Conference of Regulatory Sanctions
29 November 2012
The Centre for Law and the Environment together with the UK Environmental Law Association held a one day conference on November 9th 2012
It brought together some of the leading players in the development of regulatory sanctions with a special focus on the environmental law where the Environment Agency and others are experimenting with new approaches provided by Part III Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions Act 2008 and based on proposals of Professor Macrory.
On the day of the conference the Government announced its new policy in relation to Orders granting new sanctioning powers to regulators. Essentially all the new sanctions will continue to be available but civil financial penalties will be restricted to larger companies.
Ten things you should know about environmental enforcement and sanctions is a detailed account of the day written by Rosie Oliver, barrister and research officer for the UK Environmental Law Association is is reproduced below with permission of UKELA.