
UCL European Institute


A Common Immigration and Asylum Policy for Europe: The role and aspirations of the European Parliament 

07 June 2012, 12:00 am

Event Information

Open to


7 June 2012

Date and Time:
7 June 2012, 5pm


Christopher Ingold G21 Ramsay LT
University College London
Christopher Ingold Building
20 Gordon Street
London WC1H 0AJ

Organised in conjunction with UCL Public Policy

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Keynote speaker

  • MEP Simon Busuttil


  • Dr. Eiko Thieleman, London School of Economics

Immigration and asylum have been high on Europe's agenda and a main cause of concern for European citizens. Europeans are concerned with the levels of irregular migration as well as with the humanitarian duty of safeguarding the rights of people who are fleeing persecution. Immigration and asylum have practically become one of the main issues of each and every European election.

Europe has to balance the needs and rights of migrants and of the people who need protection with what is actually possible, taking into account the resources that the EU and Member States have at their disposal. Moreover, Europe has to take into consideration the fact that some Member States are facing heavier burdens than others with immigration influxes due to their geographical location. Since common challenges require common solutions, the European Union has been working hard on building a common immigration and asylum policy.

Dr. Busuttil, as the head of the European People's Party (EPP) in the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee and as a the Rapporteur of the EU's Frontex agency, will present the European Parliament's role both in Europe's past and present work on immigration and asylum.

Dr. Eiko Thielemann, Senior Lecturer in European Politics and Policy, London School of Economics and Political Science will act as a discussant before opening the panel for Q&A.

The event will be chaired by Dr. Sarah Wolff (UCL School of Public Policy)