A report of the ethical leadership roundtable discussions held in March and April 2016
Part of the Ethical Leadership for In-House Lawyers initiative by the UCL Centre for Ethics and Law
16 May 2018
As part of the UCL initiative looking at ethical leadership in the in-house legal sector, in-house lawyers were invited to participate in a series of regional discussions on the subject of ethical leadership.
The UCL ethical leadership initiative has three elements:
A report based on a comprehensive on-line survey of in-house lawyers that was published in June 2016 and which is available via this link
The roundtable discussions which are described in this report, and
A “White Paper” to be published in 2018 setting out recommendations on the theme of ethical leadership.
The roundtable discussions took place under the Chatham House rule.
The discussions in each case were facilitated by Paul Gilbert of LBC Wise Counsel. Notes were taken by Paul Gilbert and written up on the same day as the discussion. Professor Richard Moorhead from the Centre attended two of the sessions.
The participants were all in-house lawyers in senior roles from public, corporate and third sector organisations.
This report is in two sections. The first is Paul Gilbert’s analysis of the participant’s contributions, the issues they raise and the opportunity for the in-house legal sector to consider ethical leadership with fresh eyes. The second sets out some of the key individual, but unattributed, comments and contributions from each roundtable to give an indication of the tone of vice of each discussion and the specific concerns and observations expressed.
We acknowledge the generous support of law firms Bevan Brittan and Irwin Mitchell who kindly hosted the meetings.