- “Investigating the unintended consequences of the use of digital health tools in primary care (DECODE).” In this study qualitative interviews are used to understand the perspectives of patients, health care professionals and technology designers about possible unintended consequences of technology used as (i) an alternative to face to face consultations, (ii) apps for management of chronic illness and (iii) giving patients access to their medical records. Fiona Stevenson, Loraine McDonagh and Fiona Hamilton are leading work from UCL. This is funded by he NIHR School for Primary Care Research.
- “Healthy Living for People with Type 2 Diabetes (HeLP-Diabetes)” is a digital self-management programme for people with type 2 diabetes, developed, evaluated and implemented into routine practice. The wants and needs of users (healthcare professionals and patients with type 2 diabetes) were explored during the development phase using focus groups and interviews as well as participatory design principles. The implementation of HeLP-Diabetes was evaluated by Jamie Ross with interviews with patients and health professionals using HeLP-Diabetes in routine practice. HeLP-Diabetes was developed at UCL by Professor Elizabeth Murray, supported by Fiona Stevenson and Jamie Ross (amongst many others) and funded by the NIHR. NHS England have taken over HeLP-Diabetes, with the aim of rolling it out across the whole of England.
- “Exploring the use of the internet as a support tool for older family carers of people with dementia”. This study developed a website aimed at supporting carers. The study used qualitative interviews with family carers and co-design methods with family carers and practitioners to develop a website. The website underwent user testing through interviews with family carers. It is led by Nathan Davies and funded by the NIHR School for Primary Care Research.