


Accidents and Emergencies

In the event of an accident or emergency please call UCL Security.

Emergencies on campus

For any emergency situations on campus please call 020 7679 2222 or UCL ext 222 before ringing 999. This allows the team to direct the emergency services to the correct location. If you're at UCL East Security can be reached on 0208 016 0555.

Accidents and incidents

If you have experienced an incident or accident, please report it via Inside UCL. 


Accident: An event that results in damage or loss, injury or ill-health (reported as staff injury/student injury/damage or loss).

Incident: An event that may or may not result in damage or loss, injury, or ill-health.

Open InsideUCL

Read about Accidents, Hazards, and Near Misses 


It is essential that all fires within UCL properties are reported regardless of their size to help establish any failures in communications, equipment or organisation systems and the possible cause. It is also important to have accurate statistics for insurance purposes and emergency planning.

Submit a fire incident report (login required)


You can report a crime that is not an emergency online, or by calling 101. You can also contact Crimestoppers to report a crime anonymously. If the crime is happening now you should call 999 immediately.

Please report any incidents of theft on the Bloomsbury campus by sending an email to the Security team.

Report a crime

Hazard or dangerous situation

Please ring the customer helpdesk immediately if you notice a hazard that is likely to cause harm to UCL staff or visitors on 020 7679 0000 or UCL ext 30000.