
Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care


Introduction to UCL's Skills Development Programme and the Research Student Log

The Doctoral School will be holding three Induction sessions for new research students and their supervisors on the Skills Development Programme and Research Student Log. 

The aim of the Induction is to show how the Doctoral Skills Development Programme and the Research Student Log can be used as powerful tools to enhance the quality of students' research work from the beginning of their degrees to helping them progress their project and also develop transferable skills as researchers. All Research Council funded research students are required by their funding bodies to participate in transferable skills development training to a degree equivalent to two weeks per year; all other research students are expected to undertake the same level training per year.

The Induction provides an outline of the policy on transferable skills training for doctoral students and the national Researcher Development Framework that informs our programme. The session will explain how the Research Student Log and the Skills function work together, and how students may record their academic progress and the activities in which they engage during their degree. 

There are three induction sessions which take place in October, November and January of each academic year. The sessions for 2018/19 are:

  • Session 1

    OCTOBER 2018

    Wed 17 October

    Lecture Theatre 1 (B304)
    Cruciform Building
    Gower Street
    WC1E 6BT (Map)

  • Session 2

    NOVEMBER 2018

    Mon 5 November

    XLG2 Auditorium
    Christopher Ingold Bldg
    20 Gordon Street
    WC1H 0AJ (Map)

  • Session 3

    JANUARY 2019

    Thu 31 January

    Gustave Tuck LT
    Wilkins Building
    Gower Street
    WC1E 6BT (Map)

Students need to register for only one of the Induction sessions (supervisors don't need to register). Please note, the registrations only open on the first day of term, on 24th September 2018.

From this year, the Skills Development and Log Induction Sessions will run under the auspices of the Skills Development Programme.  Please contact our Skills Development Programme Manager, Rocelle Rowe with any queries you may have (rochelle.rowe@ucl.ac.uk).