EU Public Policy Series: The Euro Crisis and its Implications for European Institutions
13 June 2012, 12:00 am
Event Information
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13 June 2012
Venue: Date and Time: Image: Charles Grant |
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Speaker: Charles Grant (Centre for European Reform)
The euro crisis has led not only to new EU treaties, but also to profound power shifts among various member-states and the EU institutions. The European Commission has never been so weak, while Germany has never been so strong.
Co-founder and director of the Centre for European Reform Charles Grant will discuss the implications of the ongoing crisis for the way European institutions operate. He is a former Brussels correspondent for the Economist and the author of many publications on the EU, as well as a former director of the British Council.
Dr Uta Staiger, Deputy Director, UCL European Institute
This event is co-hosted with the UCL Constitution Unit.