised in cooperation with Counterpoint.

[image reference is broken]

The UCL European Institute is co-hosting an event with the London-based research and advisory group Counterpoint on the upcoming French presidential elections.

This year's presidential election in France marks a period of political and economic instability in Europe and will provide one of the first major tests of right-wing populism since the latest debt crisis struck.

How successful will Marine Le Pen's strategy of 'de-demonising' the Front National be? Will she repeat her father's 2002 success and make it into the second round? Who are her supporters? How will her presence influence the mainstream political debate? And how will it affect wider European politics?


We will debate these questions with:

  • Tony Barber, Europe Editor, Financial Times.
  • Jamie Bartlett, Head of the Violence and Extremism Programme, Demos
  • Professor Jocelyn Evans, Salford University and co-author of From Voting to Violence?
  • Professor John Gaffney, Co-Director of the Aston Centre for Europe.
  • Professor Philippe Marlière, French and European Politics, UCL.
  • Daniel Trilling, New Statesman and author of Bloody Nasty People, to be published later this year

Dr Catherine Fieschi, Director of Counterpoint, will chair the event.


Please RSVP to marley.morris@counterpoint.uk.com as spaces are limited