The Mobilisation and Transition team aims to improve client experiences by aligning the interests of those who design and construct a building with the interests of those who use and manage it.
The Mobilisation and Transition team is responsible for ensuring that building users understand how the building is supposed to operate and are able to control it effectively. It includes:
Independent assessments
The Mobilisation and Transition team undertake an independent assessment of all works being undertaken at UCL, including checking the quality of the building fabric, M&E, structural and architectural works to ensure high levels of technical compliance on site. Our dedicated Clerk of Works Manager is our ‘eyes and ears’ on-site, producing regular reports and visiting all of our construction sites on an almost daily basis in order to ensure that we keep site activities monitored and meet the high standards demanded of our end users.
Soft Landings
Soft landings is the process of aligning the interests of those who design and construct a building with the interests of those who use and manage it. It aims to improve client and user experiences, with reduced re-visits, and to deliver a building that performs to client expectations.
By adopting the soft landings approach, the way buildings are used, managed and maintained is integrated into the design process and also places greater emphasis on commissioning and handover. Typically, many buildings are handed over in a state of poor operational readiness and do not achieve environmental targets or end-user requirements but soft landings provide the information that is essential to inform better building design.
Post Project Review
UCL is committed to undertaking a Post Project Review (PPR) on all registered projects, however small, to maximise comfort for all building users and to understand what has worked well and what could have been done better to identify any learning and recommendations for UCL to act upon and apply on future projects and build a culture of continuous improvement.
The aim of the PPR is to ensure that buildings are performing as intended and that lessons learnt throughout the project lifecycle are documented so that learning can be applied to future UCL projects.
Post Project Review Guidelines
Document Standardisation
Standardised working processes ensure that the right quality products and materials are utilised throughout the Estates capital programme, a high level of compliance and that UCL standards are continuously improved. The team creates, updates and develops existing Estates guidance documents on UCL estates standards for our consulting and contracting partners.
Health and Safety
The team has a health and safety manager who manages and monitors UCL health and safety standards, processes, communications and the systems put in place by contractors to ensure that all health and safety responsibilities associated with UCL policy and government regulations are adhered to. The health and safety manager also takes steps to reduce UCL risk on construction projects by embedding documentation in all construction activities and ensuring that regular and appropriate reporting and inspections take place.
Moves and Decants
UCL is dedicated to maintain and improve our buildings and facilities to a high standard. On occasions, we may need to decant (move) staff and students to another building to carry out major repairs, refurbishment, modernisation or additional development. These moves could be temporarily or permanently.
Refurbishment, Development and Changes to Space