Ground-breaking ceremony takes place for the new centre of excellence for UCL Neuroscience
24 May 2021
Ground was officially broken on Monday 17 May to mark the beginning of construction on the Institute of Neurology/Dementia Research Institute (IoN/DRI).

UCL President and Provost, Dr Michael Spence, was joined by colleagues from across UCL and other vital stakeholders, such as representatives from construction partner ISG and UCLH NHS Foundation Trust, to mark this landmark occasion. With the site covering a footprint of 17,500m2 , or roughly two and a half football pitches, this redevelopment of 256 Gray’s Inn Road will provide a brand-new centre of excellence for UCL neuroscience, bringing researchers, clinicians, and patients together.
The centre, due to be completed in 2024, will be home to the UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology, the headquarters of the UK Dementia Research Institute, and the UCLH National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery (NHNN). Providing a collaborative centre for both research and treatment will enable interdisciplinary collaborations on finding cures and therapies in the fight against neurological diseases such as Dementia.
The centre, due to be completed in 2024, will be home to the UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology, the headquarters of the UK Dementia Research Institute, and the UCLH National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery (NHNN). Providing a collaborative centre for both research and treatment will enable interdisciplinary collaborations on finding cures and therapies in the fight against neurological diseases such as Dementia.
Kevin Argent, Director of Estates Development, UCL, said: “The ground-breaking represents a significant milestone in the development of the new centre for UCL Neuroscience which will be the home for our world-leading UK Dementia Research Institute and UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology. Cutting-edge in design, highly technical with accessibility and low carbon strategies designed in, this landmark project is part of our Transforming UCL programme. The centre will offer our community an advanced research environment and ensure UCL remains a global leader in pioneering research into neurological diseases.”“

Kevin Argent, Director of Estates Development, UCL (L) with Martin Treacy MRICS, UCL Estates Development Project Manager (R) either side of the model of the Institute of Neurology/Dementia Research Institute at 256 Grays Inn Road
The site has been designed to work as an extension of the local character of Bloomsbury, whilst being built to an outstanding level by international standards. The architects Hawkins/Brown, alongside bringing their experience of co-creating Emissions Reduction Tools with UCL at the Here East site in 2018, have focused on including important details in the project such as protecting the listed façade of the former Royal Free Hospital.
Once the development is completed, it will not only provide contributions to Community Partnership Plans with local charities and organisations, but will also have several public rights of way, between the buildings including access from Calthorpe Community Gardens, to other green spaces on site. ISG the construction partner for this project, have been actively monitoring and modifying the impact of sound from site on the local community, who have contributed to the process from the early design stage, to ensure the works are not impacting the area negatively.
With the project being shortlisted for the ‘Placemaking’ category in the 2020 New London Architecture Awards and being on target for achieving an outstanding BREEAM ‘Excellent’ for environmental impact rating, the IoN/DRI is a project that will create a positive difference to people’s lives at both a global and a local level.