Previous projects
- Publications
Primary care micro-teams: A systematic review to describe and examine the opportunities, challenges and implications of implementation for patients and health care professionals. Charles Coombes (oral presentation at SAPC, July 2021) [available at
Jobanputra S, Singh S. What are general practitioners' views on the management of adolescents with mental health disorders? A qualitative study.
Education for Primary Care 1-2 29 May 2020 (Journal article) Author URL
Traseira R, Singh S. Exploring parents’ perceptions on the importance and feasibility of child-centred consultations of 5-11 year olds in general practice
Education for Primary Care 24 Aug 2020 (Journal article) View here: UCL Discovery
Wigmore-Sykes M, Ferris M, Singh S. Contemporary beliefs surrounding the menarche: a pilot study of adolescent girls at a school in middle England.
Educ Prim Care 1-2 28 Oct 2020 (Journal article) Author URL View here: UCL Discovery
Shah P, Koch T, Singh S. (2019) The attitudes of homeless women in London towards contraception Prim Health Care Res Dev 20:e131-e131 12 Sep 2019 (Journal article) Author URL
Does weather impact GP home visiting? (GPs get there in all weather). (2018)
Identifying barriers to diagnosing dementia: general practitioners’ perspectives. (2016)
Beclometasone for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (2013)
Impact of an intercalated BSc on medical student performance and careers: a BEME systematic review. (2013)
Qualitative exploration of sexual health in old age. (2012)
Exploring patients’ perceptions of living with psoriasis in a London General Practice. (2011)
Undergraduate research in primary care: is it sustainable? (2008)
- Presentations
2024- Barriers and facilitators of self-managing multiple long-term conditions among people of a South Asian background in the UK: A scoping review. Angela Boakye, UCL Year 4 Medical student. Presented at the UCL Primary Care Medical Education Conference.
2024- Supporting older people with care at home through virtual wards: learning from patient, carer, and healthcare professionals’ perspectives. Anita Wong, Year 4 Medical Student. Presented at the UCL Primary Care Medical Education Conference.
2024- Pain management in palliative and end of life care in older adults from ethnic minority groups: a systematic review. Lee Melo, Final Year Medical student, Lancaster University. Presented at the UCL Primary Care Medical Education Conference.
2023- What the COVID-19 Pandemic Taught us About Advanced Care Planning with Dementia Patients : a Systematic Review - Irina Lavinia Soica. Presented at the RCGP conference.
What are GPs’ views on the management of adolescents with mental health disorders? A pilot qualitative study - presented at SAPC conference Madingley Hall, Cambridge in January 2019
'You just know something's not right - what makes primary healthcare professionals suspect child abuse? A qualitative study' by Priyesh Agravat - Inspire National Intercalators’ Conference at University of Bristol (2018) – poster presentation; KCL Paediatric Society National Conference ‘Journeys’ (2018) – poster presentation; Undergraduate Research Conference for Medicine and Dentistry at Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry (2018) – poster presentation; UCL MedSoc Paediatrics Conference: Progress and Innovation in Paediatrics (2019) – poster presentation.
- Awards
2024- Total Triage model in General Practice: opportunities and challenges. Sam Rolfe, University College London (UCL), won the NIHR School for Primary Care Research (SPCR) George Lewith Prize for 2024.
'You just know something's not right - what makes primary healcare professionals suspect child abuse? A qualitative study' by Priyesh Agravat - SAPC Annual Scientific Meeting at Madingley Hall (2019) – oral presentation, prize for best student presentation; RCGP Discover GP London & the South Conference (2019) – poster presentation, first prize in scientific poster presentation
'Explaining chronic pain and utilising patient communication as a therapeutic tool' article by Kerry Wales - John Fry Prize, Royal Society of Medicine – RSM, 2018
'Something would just have to be sacrificed, either food or contraception. Contraception in homeless women in central London: a qualitative study' by Pooja Shah - The Medical Student Prize, 2017