The British Regional Heart Study (BRHS) study was set up to determine the factors responsible for the considerable variation in coronary heart disease, hypertension and stroke in Great Britain. It seeks to determine the causes of these conditions in order to provide a rational basis for recommendations towards their prevention and more recently helps us to understand how health behaviours and the ageing process affect CVD in later life, and how CVD risk and cardiovascular ageing can be reduced in the elderly.
The BRHS is a prospective study in middle-aged men drawn from general practices in 24 British towns (see map), recruited in 1978-1980. A cohort of 7735 men aged 40-59, attended this first phase of data collection and have been participating through self-completion questionnaires and clinical examinations in 1998-2000 and 2010-2012, achieving a high level of participation.
To date over 500+ research papers have been published based on data collected as part of the BRHS.