
Centre for Ethics and Law


Abortion in the Twenty-First Century: Moral, Legal, and Cultural Dimensions

17 March 2017, 5:30 pm–6:30 pm

Event Information

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UCL Centre for Ethics and Law


UCL Roberts G06 Sir Ambrose Fleming LT, Roberts Building, Torrington Place, London WC1E 7JE

About Abortion: Terminating Pregnancy in Twenty-First Century America

(HUP) by Carol Sanger and Arguments about Abortion: Personhood, Morality and Law (Oxford University Press) by Kate Greasley

About the event

The event will begin with  brief comments by both authors about the central ideas of their respective books. About Abortion confronts the question of why so much of United States politics and society is concerned with the abortion issue.  Arguments about Abortion centres on the moral and legal permissibility of terminating pregnancy, and the relevance of arguments about foetal personhood for that question.

There will be time allocated for questions and discussion after the comments followed by a drinks reception.

About the speakers

Professor Carol Sanger is the Barbara Aronstein Black Professor of Law at Columbia Law School. She regularly teaches contracts, family law, and seminars on Abortion in Context, and Meanings of Motherhood: Historical and Legal Perspectives.

Dr Kate Greasley is a lecturer in law at University College London. She was formerly a Junior Research Fellow in Law at University College, Oxford (2013-2016), and has written widely about moral and legal issues in abortion and other topics in medical ethics.