UCL's Biodiversity Strategy & Action Plan
UCL's plan to ensure the protection, enhancement and promotion of the natural environment within the estate and to provide guidance to estates managers.
UCL published its sustainability strategy reflecting the values and guiding principles set out in the 2011-21 UCL White Paper. The core aims are:
- To create a campus which supports UCL’s academic, research and enterprise activities in a sustainable way
- To enable, empower and support all UCL communities to address our environmental sustainability impacts
- To provide the education, advancement, dissemination and application of sustainable development
- To maximise the wider impact of UCLs environmental sustainability activities at local, regional, national and international level through collaboration, partnership and communications
- To become a leader across the HE sector in terms of environmental sustainability Developing a Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan will help to shape a set of deliverables against some of these aims.
This Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan will be a tool to ensure the protection, enhancement and promotion of the natural environment within the estate and to provide guidance to estates managers on the biodiversity interventions appropriate to support the planning process as the estate develops.
Last updated: Tuesday, April 16, 2024