The UCL Institute of Epidemiology and Health Care offers Homeless and Inclusion Health as both a short and taster course. This page explains the differences and answers other questions you might have about taking individual modules at UCL as a taster student.
Attendance and Assessment
Short course students are not assessed and cannot receive credit. However, they are expected to participate in any group work and presentations that form part of the module. Short course students receive a certificate of attendance on completion of the module providing they have a good attendance record.
Taster course students are assessed in the same way as MSc registered students, and their assessment results are endorsed at the programme Board of Examiners (in this case, the MSc Population Health Board of Examiners). Consequently, taster course students can later apply to the MSc Population Health programme, and potentially other UCL MSc programmes, providing they meet the entry requirements, the programme leads are willing to accept them, and they have successfully applied to transfer their taster course credits towards their MSc award by APL (Accredited Prior Learning).
The short and taster fees are set by the department. Fees for taster courses are slightly higher than the short course fees due to the assessment element.
How can I earn UCL credits?
You must successfully complete all assessments in the module(s) at the first attempt. Assessment for Homeless and Inclusion Health is a 2,000 word written report, weighted at 100%. Successful completion at postgraduate level means achieving 50% or more for the overall module mark. Upon successful completion, you can apply to MSc Population Health and, if accepted on to it, transfer your taster module(s) into UCL credits via APL.
If you wish to transfer your Homeless and Inclusion Health credits to another MSc, we advise you to first get in touch with the programme leads/administrator, to see if this would be possible.
How much credit can I bank and which taster modules can I study?
Homeless and Inclusion Health is worth 15 UCL credits. Students can 'bank':
- 50% APL towards a Postgraduate Certificate i.e. 30 credits or two 15 credit core modules
- 50% APL towards a Postgraduate Diploma i.e. 60 credits or four 15 credit modules (core or optional modules)
- 50% APL towards a MSc i.e. 90 credits or six 15 credit modules (core and optional)
Which programme does my module count towards?
Not every taster course can count towards each UCL postgraduate qualification; taster students must inform themselves which modules are required for any UCL qualification for which they may later apply and plan their taster courses accordingly. Programme diets list the modules required for each postgraduate qualification and should be referred to when planning your taster courses. Programme diets are available from the department Teaching Administrator. Taster module selections should be confirmed with the department.
How does a Taster student qualify for entry to MSc Population Health?
Successful completion of Homeless and Inclusion Health as a taster course does not automatically grant entry to MSc Population Health. To be accepted on this programme, you must apply following the standard UCL application process and meet the required standard criteria used by the Institute of Epidemiology and Health Care for postgraduate applicants. Taster students must accredit prior learning and start their postgraduate programme within 5 academic years.
How much time do I have to complete the qualification?
If the student successfully accredits their prior learning they must complete the relevant qualification within the standard time limits:
MSc one year full-time, two years part-time or 2-5 years modular flexible.
If you are interested if transferring your credit on to a PG Diploma or PG Certificate, please ask the relevant programme administrator if these are offered.
How do I apply to transfer my taster modules into UCL credits?
Complete an application for Accreditation of Prior Learning and submit the application at the same time as you apply to the MSc/PG Dip/PG Cert or as soon as possible thereafter. Please see Accredited Prior Learning for Advanced Entry to Taught Programmes in the UCL Academic Manual for UCL's regulations regarding APL.