


UCL Security second-in-command appointed deputy of global body of senior security staff

21 January 2021

Oliver Curran, UCL Deputy Security Manager has been appointed by members of the Association of University Chief Security Officers (AUCSO) as the new Vice-Chair of AUCSO. AUCSO is the primary association for senior security professionals in higher and further education.

Ollie Curran portrait looking at camera

Oliver known as ‘Ollie’ to colleagues was elected by his fellow members of AUCSO who are all senior security staff at Universities in 24 nations across Europe, North America, Africa and Australia. 

Ollie will start his position as Vice-Chair from April 2021. Speaking about the benefits of senior Security Officers collaborating he said “Good security has always been an enabler to UCL’s success, and the success of UK universities. Creating and maintaining a safe and secure environment benefits everyone and enhances the staff and student experience. AUCSO has been driving excellence for its member institutions for over 35 years, so to be able to take a leading role in developing the association further is a tremendous honour and an exciting challenge.” Taking up this position will put UCL at the forefront of influencing security in the higher education sector globally.

UCL Security staff stand in socially distanced formation outside the front quad on Gower Street

Collaboration with partners through AUCSO helped UCL Security adapt its approach to security during changing circumstances in March 2020 when the UK entered its first national lockdown. In early March 2020 UCL Security staff joined colleagues from 30 institutions at Imperial’s new campus in White City to share information and plan for delivering effective security in a range of possible scenarios. Ahead of the return to campus UCL created a template for one-way systems which was widely shared across the higher education sector. This exchange of information has been mutually beneficial to the security of the higher education sector. Ollie explained how this dynamic is at the heart of AUCSO’s success and provides value for all its members “The AUCSO community is a strong group of like-minded individuals and we realise that collaboration is mutually beneficial to our individual institutions. Working together benefits us all. Security is not an area of direct competition. That means we always look to share best practise and support each other, whether that’s on a specific issue to an individual institution or a global issue, like Covid-19”

UCL Security were a constant presence in a campus which became much less busy at very short notice over March 2020. The security team ensured they were communicating their presence to audiences on campus and across the world. During the first lockdown AUCSO has held webinars, shared online events with members, held various virtual regional meetings. UCL Security led a Clap for Carers every week on Gower Street, starting in early May. This was a show of solidarity with carers and NHS workers across the country and the world.

Oliver Curran has been the UCL Deputy Security Manager since 2007 and currently also holds the voluntary positions of the AUCSO London Regional Chair and is a Board Member of the Security Commonwealth.