Duration and Mode of Study
Full-time | 1 year |
Part-time | 2 years |
Flexible | 2 - 5 years |
Students undertake modules to the value of 180 credits. The programme consists of four core modules (60 credits), four optional modules (60 credits) and a research dissertation (60 credits).
How do the modes of study work?
- Three compulsory modules in Term 1 and one compulsory module in Term 2
- Four optional modules over Terms 2 and 3
- Dissertation work begins in Terms 2 and 3, and is completed over the summer
- Suggested structure for Term 1: take two out of the three complusory modules (Core Concepts, Basic Stats and Epidemiology). It does not matter which order you take these modules, but it is recommended that you take Basic Stats in the same year as Epidemiology, or you take Basic Statistics in a later year.
- Undertake the remaining compulsory module (Term 2) and your four optional modules in Terms 2 and 3 during the two years of your study. You could take up to three modules per term (in Terms 2 and 3).
- You may wish to leave Term 3 of your second year less busy to concentrate more on your dissertation.
- Dissertation work begins in Terms 2 and 3 of your second year, and is completed over the summer of Year 2.
- Flexible students can take as many or as few modules during each Term and academic year as they wish. This includes studying no modules at all, even for a whole academic year. The four compulsory and four optional modules must be completed during your time on the MSc programme.
- It is recommended that you take Basic Stats in the same year as Epidemiology, or you take Basic Statistics in a later year.
- Formal dissertation work with a supervisor will only begin in Term 2 of your designated final year, however we recommend starting your dissertation in your fourth year if possible; this gives you leeway to complete if mitigating factors arise.
The time you will spend on campus will depend on the compulosry and optional modules you choose. You may find the UCL Term Dates webpages to be useful. Please note Induction Week is usually the last week of September.
All MSc students undertake an individual research project which culminates in a dissertation of 7,500 words and a 500-word lay summary. The dissertation can include primary research, secondary data analysis, literature reviews or a project proposal in a field related to population health.
Teaching methods and assessment
The programme is taught with an emphasis on collaborative and cooperative learning to ensure that students enter the workforce capable of joining projects and programmes with a supportive network of peers. Assessment is through written assignments, unseen written examinations, projects, oral presentations, group work, and the written dissertation.