UCL European Focus Week
21 November 2011–23 November 2011, 12:00 am–12:00 am
Event Information
Open to
- All
21-23 November 2011
Europe in 2011 - an ever struggling Union?
The UCLU European Society invites you to the first ever UCL European Focus Week from 21st to 23rd November 2011 under the title: "Europe in 2011 - an ever struggling Union?". In cooperation with the UCL European Institute, the Society is hosting a series of speaker events to bring issues of European economic, asylum and foreign and defense policy to the UCL campus.
All events are free of charge and open to all students and staff from the University of London.
21 Nov, 6.30pm - Understanding the Eurozone crisis |
Chair: Professor Wendy Carlin (UCL Economics) |
Jonathan Scheele (Head of the European Commission Representation in London) |
Phillip Souta (Business for New Europe) |
John Peet (Europe Editor, The Economist) |
22 Nov, 7.30pm - How Europe is changing Libya and how Libya is changing Europe |
Challenges to European foreign policy during the intervention and prospects for Europe's role in a post-Gaddafi Libya |
Chair: Dr. Sarah Wolff (UCL School of Public Policy) |
Anthony Dworkin (Senior Policy Fellow, European Council on Foreign Relations) |
Ghazi Gheblawi (Oslo Freedom Forum) |
Dr. Faraj Najem (political writer) |
23 Nov, 6.30pm - Breaking into Fortress Europe |
Documentary film on Lampedusa |
with an introduction by Dr.Ingrid Boccardi (UCL Laws) |
Venue All events take place in the JZ Young Lecture Theatre Anatomy Building Gower Street London WC1E 6BT |
About UCLU European Society
UCLU European Society is for all students with an interest in European politics, arts and society. Through debates, careers events, and socials, we give our members a wide range of possibilities to engage with the European political and cultural landscape and to meet both experts in the field and like-minded students. For more information on the society as well as the latest issue of our magazine EUREKA please visit: www.eurosoc.co.uk