
Centre for Ethics and Law


Debate with Lexis-Nexis - Legal Innovation: How should the Educators respond?

29 October 2013, 6:00 pm–7:30 pm

Event Information

Open to



UCL Centre for Ethics & Law


Moot Court, Bentham House

Lecture Audience
With Phase 2 of the Legal Education and Training review upon us, we bring together leading innovators in legal services with two leading legal educators to discuss how the changing nature of legal services impacts on legal education.  Legal innovators are rethinking how legal services should be provided and who they should be provided by.  Disaggregation of legal services; greater specialisation; and, the emergence of new roles in legal services design, project management, and analytics pose challenges for practitioners and educators.  What will those challenges be?  How do the panel see education providers responding? How will we ensure students are adequately prepared for this new world of legal practice? What knowledge and skills will they need?  Should (and how should) learning on ethics contribute?

The aim of the event is to enable both educators and innovators to openly debate the purpose of legal education alongside the demands of emerging legal practice.  The panel of highly qualified speakers will put their views to an audience of lawyers, business professionals, academics and students who will be invited to respond at the close of the debate. We hope you can join us for what promises to be a lively discussion.


  • Christina Blacklaws, Director or Policy, Co-operative Legal Services
  • Carl Lygo, CEO of BPP Holdings and Principal of BPP University College of Professional Studies
  • Dana Denis Smith, CEO, Obelisk, former City solicitor and entrepreneur in legal process outsourcing
  • Professor Paul Maharg, member of LETR academic research team, Australia National University's Centre for Australian Legal Education and Nottingham Trent University
  • Geoff Wild, Director of Governance & Law at Kent County Council, Kent CC Legal Services


  • Professor Dame Hazel Genn, Dean of UCL Laws
For further info and to sign up